Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y43 S2

Avery couldn't have predicted another bludger so soon. He'd barely had time to look away from the last one when the next hit him square in the chest, and he winced in pain.
Ive dodged a dummy.
It had only taken her half of practice, but Celia finally felt like she was in control of the bludgers. She surveyed the pitch and saw @Atlas James-Cade flying in the distance. It would be a tricky shot, but Celia knew as soon as she hit the bludger that she would make it. She was right.

Atlas x5
Avery x4
Celia x3
Indira x4
Ivelisse x4
Lennox x4
Lucie x4
Mischa x4
Natalia x4
Seamus x4
Mish was starting to get a bit how and sweaty now and boy did that suck.
Celia lined up her next shot and watched it soar straight for @Indira Khatri.

Atlas x5
Avery x4
Celia x3
Indira x5
Ivelisse x4
Lennox x4
Lucie x4
Mischa x4
Natalia x4
Seamus x4
Ivelisse thought she saw something and flew off into its general direction.
Celia chased a bludger halfway across the pitch before smacking it towards @Lennox Addison.

Atlas x5
Avery x4
Celia x3
Indira x5
Ivelisse x4
Lennox x5
Lucie x4
Mischa x4
Natalia x4
Seamus x4
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Ive continued flying in the direction she thought she had seen the snitch go.
Mischa looked for another bludger
Seamus was finally able to hit another bludger and sent it right for the captain.
@Celia Vuong
Atlas x5
Avery x4
Celia x3
Indira x5
Ivelisse x4
Lennox x5
Lucie x4
Mischa x4
Natalia x4
Seamus x4
Celia was just about to hit another bludger when the other one slammed into her back, causing her to double over in pain. She hoped Seamus planned on hitting his twin this hard during the game.
Indi grabbed the quaffle and tucked it tightly under her arm. The beaters weren't holding back today, not that she would expect them too, and her body ached. But she picked up her speed as she made her way around the pitch.
Ive lost sight of the snitch.
Even with the burses she knew were starting to form, Indi had no trouble making another goal. Was Lucie even trying?
Ivelisse would be lying if she said she wasn't starting to get a little tired. Especially after those bludger hits. Her face would never show it though and she just pushed on.
Celia was feeling very sore, but she knew she had to keep going. They would have the best shot at getting second place if they could drag out the match against Ravenclaw and give the chasers time to rack up points. To do that, she needed to knock as many people out as she could. Celia dodged a couple of her teammates and dummies to catch up with a bludger, which she sent spiraling towards @Lucie Vernier.

Atlas x5
Avery x4
Celia x4
Indira x5
Ivelisse x4
Lennox x5
Lucie x5
Mischa x4
Natalia x4
Seamus x4
Mischa failed to hit a bludger.
Celia frowned at the seekers. It had been a while since either of them had caught the snitch. She was going to send a bludger their way when she spotted @Mischa Falter-Butera flying nearby, so she decided to send it his way instead.

Atlas x5
Avery x4
Celia x4
Indira x5
Ivelisse x4
Lennox x5
Lucie x5
Mischa x5
Natalia x4
Seamus x4

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