Seeking Shopkeepers and Employees!

Ethan Alexander

weirdo 👻 latchkey kid 👻 curious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2045 (16)
Hello! I have a boy to offer Shopkeepers and employees around Obsidian Harbour and Makutu Mall to plot with!

Ethan here has been “temporarily” taken in by my other character Ernie Wilder. So as a result he has a lot to kill when he gets taken to work with either Ernie or Zelda Wigham. I imagine he has a pretty free reign of the area and would eventually start popping into shops and getting to know all the different people who work there. He is a nice and curious kid, if a little odd at times. He loves ghost stories and supernatural things, and just learned magic is real before his move. So he’s still taking everything in and full of questions.

So if anyone wants a thread with him or wants to establish some kind of relationship with him, whether he’s a nuisance in the shop or a beloved guest let me know!! I'm open to pretty much anything!
please come bother ainsley pleeeeeeease
he can come and bug elvera (or Selene, one one of the other employees at the inner eye.
Yay!! Thanks for responding! I'll message you both about doing threads soon ^_^
He could bug xiomara at the club - she'd probably just constantly kick him out because he's underage and shouldn't be there
Or even padme at the dinette - Padme is just an employee and not an owner, but she'd probably give him cake
Better late than never but he's free to come by the Leaky Cauldron and bug Jess.
Also belated but feel free to bother Nell (and Saffron, the house elf that torally exists but I don't have a character made for her :r ) at Florean Fortescue's! She'll try not to give him too many free samples and can demonstrate her mundane icecream churning magic.
She'll try not to give him too many free samples and can demonstrate her mundane icecream churning magic.
He would take advantage of those free samples so quick.
I'll message both of you once I have a bit more breathing room for threads for him ^_^
Bug Hayzel at the Honeydukes. Then again, it is in Brightstone. Ignore me. xD

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