Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y43 S1

Avery was close. His fingertips brushed the snitch, just as a bludger passed in front of him. He could feel the metal ball graze the fabric of his shirt, and he jumped, startled, leaning back with the snitch in hand. He’d surprised himself, not realising he’d managed to snag it, before releasing it once more.
Celia's eyes widened when Avery managed to catch the snitch despite nearly getting hit by a bludger. She would have to make this more difficult for him.
Indi saw an opening so she grabbed the quaffle again.
As a believer in negative reinforcement, Celia generally tried to avoid hitting bludgers at players who were doing well. However, she also needed to make sure her teammates were sufficiently challenged, especially the seekers. So Celia smashed the next bludger she came across towards @Avery Lancaster.

Atlas x2
Avery x3
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Lennox x2
Lucie x2
Mischa x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x2
With the last bludger having just flown by him, Avery felt he had a brief minute to not have to look over his shoulder. He was wrong, as moments later another flew toward him - and managed to hit him. He’d barely had a chance to let the snitch go and now, winded, he tried to keep an eye on it as it flew away.
It didn't take long for her to make her way around the pitch and approach the hoops just again. She almost wanted to take it easy on Lucie but where was the fun in that? Without any hesitation she threw it right through the middle hoop and grinned as it when right through.
Celia hit another bludger at @Lucie Vernier for failing to block Indi's shot.

Atlas x2
Avery x3
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Lennox x2
Lucie x3
Mischa x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x2
The bludger hit stung but Natalia kept going, she grabbed the quaffle once it was thrown back into play.
Mischa flew around in search of a bludger.
Ive searched.
Ive flew a little higher in the hopes of getting a better view.
Mischa went to hit another bludger, but once again it veered off course
Ive did the same.
Celia was absolutely putting both other beaters to shame, and Mish wasn't going to have that, desperately looking around for another bludger to try and hit.
Ivelisse dodged a rogue bludger as she flew over the stands.
Mish aimed for another bludger, but he missed.
Avery frowned, thinking he’d spotted something, but it turned out to be nothing.
Celia was growing tired of aiming for chasers. Hitting them was too easy. She glanced towards the beaters and decided to send another bludger towards @Mischa Falter-Butera, curious to see whether he would successfully manage to hit someone with it again.

Atlas x2
Avery x3
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Lennox x2
Lucie x3
Mischa x3
Natalia x2
Seamus x2

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