Slytherin Quidditch Practice

Everyone seemed to be doing everything they could to get the most points. Leda felt a bit bad for their keeper though who was the only one who had technically failed at his job, but it was different playing your own team as it also just meant you had a good chaser. The fifth year was still circling the pitch trying to find snitch, wondering if she'd even be lucky enough to see it for a second time at all.
Odette hadn't noticed Jasper doing anything, but nodded at Luna's words and decided to keep an eye on him. "Take a break if you need it." She said in a kinder voice. "I'll have a chat with Jasper later about teamwork." She sighed. Had it been too much to ask to have no drama at this practice? She watched as Luna followed Jasper, then flew over to a nearby bludger. She hit it, but didn't hit any of the players.
Jasper could hear that Luna was talking to the captain but didn't pay attention to what they were saying. He flew over to the hoops with confidence, looking behind him once to see her following him. He stuck out his tongue at her, then turned forward again to see where he was going. He arrived at the hoops and threw the quaffle. His grin fell as he noticed he was way off, his quaffle falling short of the goal.
Luna watched as Jasper went for goal again and missed. She scooped up the quaffle when it was thrown back into play. "Charge me this time and I'll shove my wand where the sun doesn't shine," She winked and flew off toward the other hoops.
Mordred was easily able to catch the quaffle this time which felt good. He quickly threw it back into play and watched as Luna caught it.
At first Sapphire meant to ignore Odette. She was fine. But when her shaky swing missed the bludger she went after, she decided maybe the captain had a point. She wouldn't stay down long though. She got a drink when she hit the ground. She took a moment to breath and shake out her limbs before grabbing her broom and taking back off into the air. She could do this!

