Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y43 S1

Ive was starting to feel like the snitch was just hiding somewhere they couldn't reach.
Celia hit a bludger and watched it soar towards @Natalia Novak.

Atlas x2
Avery x3
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Lennox x2
Lucie x3
Mischa x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x2
Ive kept looking.
He had his eyes focused on another bludger and failed to notice the one Celia had hit at him. He only noticed once it had smacked into his shoulder, huffing as he rubbed at the spot with his free hand. That had hurt.
Ive did not see the snitch.
The bludger hits were piling up, but Natalia knew better than to complain. She kept going to the hoops and managed to score again.
Shaking off the bludger, Mischa went to look for one to hit himself.
Seamus was a little worried as Celia hit person after person that no one would make it out of this practice without needing to visit a nurse.
Ive searched.
Zeroing in on a bludger, Mish grinned as he made contact, watching the bludger shoot off towards @Celia Vuong. If she could hit bludgers at him, then he saw no reason why he couldn't hit them at her.

Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Lennox x2
Lucie x3
Mischa x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x2
Celia had glanced towards the chasers to track their progress, so she didn't notice the bludger until it was too late. It slammed into her hip, causing her to curse under her breath. She glanced up and followed its trajectory back to Mischa. The kid was clearly talented. Celia flew after the bludger and sent it to @Seamus Reid as a warning of sorts. He needed to play better or risk losing his spot to a 13 year old.

Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Lennox x2
Lucie x3
Mischa x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Seamus groaned as he was hit with another bludger. He knew it was Celia without even looking.
Ivelisse searched a little closer to the ground.
He was getting some good hits in, so he was rather pleased with himself. But he was still hungry for more, shooting off to find another bludger to hit.
Natalia grabbed the quaffle again, looking around to see if there was anyone to pass it to.
Celia caught up with a bludger and tried to send it towards Ivelisse, but she hit it at an awkward angle, and it spun off towards @Indira Khatri

Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x2
Lennox x2
Lucie x3
Mischa x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Spotting another bludger, Mischa raised his bat and smacked it across the pitch, grinning as it went right for @Ivelisse Burleigh.

Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Lennox x2
Lucie x3
Mischa x3
Natalia x3
Seamus x3
Ivelisse gritted her teeth when a third bludger slammed into her but tried her best to keep acting like it didn't bother her. Even if she could still feel the dull ache from the previous ones.
Celia couldn't help smiling when Ivelisse got hit. At least one of the new team members was doing well. She glanced over at Lennox and frowned, deciding the girl would be next on her hit list.
Natalia didn't see any other chasers nearby so attempted to score again. It went into the middle hoop with ease. She was starting to feel a little bad for Lucie.
With one more hit under his belt, Mischa searched for another bludger.

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