Open Sneakers > Heels

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Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Chloë liked the parties at hogwarts. No, she loved them. She enjoyed the ways in which the hall was decorated differently every time. Even with the help of magic it still seemed like there always was a lot of effort put into the dances and feasts. The gryffindor also particularly enjoyed the snacks they had these parties. She often made sure not to eat to much so she would be able to head over to the snack table as much as she'd like. After delivering roses all day Chloë hadn't felt like putting on the dress she was originally going to wear and decided on an outfit she liked far better. She liked dresses, but she didn't like the idea that she'd always have to wear one to these dances. So she didn't. It was really as simple as that. She had, however, put on her favourite pink jacket on purpose. It was valentine's day after all and that meant a lot of red and a lot of pink. As soon as she had made her way into the hall the gryffindor was already thanking herself for putting on sneakers instead of trying to make her way around on heels. Her feet were already hurting so that would most definetely have killed them. Plus she was young so even if heels seemed fun, she didn't need them. She had to suppress a chuckle when one of the dressed up house elves passed her because she didn't want it to think she was laughing at it. They just looked so cute. After grabbing a snack and a something to drink Chloë sat down at a table that allowed her to clearly look around and observe people. She'd need to sit for a little while before she'd go walk around, but that didn't mean she had to be bored whilst doing that.
For a moment there, Lysander wondered if he'd manage to get all of his rose deliveries done in time for the dance. All the running around had been exhausting, even for someone like him with too much energy to simply walk everywhere. Or perhaps he was exhausted because he was that kind of person. Either way, he was happy to have managed to wrap the last rose up before it was too late. It didn't give him a lot of time to plan what to wear for the night, and the thought of spending forever trying to tie a tie, or finding someone more competent to tie it just to look fancy wasn't too appealing. It was Valentine's, and not really a Ball like it was whenever Yule rolled around, so he opted to rock some simple semi-nice clothes. Admittedly, it was lacking, so before he left his dormitory to head down to the Great Hall, he stuffed in some of the roses he'd received over the day to "accessorise". As it turned out, eight yellow roses were kind of obnoxious to have sticking out of one breast pocket, but he was over the moon about how many people had sent him flowers, and he definitely wanted to show it off.

Lysander made his way into the hall, already distracted by the petals falling on the crowd from overhead. He reached up to try and grab one, though every time he'd cupped his hand around one, it had vanished by the time he opened his hands to check. Lame. He tucked his fists into his pockets and wandered the hall in search of his friends, a part of him glad Nicole hadn't asked him to the dance too. That would have been weird, especially after Jenna had asked if they were dating now. After not immediately spotting his friends in the crowd, he realised he wasn't the only one searching for people, and sidled down on a seat next to one of his housemates. "Hey Chloë! Who are you looking for?" He asked, assuming that's why she was sitting alone and watching. Two pairs of eyes were better than one.​
Emma had gotten a bit bored of the rose deliveries by the end, but at least the dance would still be fun. The girl was excited to dance, and maybe get up to something fun with her friends again. She also hoped to eat a lot of snacks, as the ones at the Valentine's dance were always the best. She skipped into the hall, wearing an outfit she had picked especially for this dance, as it suited pretty well with the atmosphere. Emma spotted her sister with Nicole and Jenna and waved at her, before looking around for someone else to hang out with. She spotted Lysander, and headed over to him. The two of them had already spent a bit of time together as they had delivered roses, but it was nice to see him again. He spotted Chloe a bit later, when she had already approached them, but smiled and waved cheerfully at her roommate. "Please tell me you guys aren't just going to sit here all night!"
Chloë hadn't been at the table for long before she was already joined by someone else. She looked to her side to find Lysander there and smiled at him. "Hi!" She happily greeted him before answering his question. "No one in particular really. I just like watching everyone come in and see what they're wearing. Most of them look so fancy." Her answer automatically made her take a better look at what he was wearing. She was glad to see that she wasn't the only one who ahd gone all out, although there was one thing about him that was pretty hard to miss. "Did you get all of those?" She asked curiously as she tried to count the roses in his pocket. There had to be like seven or eight all stuffed in there together. Definitely a lot. Chloë's attention was soon after redirect to someone approaching them and she happily waved back at her roommate. "Definitely not!" She answered Emma's question. "I'm just giving my feet some rest before heading out to explore." The gryffindor wiggled her feet in the air for a second as she spoke."Or dance!" She excitedly added. No, sitting down the entire time would be definitely be a waste of the dance. After all there were still more snacks to eat, people to talk to, dances to do and fun to have.