Blake liked to stay focused on his task while he played, but it was hard to miss a girl almost falling off her broom completely. Blake pulled up to watch, rolling his eyes while the girls all chattered and squabbled, and Sapphire went to take a break. Blake still wasn't used to playing on a team with girls, and he thought they were really pretty silly about a lot of stuff. He had no doubt an all boys Slytherin team wouldn't have these kinds of problems. Once the distraction was over Blake threw himself back into the search though, determined to pull ahead of the other seeker again, and it wasn't long before the snitch came into view once more, a distant fluttering not far at all from Blake. Delighted by his luck, Blake pulled his broom around and shot towards the ball, catching it handily and holding it up to show Odette. "Got it again!" He called out, and flew a triumphant loop-de-loop before releasing the snitch once more. This was how a real Quidditch player did it.
Leda was vaguely aware of some of the players arguing, by what caught her attention was Blake catching the snitch and once again putting himself ahead of her. She was three years older than him and this was just embarrassing. Keeping an eye out as to where he let it go, Leda darted off off in the hopes of catching up with it.
Sapphire was having a hard time getting back into it. She swung again and missed. Sighing, she scrubbed her hands over her face. Okay, time to try again. She took off again after the bludger. She would get it next time
After giving the snitch what felt like a good headstart, Blake gripped his broom and took off in search again, noting that Leda had flown closer. Probably trying to learn a few tips from him, Blake thought to himself, and flew up, away from the girl in the search to find the snitch again.
Leda was confused as to why Blake was flying away from the snitch, but at least it gave her a chance to go after it. Loving herself on her broom she shot after the ball, hoping she’d gone able to grab it before the younger boy.
Still following the snitch and watching out for any bludgers headed her way, Leda pressed on in the hopes of equalising their score once more. She’d been on the team for three years and had yet to win a cup, it was time to show the others what they could do.
Sapphire was determined to pull herself back together. She shot between Jasper and a bludger, careful to keep her grip as she shot the bludger away. This time, she hit it straight at Blake. The younger seeker had been getting on her nerves. He'd been a bit too full of himself. He should be able to work off a bludger hit if he was as good as he thought he was. Right?
Leda watched as one of the bludgers soared past her broom, headed instead for another player on the pitch. She glanced to see that it had been hit by Sapphire, and given that she had saved her earlier, didn't believe herself to be the intended target. She flew faster still, making use of the available time unharmed.
Odette had no idea what to make of Blake Irons as he caught the snitch yet again. She had stubbornly explained away every single catch to beginners luck so far, but it was getting harder and harder to believe that. "Good job!" She told him, not sure what else to say about it. She was amazed by the amount of points the team was earning, and could only hope the match would even be a little bit as good as this. She flew around for a while and watched the practice, then noticed Sapphire hitting a bludger at Blake. She was on a roll too. "You okay?" She called to Blake as she chased the bludger. She managed to hit it and hit it in Sapphire's direction. One of the only other people on the field with a bat. She wondered if Sapphire would manage to hit it away from her, but then saw the bludger hit her.
Bludgers we’re flying left right and centre round the Slytherin, who decides the best thing to do was fly on the outside edge of the pitch to chase after the golden ball. The last thing she needed was to be taken out completely and she hoped Sapphire hadn’t taken a hit too hard.
Sapphire was chasing after the bludger when she heard something. She turned her head in time to see the bludger coming for her. She swung, but her aim was off by just a hair. The ball flew right under her arm and smacked her in the ribs. She hissed, cursing silently before taking off after the thing again.
All in all, Leda had been lucky not to get hit yet. She called out to Sapphire to see if she was okay, hoping that her injuries wouldn’t effect her playing. She’s done well to protect Leda so far and with any luck she’d be out on the pitch with them too. Despite their differences and her history with Mervyn, she was close to calling the girl her friend.
Blake couldn't see any sign of the snitch, totally focused on his own mission as he circled the pitch. He tuned the rest of the players out, forgetting there was any chance of any of them having anything to do with him, until there was a ball heading very fast in his direction, and it was too late to get out of the way. Yelping, Blake cried out as the bludger hit him, hard. It was difficult to keep grip on his broom but he managed, biting back tears as he pulled away from the ball quickly. It had hurt a lot, and Blake was angry now, wishing he could hit a bludger back at the girl who had hit him just to spite her. There was nothing he could do though, so he bit back the pain and anger as he ignored Odette calling out to him, and turned it to his search for the snitch.
Sapphire was startled when Leda asked if she was alright. She shrugged, uncertain but still pleased the other girl cared. "Yeah, I've had worse." Sapphire gave her a cheeky smile before zooming off after the bludger. She came up on it too fast and missed her swing. Cursing under her breath she shot off after it again.
Leda nodded towards a Sapphire but kept moving. As much as the younger seeker was getting on her nervous, she was glad he ant falle off his broom with the impact either. Taking the chance while he was distracted she continued after the ball.
Blake's shoulder burned and throbbed, and the pain had made him change his grip enough that if he didn't focus his broom would list off to the left. It was frustrating but Blake did his best to keep it together, trying not to let any of the pain show on his face as he continued to circle the pitch, not paying attention to anything but his hopes of seeing the snitch again.
As Leda circled the pitch she lost sight of the snitch. Irritated, she paused in the air to take a look around, curious whether the chasers were still getting any goals. It would have been nice if the bludgers aimed for them sometimes too rather than the seekers, but it was understandable why the latter would be targeted more often. Narrowing her eyes, Leda took off again in the hopes of finding the ball.
Odette felt a bit bad when the bludger hit Sapphire, as she had just had a scare about nearly falling off her broom. It seemed like Slytherin practices were destined to be bloody. Odette just hoped that meant they could bring this to the game too. She really wanted to knock October Alcott off her broom. That would certainly be satisfying.
With the sun shining down on them, Leda spotted a glint in the sky and wasted no time rushing off towards it, trying not to make it obvious to Blake that she’d seen anything. Leda was pleased she’d invested in a new broom this year, it was certainly doing her justice now it came down to it.

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