Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y36/S1

Blake van Houten

⚡competitive⚡finally free⚡ ⚡macaws seeker⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lars) (Gay
Laurel Wand 12 1/2" with Phoenix Tail Feather
8/2036 (27)

Blake couldn't have waited to get down to the pitch if he had tried. He'd arrived practically an hour early, eager to kick things off and start his career in the spotlight on a high. Last year... was nothing. Everyone would forget about last year soon enough, as long as he could get back to his usual form as quickly as possible. It was a relief to Blake that nobody had even bothered trying out for his spot. He didn't know if he would have wanted an alternate seeker if they had gotten anyone asking. Obviously, he was the best, no need for a runner up. Best in the biz, that was him. He spent the hour before practice just warming up... jogging around the pitch, doing a few push ups, just generally getting psyched out of his mind for what was no doubt going to be remembered as the practice of a lifetime. He only stopped working out once people started to arrive, greeting them with looks that clearly said 'why weren't you just working out?' as the rest of the team filtered in.

((Practice will start in a day or so, just arrivals for now!))
Maddox hadn't actually expected to make the team, even as an alternative, so as he found himself on the pitch with his new teammates he was excited and curious about how this would work. Would he be expected to practise even though he may not have even been playing in the real game? He waited for the rest of them to begin, and hoped the Captains would be able to fill him in. He wanted to find out as much about school as he could, and quidditch was no exception.
Luna had half considered not bothering with Quidditch she was in such a foul mood over the whole thing. Blake as captain, what had Leda been thinking. Luna made her way onto the pitch dressed in her practice robes and with her broom over her shoulder. She didn't make eye contact with the so called 'captain' as she didn't trust herself not to say something. The fact Blake hadn't tried out for his position, it had just been given to him had made her blood boil, even if there was no one to challenge him.
Sapphire wasn't sure about this at all. She was sure no one would respect Blake, and he hardly seemed like the leader type. She would need to find a way around that because she wouldn't be here next year to counteract his damage. She wasn't surprised to find Blake there already, or his apparent lack of interest in actually leading. She took position next to Blake, the gears in her mind whirling as she tried to figure out what she was going to do for the team.
Derek arrived at the pitch ready to get started. He trusted Sapphire and really that was all that mattered. He wouldn't be on the team after this year so he just needed to ensure that this year he did well and then the next would be fine. He looked towards the captains and waited for the moment that they could kick off. He was so eager for it. A bit of practice would be a hell of a lot of fun.
Daintree as a full member of the team was feeling pretty proud of himself, he couldn't wait for the opportunity to actually get to play. This was what he'd been waiting for for a while, and boy was he ready. He got to the quidditch pitch and waited as the few others arrived for things to get officially started.
Paige wasn't all too happy with her current position on the team, as she thought that she had done a much better job than all the others, but at least she was actually on the team this time. She nodded her head at the others when she joined them on the pitch, patiently waiting for the captains to start.
Jasper was feeling pretty grumpy about having to listen to Blake. Leda had made a weird choice in picking him, or maybe it had been Liam. Jasper hadn't wanted it for himself, he didn't think he should be in charge of anything, but surely he'd be better than Blake. He shot the boy a glare as he waited for the practice to begin, crossing his arms as he looked towards Sapphire. She was the true captain, as far as he was concerned.
Sapphire looked over everyone, folding her arms over her chest. "Alright, listen up. I'm not going to mince words and I don't like repeating myself. Derek and I are leaving next year. Pay attention to me. This team, we're family. We work together. We stand together. We're strong together." She let her eyes wander over everyone. "I know one thing, if we're strong, and we work together, we can take the world."

She gave a smile to everyone. "Paige, I need you on the hoops today. This is a dangerous game, we need to be flexible in every position, any of us can be taken out. Mo, take the left goals. Paige, the right. Everyone else- Game on." She opened the trunk, throwing the balls into play before taking off on her broom.
Blake stood around as the team filtered in, mostly just greeting them with a raised hand or a nod. Today would be a definite test of their mettle, to see whether they would still play their hardest with a change of leadership. He let Sapphire take the lead on starting the practice, arms folded as he stood by her and let her encourage the team. Blake didn't really have anything to add, he knew the rest of the team knew the burden they held. Slytherin had a powerful reputation as champions, and it was up to them to carry that forward and win the cup again. As the balls were released he mounted his broom and kicked off, shooting into the air and beginning his search for the snitch.
Paige straightened herself as soon as Sapphire began to speak to the team, eager to that started and show them why they had been wrong in making her an alternate. Said eagerness quickly faded away, however, when Sapphire said that she was to play keeper for today's practice. After giving both captains a look that said 'are you kidding me?' Paige threw her bat to the side and stepped away from the group to mount her broomstick and fly up into the air towards the assigned hoops.
Listening to Sapphire and ignoring Blake, Luna mounted her broom and kicked off, quickly grabbing the quaffle as the balls were released.
Blake circled the pitch as the practice kicked into action, searching the sky for the snitch and trying to just tune out the rest of the players. Whatever they were doing, he was the only one who really mattered.
Mordred flew into the air and to the left hoops. He was feeling a bit queasy, but he was sure that it would go away soon enough.
Blake kept flying on, holding onto his broom as he searched the sky for any sign of the snitch.
Derek followed the other chaser as they caught the ball and headed towards the hoops. Keen for an occasion to try and score.
Daintree was eager to get started, so he shot up into the air the moment he could and began looking for a bludger to hit.
Mordred sighed as he watched to see who would come to where he was. He wanted to get as much out of this practice as he could. He should have given Paige some encouragement before he had flown to where he was now, but that did not matter at the moment.
As Luna got near the hoops she threw the quaffle in an attempt to score but it was easily saved. It wasn't a good start to practice for her.
Jasper sighed as he listened to Sapphire's speech. She was doing all the work, but Jasper was not going to think of Blake as family. Once the balls were released, he mounted his broom and tried to grab the quaffle. But annoyingly, Luna got to it first. He followed her and grinned when she failed to score. He grabbed the quaffle and flew to the other hoops with it tucked under his arm, where the new alternate was waiting to defend the goal.
Paige readied herself once the noticed that one of the Chasers was now heading towards her with the Quaffle. She had zero confidence that she would be able to stop him from scoring but she was stuck playing this position so had to at least give it a try.
Sapphire was eager to get practice started, keeping an eye on the others. She shot after a bludger that wandered too close, smacking it right into @Daintree Vaskevold. She planned to hit each of the new team members at least once, preparing them for a real game. It was a bit harsh, as for as methodology went, she supposed, but she needed to make sure everyone on the team could take a hit and still keep going. If luck stayed with her, anyway.
Daintree was not particularly happy when all of a sudden he was hit hard by a bludger. He frowned and spotted that it was Sapphire. He wasn't particularly happy but just moved on trying to find his own. Perhaps he could get his own back.
EDIT: Mordred was pleased when Paige caught the quaffle. He remained alert
Sapphire shot Daintree a small smile, finding another bludger and knocking it into @Derek Tahana instead.

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