Lysander turned his head back to the crowd to take more of a look at some of the outfits people were wearing, now that Chloë had pointed them out. There were a lot of great looks, far better than what he'd thrown together, but the longer he looked, the more he spotted who seemed to be in more or less the same boat. "Most of them." He agreed with a small snort. Ajaccio's hair was wild, and Wendall looked as if he'd thrown on any regular shirt in his closet. It was funny to see the differences between them and the guys wearing suits, or the girls in long dresses. He turned back to Chloë, before immediately lowering his eyes to the roses in his pocket. "Yep, all for me!" He told her, gently pushing down one that had stuck a bit too far above the others over the course of the evening. "It's crazy, I didn't think I'd get so many. Even the leader of the Wild Patch sent me one for helping out in the gardens. I'm her knight." He continued, grinning proudly at his own accomplishment. Asking to be a knight to the queen of flowers had been a long shot, and he was happy to be able to protect the gardens for her, even if it was only from gnomes. The title was very cool too, like a real hero. He glanced up from his little pocket garden as Emma joined them and smiled, nodding in agreement with Chloë. He hadn't noticed she was only wearing sneakers before, which only looked further out of place compared to the shoes most of the girls were wearing, but he thought she was pretty smart to pick shoes that were easier to dance in. "I'm down to dance!" He offered. He'd planned on finding Wendall to dance with, but by the looks of things he was already busy with Jenna, and he didn't really want to interrupt. Jenna had said earlier that they were only friends, but it felt like an inevitable waiting game to see when they'd become boyfriend and girlfriend.​
Emma looked at the roses Lysander had with him and frowned a bit. "Did you really get all of those?" She asked him, feeling a little jealous. "Why did you get so many?" She demanded, wondering if it was because of his dad's connections as a professor. Emma had only gotten three. But she was soon distracted from those thoughts when it became clear both other Gryffindors wanted to dance as much as she did. Emma grinned at Chloe, then at Lysander. "Let's dance and then eat our weight in snacks!" She said excitedly, jumping up and down. "C'mon, get off your lazy butts!" She called, starting to head to the dance floor. She twirled in place and then beckoned them to join her. This would be fun!
Chloë couldn't help but let out a little chuckle herself at his words. It was funny to see how some people went all out for these things and some just.. didn't. Not that she was one to judge seeing as she didn't put a lot of effort in herself this time. Comfort is good as well right? Anyways she'd have plenty more oppertunities to dress up in the years to come so couldn't exactly be bothered by it. "Man, that's a lot." She nodded approvingly when he did in fact confirm that he had gotten all of the roses. She figured as much, but who knew? He could've just taken a couple extra to add to his look. Getting so many roses must be nice though. She herself had received one rose and even getting that single rose had made her feel quite happy. "You're a knight? That is cool." Chloë honestly responded when Lysander said he was some sort of knight. It did make her wonder what his duties would be though, but nevertheless just having the title sounded pretty cool to her. "I'm in!" The gryffindor jumped up from her chair at Emma's words. She could feel her legs and feet still being pretty tired, but at this point she didn't care anymore. They had been resting for long enough and a little bit of general fatigue wasn't going to stop her from having fun! Once again happy that she had put on her sneakers Chloë looked back at Lysander to see if he was following and moved further onto the dancefloor towards Emma. "Okay, show me your best moves!" She smiled when she reached the other girl.
Lysander couldn't help the vaguely smug smile plastered on his face when Emma asked why he had so many roses. "Because I'm super cool and popular." He playfully teased. In all honesty it had surprised him the most, to receive so many while he was busy running around trying to give roses to other people. He was glad that Chloë seemed impressed by his knighthood, too. He took it very seriously, even though not a lot of other people seemed to. Lysander jumped to his feet when Emma lead the way to the dancefloor. Who could say no to dancing and eating? He joined the other two, bopping from side to side to the beat, a small part of him wondering if he should bust out some of his favourite muggle moves. Nicole hadn't seemed too enthusiastic about them when he'd offered to show her during the ball, so he decided to keep it to himself for now, and see what everyone else was doing. Aside from internet trends he'd learned from his friends, he didn't actually know how to dance properly at all.​
Emma was a little jealous of all the roses Lysander had gotten, and she scowled at them for a second. Then she stuck out her tongue when Lysander said he was super cool and popular. "Sure." She said, joking back. As Chloe told her to show her her best moves, Emma took the challenge very seriously. She started jumping around and twirling wildly to the music, throwing her hands in the air with a cheer. Emma did not care about taking up too much space with her dancing, barely managing not to hit a few other students with her movements.
Chloë chuckled when Emma started to start dancing very enthousiastically after she challenged her to show them her best moves. The girl came very close to hitting some of the other students at times and Chloë couldn't help but to laugh, before she decided to join her dormmate in wildly, and happily, jumping around. It was very different from the graceful ballet movements she was used to, but she thoroughly enjoyed it. "This is fun!" She laughed as she wondered whether she should bust out some of the weird dances her brother had once taught her. She could also show them some ballet moves, but that might not entirely fit the scene. The gryffindor turned to Lysander when she noticed he was kind of just standing there. "C'mon, I know you can do better than that." She slightly raised her eyebrow at him. From what she had seen and heard of him he was supposed to have a lot of energy, so the probability of this being his best moves was very slim. "Show us your moooves!"
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