Semester Two Shenanigans

Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
Hiii all! I am back and ready to plot!

I apologise for not being as active on the site! I know there have been threads that I haven't been able to reply to, real-life has been a bit hectic and I've sorta lost the inspiration to write! But I am back for semester two, I am ready to plot and start fresh! (Well, very slowly so please bare with me)

I'll only offer a selective few of my students and pre-sorted students as I want to focus on them more, before focusing on the rest of my characters.

Feel free to PM me or message me on discord if you rather want to discuss anything there!


Valencia Addington
5th Year | Muggleborn
Valencia is a fifth year and has been selected as prefect this year. Valencia is still figuring out stuff about her being a muggleborn and prefers the muggle world over the magical world. She loves astronomy and always has a nose in a book. Even though she has a slightly better understanding of the magical world, she pretty much decided that magic isn't for her and that the muggle world is much better. Though I would love to see her try and be influenced to like magic.

NEEDS: Friends (she barely has any and I would love for her to have some more), drama, anything really​

Nolan Burke
4th Year | Mixed Blood
Nolan is pretty much still figuring himself out. When he tried the spin the bottle, he felt that he learnt about himself a little, he's slowly getting the idea that he likes boys, but still totally isn't sure. Nolan is still into music, so he'll still be found somewhere playing his guitar. He also still has problems with his mother and they have been arguing a lot more recently, especially during the break, which has put a slight strain on their relationship.

NEEDS: Flings, crushes short-term relationships, anything that would help him figure out his sexuality, friends, anything really​

Molly Burke
3rd Year | Mixed Blood
Molly is pretty much the same. Very giggly and happy everywhere she goes. She's quite loud and can be annoying sometimes. Molly is quite imaginative and gullible. She will believe anything you say even if it may not be true at all but will eventually figure out that its not true. Molly doesn't like drama at all, but me being a little evil would love to add some sort of drama to her life. Whether it be fake friends or some bullies here and there, I am totally up for anything. I would love for her to experience crushes too!

NEEDS: Drama, Friends, Crushes, Anything really​

Abigail Payne
2nd Year | Unknown
Abby is my quiet artistic girl. I haven't really done much with her (that's my fault for not being inspired enough) but I would love to do more with her. Abby isn't really a social person, she doesn't like crowds and much prefers to have a few friends around her. Abby likes to do all kinds of art, so you may see her always doing something related to art. She's also observant and likes anything paranormal-related.

NEEDS: Friends, strengthen/develop friendships, anything really​

Joshua Lynch
1st Year | Muggleborn
Joshua is my loud and energetic firstie. He's really new to magic and would love to learn and explore the magical world. Josh has a bad habit of asking a lot of questions, especially when it comes to the magical world. Josh is really into sports! He's heard about quidditch a couple of time from his classmates and would love to know more about this magical sports. He's quite chaotic and doesn't mind breaking the rules, especially when influenced to. He also loves video games and dance.

NEEDS: friends, anything really, bad influence threads, anything​


Conan Burke
10 turning 11 (Y42) | Mixed Blood
Conan is the younger brother of Nolan and Molly. Conan collects shells and has a whole heap of shoe boxes that have many different shells in them. He is also always seen carrying a shoe box. Conan is very dedicated to his shell collection. He also loves to be outside, always playing outside whether it be in his backyard or at the park. He much prefers the outdoors. He always has band-aids around his fingers and hands, as he is always scratching himself while he's outside. Even though Conan is quiet, he can also be quite mischievous. He likes to break the rules as well as do pranks.

NEEDS: Friends, friends he'd go to hnz with, prank threads of the sort, anything​

Marley Pattinson
8 turning 9 (Y44) | Unknown
Marley is the adoptive daughter of Jess' character, Killian Taylor. Marley has been in New Zealand for a couple of years now, and she enjoys it very much, even though it's a bit different from what she is used to. Marley is very creative and likes to make things, like make jewellery and draw, even though she currently isn't the greatest at it. She is very talkative and energetic. She will put her opinions out there, even though people might not want to hear them. She can also be quite stubborn, it will take her a while to state that she's in the wrong. She can be irresponsible sometimes too. Huge tomboy too.​
NEEDS: friends, friends she'd go to hnz with, anything​

Fiona Burke
7 turning 8 (Y45) | Mixed Blood
Fiona is the youngest sibling out of the Burke family. Much like Conan, she loves the outdoors. She likes to play in the sand or on the swings. Though she is quite the opposite of her sister, Molly. Fiona doesn't mind getting dirt all over her. She doesn't mind getting messy at all. Fiona doesn't like the colour pink or princesses like her sister does. She likes sports, dragons and anything else that is the total opposite from what her sister likes. She's recently learnt that she likes the idea of painting and drawing, though she isn't sure if that's a hobby that will stay with her for too long.

NEEDS: friends, petty kid drama, anything really​

If there are any characters that are not on here that you'd like to plot with, please let me know and we can discuss things ehehe​
Hi, no idea if we have plotted or not because my memory really sucks so here it goes:

For Valencia, I can offer Beau. He has returned from a 1.5 year hiatus from HNZ and has returned for his final semester. He is a sweet boy, eager to learn, but can be a little blunt. He is a little sad that he didn't take up Divination as well as his dad did. He loves photography, muggle stuff, etc. I am gonna say that he spent his time in the muggle world, more specifically, a deaf school to get rekindled with that culture before returning to HNZ.

