See You Later Alligators

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

So, for the next week, I won't be as active as I normally am. I have a busy week ahead of me at my job and my evenings will be busy as well. I'll have my phone, of course :tut: , and I'm sure I'll pop on from time to time, but I won't be doing much of anything. As the week wears on, I'll be on less. So, if you need immediate assistance, you should probably PM Nick. If you don't mind waiting a while, feel free to PM me.

I expect to be active again on Saturday, so anyone who I'm RPing with will have to wait until then for a reply. From October 12- 14, I'll be off volunteering at comic con, so I'll be inactive then as well. I'll probably pop on each morning and that'll pretty much be it. The wifi at the center where it is held sucks (unless they fixed it), so I wont be able to get on otherwise.

Until later guys, :hug:
Have heaps of fun while your away Cyndi! See you soon.
I don't know what happens at a comic con, but I hope you have fun and return to us soon! ♥

~ Kaitlyn
Comic con?! That is so exciting! You should have double the fun for me!

Anyways, I hope you have fun and enjoy yourself, Cyndi. :)
True fact: I'll probably be as slow as, if not slower than, Cyndi in replying to PMs - and I'm not going to be away at all. :r

False fact: I hope you have a horrible time, Cyndi, and don't come back soon.


EDIT: Liking your own posts is cool. :cool:
I went, I saw, I conquered and NYCC is (thankfully) over for another year. I don't think my brain or feet could handle one more day. :p I will post pics up tonight when I get home unless I fall asleep. :sleepy:
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