Slytherin Quidditch Practice

Sapphire cursed as she swung too wide again. She was really getting soft. She buckled down on her broom, ignoring the pain in her ribs as she shot after the stupid ball.
Blake was starting to get frustrated at how long it was taking him to find the snitch again. He circled the pitch as he searched, flying low to see if he would have more luck further down.
Mordred kept his eyes on the chasers, and he was making sure to avoid any bludgers. He wanted to make sure that Odette didn't regret putting him on the team. He had missed his first goal, but this time he was ready.
Blake suppressed a groan to himself as he completed a full lap of the pitch, not having seen anything. He flew high, abandoning the lower areas of the pitch, and kept searching for the skies for any hint of gold.
Leda was trying not to get frustrated as she continued after the snitch. Why had it found her easily earlier on? The fifth year glanced around to see if there was a better way to approach and turned her broom slightly, hoping to cover a wide angle.
Whatever luck she had seemed to have disappeared when she almost fell off her broom. She cursed as she swung a split second too late to hit the ball. She wasn't about to give up, though. She shot after the bludger.
Leda was starting to tire, her back aching from being in the air so long. The only benefit was that so far she’d managed to avoid catching a bludger with her bones. She supposed it could have been worse and at least she wasn’t headed for the hospital wing yet.
The fluttering noise that made its way into Blake's ear was unmistakable and he whipped his broom around quickly, certain the snitch must be nearby. He must have startled it though, Blake thought in dismay, as he barely glimpsed the last shimmer of the ball flying away from him. Blake shot up afterwards, but he had already lost sight of the snitch again, and groaned in frustration.
It seemed as though the whole pitch as having the same amount of luck. Leda continued her search for the snitch, hoping she'd get a least once more before the end of the practise.
Seeker was a difficult role to have on the team, and Leda knew she was depended on to win for them. That didn’t mean she would have preferred a different position though and she couldn’t imagine herself as a beater or chaser. She continued to fly round the pitch, urging the snitch to show itself.
Blake decided to loop around and fly in the opposite direction around the pitch, wondering if he would see anything new from that angle. The snitch was completely evading him, and he was definitely getting frustrated now. What had happened to him? Seeking was usually so easy!
As he waited for the chasers, he watched as the seekers were stumped on how to get the snitch.
Leda dodges another bludger in her path, keeping her head low and learning forward to move fast.
At this point, Blake was about frustrated enough to punch something. He was a great seeker, he had never had this much trouble finding the snitch before. What had happened to all the natural talent he had started playing with?! Blake grumbled to himself quietly under his breath as he continued to fly around the pitch.
Odette could tell practice was getting frustrating for her players, and she was getting a bit frustrated as well. The chasers weren't really managing anything so far, and they really needed to do better in the actual match. She decided to keep going for a bit longer, but not too much.
They were all having as much luck as each other. Swiping the hair out of her face, Leda looked around in frustration for the snitch.
With any luck, Syrus would have as much trouble as she when it came to Gryffindors match. She was glad they would at least beat them this year but she wanted to see that boy go down after this threatening comment he shot in her direction a few days ago.
Keeping his grip on his broom, Blake did his best to keep looking out for the snitch, though at this point he really just felt like punching something.
At this rate neither seeker would end up catching the snitch for the end of practise. It would have been a miracle if they actually caught up to it now.
Blake's heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of a glimmer of gold, gripping his broom as he shot towards it across the pitch. His heart sank though, as he realised it had just been sunlight reflecting off the stands. Groaning in annoyance, Blake turned his broom around, flying a few angry loops to try and burn off some frustration.
OOCOut of Character:
now that the match has begun I'm closing practice!

Odette ended the practice, feeling a bit mixed about it all. It had been good to practice as a team, and she was proud of her seekers. But some of the other players needed a bit of practice. Odette tried her best to be positive, but she was very nervous about the match. Hopefully they would succeed.

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