For Conan, I can offer Cassius. He is a bit... Okay, he is a major jerk and a bit of a bully. Prejudice as all hell. He can either befriend Conan or be extremely mean to him. It can go either way but ultimately depends on how they meet, and if muggles are brought up at all.

Since I am pretty limited on characters, here is what I have!
Hi, no idea if we have plotted or not because my memory really sucks so here it goes:

For Valencia, I can offer Beau. He has returned from a 1.5 year hiatus from HNZ and has returned for his final semester. He is a sweet boy, eager to learn, but can be a little blunt. He is a little sad that he didn't take up Divination as well as his dad did. He loves photography, muggle stuff, etc. I am gonna say that he spent his time in the muggle world, more specifically, a deaf school to get rekindled with that culture before returning to HNZ.

For Conan, I can offer Cassius. He is a bit... Okay, he is a major jerk and a bit of a bully. Prejudice as all hell. He can either befriend Conan or be extremely mean to him. It can go either way but ultimately depends on how they meet, and if muggles are brought up at all.

Since I am pretty limited on characters, here is what I have!
Hi Kaitlyn!!!

I totally didn't forget about this... But yesss!!! I'm totally down for this! I'm hoping for more friends or people that valencia can get along with, so this would be great ehehe!

Oooo! I would like to see where it goes for Conan and Cassius, it looks like it could go either way, so im totally cool with this too ehehe!

I can start one thread and I can start the other? Unless you'd like to focus on one thread first and then do the other later?
Hey Maria.
I have Sky. I can offerher to basically any of your students though i think she would get on least well with joshua. just let me know who you want and we can try it.
Hi Kaitlyn!!!

I totally didn't forget about this... But yesss!!! I'm totally down for this! I'm hoping for more friends or people that valencia can get along with, so this would be great ehehe!

Oooo! I would like to see where it goes for Conan and Cassius, it looks like it could go either way, so im totally cool with this too ehehe!

I can start one thread and I can start the other? Unless you'd like to focus on one thread first and then do the other later?
Beau gets along with just about everyone. Plus he is very pretty (yay part-veela genes lol).

If Cass will be a jerk, I will almost feel bad for every reply. I almost felt terrible for him and Gregory but luckily he ended up with a rock to the face and a kick to the side of the head... ANYWAY

I can start the one with Beau x Valencia and you can do Conan and Cass? I am good with having both. I don't have much to do nowadays.
Yesssssssss, me!

For Valencia I reckon Zay could very much try to convince her about how cool magic is and if you want a little drama he could be his complete stupid self and be oblivious to the fact that she truly does not like it and just keep going even after she already made it clear that he's not going to convince her?

For Molly or Abby I always have Kiara on offer for whatever you want.

Also more Sen and Josh!! Let's have them do dumb things and ✨ be idiots together ✨
Molly doesn't like drama at all, but me being a little evil would love to add some sort of drama to her life.
Just gonna nominate @Doroteya Melnik and my Andi to prank/bully Molly. I can imagine the two of them getting irritated with her happy go lucky, and especially if they find out how gullible she is, that'll be fun hehhe
Sorry for the delayed replies everyone hehe

I have Sky. I can offerher to basically any of your students though i think she would get on least well with joshua. just let me know who you want and we can try it.
Hi Mia!!

i'm always down for some more Sky and Molly threads ehehe! But if you have other characters in mind as well, I am totally down for that too!

I can start the one with Beau x Valencia and you can do Conan and Cass? I am good with having both. I don't have much to do nowadays.
Thanks for starting the thread between Beau and Valencia! I'll try and get one started between Conan and Cass sometime this week ehehe!

Yesssssssss, me!

For Valencia I reckon Zay could very much try to convince her about how cool magic is and if you want a little drama he could be his complete stupid self and be oblivious to the fact that she truly does not like it and just keep going even after she already made it clear that he's not going to convince her?

For Molly or Abby I always have Kiara on offer for whatever you want.

Also more Sen and Josh!! Let's have them do dumb things and ✨ be idiots together ✨
MARIJKE!!! Helllooo!!!

Zay + Valencia - Oooo I would like to this interaction between Zay and Valencia, it could go either way ehehe! They've only been in a group thread a couple of times together, so I'll defs be keen to see what these two are like together!

Kiara + Molly/Abby - Oh yes!! I'm keen for these! I don't mind either hehe! Whatever works I guess!

Senna + Josh - YESSS!!! Always down for these two! I love their chaotic energy hehe!

Just gonna nominate @Doroteya Melnik and my Andi to prank/bully Molly. I can imagine the two of them getting irritated with her happy go lucky, and especially if they find out how gullible she is, that'll be fun hehhe
OH! I would like to see this happen, something to spice up Molly's threads ehehe! totally down for this! :D
Zay + Valencia - Oooo I would like to this interaction between Zay and Valencia, it could go either way ehehe! They've only been in a group thread a couple of times together, so I'll defs be keen to see what these two are like together!

Kiara + Molly/Abby - Oh yes!! I'm keen for these! I don't mind either hehe! Whatever works I guess!

Senna + Josh - YESSS!!! Always down for these two! I love their chaotic energy hehe!

I'd say we could start with Zay & Valencia and then have a think on something for the others?
Just gonna nominate @Doroteya Melnik and my Andi to prank/bully Molly. I can imagine the two of them getting irritated with her happy go lucky, and especially if they find out how gullible she is, that'll be fun hehhe
Heck yeah :lol: I'd be game :teehee:

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