Say Cheese!

Patricia Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Tail Hair of a Male Unicorn | Willow Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Gold Dust
Here on HNZ we all love saying Happy Birthday to members when it’s their special day. It’s no different when it comes to the site itself. Although, as with every year we are asking y’all to wish HNZ a Happy Birthday, with a picture, and not just any picture, but a picture with you in it. (If you feel comfortable of course, we’re not actually forcing you too).

This year we are asking for your Harry Potter geekiness to come out just a bit and if you have HP memorabilia to include it in the picture with you. Be it your movie and/or book collection or your house robe and wand. As ever I will lead by example and post the first picture.

This is me, Happy Birthday HNZ :wub:

And here's what happened my masterpeice 5mins after I took the picture xD

As a side note, if you feel uncomfortable posting your picture for the internet to see then wrap your picture in member codes so only people logged in will see your picture –
Yaay happy birtday HNZ!! Someone ran off with the H, I promise I didn't just forget to put one there I mean wow how silly would you have to be to actually do that :r

Apparently I forgot where to look on my phone for the camera...
HNZ is eleven now - but its Muggle aunties Cyndi & Donna aren't letting it even receive its Hogwarts letters!
Better go rescuing~
Happy birthday HNZ!

Here we have a blurry photo of me featuring a snapchat filter because my face looks terrible without it :lol:

Me and the derp unicorn derpin' out for you lot.
I don't have any HP stuff anymore ... :(
Why do I look like I'm holding a boombox? Do any of you even know what a boombox is or did I seriously date myself? xD
I had to trick my dog on wearing my Slytherin tie and I had to tell him there's treats for him to look on the camera, still failed it xD xD (Pardon the messy bed, we just got up)

Wearing my favorite sorority shirt because it combines my two favorite things :p ^_^
From Snapchat because I forgot to hold up a sign xD
Showing Hufflepuff pride :lol:

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