In my opinion I don't think The Time Travellers Wife would be suitable for you, because it's hard to keep up with it. I'm not saying don't read it, it's just really hard to keep up with it, but if you do read it and keep up with the storyline, it's all worth it in the end.
A book or 2 I would recommend is.
1. Deadline, by Simon Kernick. Basically its about a kidnap, and the husband of the girl kidnapped, is no where to be found. So it leaved you wondring whether hes involved.
2. Another book I would recommend is : Procession of the Dead, by D.B.Shan (aka the author of the demon and vampire infested series by Darren Shan).This is his first adults book. Its a gangster story, about a man could Capac, who is summoned by the "Cardinal". Who literally owns the city. So you couldn't sneeze without the cardinals permission. (Only joking, >

, but you couldn't rob or stuff like that without his consent).
So basicall those are the books I would recommend for now.