Open Saving Snidgets

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (24)
Poppy stood in the middle of the entrance hall during the lunch rush, and tried to get anyone to pay attention to her. "Please, if you wouldn't mind signing my petition to keep Golden Snidgets a protected species." she called out as an older student brushed past her with out a single word. She took a deep breath and continued. "They are fragile tiny birds that were nearly driven to extinction due to their use in quidditch centuries ago." she explained even though she wasn't sure if anyone was listening. She held up her drawing of the little creature and hoped that might get some people's attention. It had worked on her. Poppy had been charmed the moment she laid eyes on it while she was flipping through the pages of a book on endangered magical creatures, that she had borrowed and taken home with her over the holiday break. "I'm also collecting gallons or whatever you can spare to send to a sanctuary in England. Please, anything helps." she added, raising her voice so it could be heard over the background chatter in the hall. "Let me know if you're interested." she finished before sighing heavily. Part of her wanted to give up but she stayed where she was. The least she could do was stand there during lunch in the off chance someone might want to help or even talk to her.
Tilly was double-fisting a pumpkin pasty and ham sandwich as she walked away from the lunch table. It wasn’t the most nutritious of snacks, and she had already eaten a full meal, but between Quidditch practice and growing centimeters every year, she was always ravenous. The Hufflepuff girl stopped and munched down the sandwich as she listened to the Ravenclaw girl. She thought she’d read about the Golden Snidget once, in a Quidditch book, but she hadn’t given the birds much thought.

“Why are they still endangered, if they aren’t used in Quidditch anymore?” Tilly asked, genuinely curious. She wiped the crumbs off her hands as she looked to the older girl.

@Poppy Perkins
Ajaccio was walking through the entrance hall, he was running a little late to meet up with Vader. He knew that it wouldn't matter much more how late he ended up being, but he didn't want the older boy to think he didn't take this seriously. It just didn't help that as he went through the entrance hall, he spotted Poppy talking about Snidgets. he didn't know if they were still endangered but Ajax would sign regardless. "I'll sign Poppy," he said approaching, with a wide and excited smile. "I've got some galleons upstairs, if you remind me at some point I can pass some along," he said, as he waited to be handed to sheet to sign before he'd continue on.
Emma was curious about what was happening in the Entrance Hall, as she saw a few students standing togetether. She soon realized it was Poppy holding up a drawing of a funny looking fat bird, and Emma paused to listen. "Wait, they were used in Quidditch?" She asked curiously. "Why?" She then paused and nodded, rummaging in her pockets for some money. She pulled a galleon out and handed it to Poppy with a grin. "Do you need help? I have a very loud voice."
Poppy looked up quickly when a younger girl approached her with a question. She perked up instantly, ready with an answer. She had done a fair bit of reading before deciding to do this, so she felt quite knowledgeable. “Well you see, they are very fragile birds and it doesn’t take much for them to get injured. But their population was so severely impacted from when they were hunted, they have yet to recover.” she explained. "Do you want to sign?" she asked with a smile, wondering if her explanation had warmed the girl to her cause. But before she could get an answer Ajaccio had shown up and offered to sign and donate. “Thanks Ajaccio, I really appreciate it.” she said sincerely as she handed over the clip board she was holding. “Oh yeah, you can give it to me anytime.” she said and shrugged and tried not to get too excited that she wasn't the only one who seemed to care. It seemed like finally people were starting to notice her and she waved as Emma also came over to hear more. “Oh, hi Emma.” she said, glad to have one of her friends near by. “They were actually used as the original snitch for quidditch games.” Poppy explained. “Golden snidget to golden snitch.” she said and made a hand gesture to accentuate her point. "If you're not busy." she said with a laugh when Emma offered to help.

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