Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts Y47

Michael Watson

Biggest Sport Nerd | 7th Year | Claw Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curved 11.5" Flexible Wenge Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
18 (29/09/2044)
Michael couldn't have been happier with how his first year as captain had gone. Well, if they'd won the game against Ilvermorny, he might have been a little happier, but they'd won the Quidditch Cup and helped bring the House Cup home for Ravenclaw for the first time in Merlin knows how long. He knew the other teams would be hungry for a win over them, Gryffindor especially, so he hoped to keep up their momentum and work hard this year to defend their title. The core of the team was mostly the same - Monday had graduated, so technically there was an open spot as beater, but realistically that position was Lucy's as long as she wanted to play. But it was his last year, and Rory would be graduating too, so he was keen to get some students in and around the team to step up next year and beyond.

As everyone showed up on the bright and sunny morning, Michael raised his hand in greeting, smiling at the team. "Morning! Thanks for coming along. This year we're the reigning champions," he stood up a little straighter, looking a little self indulgent. "So we're going to be working hard to keep our title. If you're wanting to be a part of the team, it'll take some work and some commitment of time, but we'll have fun, we'll be flexible around your classes, and we'll work together to be the best team we can be." He certainly didn't want to put anyone off. "Those of you returning from last year, thanks for coming back, please stick around to get some practice in and work with people trying out. If you were an alternate, or if you're new this year, please come up and give me your name and what position you'd like to try out for, and we'll see what you can do." With that, he waited to let all the students come up first and eventually took to the sky, more flying around than defending hoops but getting in some defence where he could.

Seeker@Savannah Walters
BeaterAudrey Beauchamp
Chaser@Rory Styx
Chaser@Lucy Montague
Chaser@Ambrose Webb
KeeperMichael Watson (c)

OOCOut of Character:
Hi all, you know the drill! Returning players post an attendance to let me know you're still wanting to play, returning alternates/new players please post a tryout RP. First years can not post without permission. If your first year really wants to try out, PM me and I will let you know if/when we will accept first year tryouts. Thank you for understanding!
Savannah arrived at the quidditch pitch ready for another year of quidditch. Ready to prove herself once more. She listened to the captain speak and then flew up into the air not wasting any time.
Rory my made his way out onto the Quidditch pitch ready for a new season, and his last. He listened to the captain speak, mostly to the people waiting to tryout and once things got started Rory climbed onto his broom and took to the air to help out where he could.
Cyrus had decided he wanted to join the Quidditch team, but right now he was kind of regretting that decision. He wasn't a person who got nervous easily, but he felt that way now. He was one of the younger students here and he knew he would really have to prove himself. As the captain reminded them they were the reigning champions, Cyrus felt the pressure. What if he got on the team and they lost because of him? But he shook his head slightly, thinking of Leah. He shouldn't think like that, his cousin definitely didn't. Cyrus stepped forward when it was his turn. "I'm Cyrus Thorne, I'd like to try out for chaser." He said clearly, glad his voice didn't shake. He took to the air with the quaffle, flying up tot he hoops. He hadn't thought about the fact that the captain was the one who he'd be playing against, he really had to prove himself. The first time, his shot was blocked, though Cyrus didn't think it had been a bad first attempt. Thankfully, he managed to score his second and third shots, his confidence growing. After every attempt, he did a lap with the quaffle, also passing it to other chasers to show that aspect of the game off. When he was done, he had scored three times and had two shots blocked. He figured he had done his best. He flew back down to the ground to watch the rest of the tryouts.
Todd wasn’t exactly good at flying, nor was he passionate about Quidditch or sporty at all. Not the most reassuring combination to bring to tryouts, but he was a seventh year and this was his last chance to tryout. Todd was annoyed by how little he’d done at Hogwarts, and turned up for tryouts because it was something off the list before graduation. Plus, Penny played Quidditch, which gave them something in common. The captain was his roommate but still, he said his name for ease of getting marked on the list correctly. "Todd Cobbler, trying out for chaser," he said, before jumping on the broomstick and lapping the pitch.

He wasn’t confident at flying, but he was okay. He caught the quaffle, fumbled with it, then dropped it. He lapped again, hoping to do better. The next time, he caught the quaffle and headed toward the hoops. He aimed, he threw, and he totally missed. He missed every goal he attempted. It was way harder than it looked, this Quidditch business. Todd sighed, wondering if he was better suited to cheering Penny on from the stands instead. At least that was one thing ticked off the bucket list.
Lucy was very pleased with how last year had gone - in terms of quidditch, at least. She felt like she'd really tried hard, and so had the rest of her team, and that hard work had paid off. She reflected for a moment on how she'd joined the team initially on a whim, and now it had become something she truly was passionate about. Funny how things worked like that.

Lucy listened to Michael speak, feeling like he made a good leader. She was excited to see who made the team this year - new people to get to know! - before taking to the skies to get some practice in, and hopefully help out some of those who were trying out.
Ambrose knew he hadn't been the most helpful member of the team last year but he was keen on trying harder this year. Doing better. Showing Michael that he had been right to put his trust in him and give him a place on the team when he had only been a first year. He listened to what the captain had to say and hopped into the air when try outs began. Ambrose spend his time helping move the quaffle around but also made sure to attempt to steal it every now and then just so anyone trying out got a chance to show how they would handle that as well.
At least they had won last year, thought Audrey as she raised her hand in greeting at the captain and listened to what he had to say. That was something she could brag about at home and actually have her parents take an interest. Audrey didn't think playing professionally was in her future, she had so many other things she wanted to do, but she did enjoy being on the team. It was good stress relief. And sometimes she got to hit bludgers at people like Teddy when he was annoying her and that helped, too. She took to the sky with the rest of the team, getting some practice hits in and keeping an eye on seekers to do her part to help out, feeling actually a little enthused.
Kharon Styx stood on the edge of the Quidditch pitch, taking in the scene before him. The tryouts for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team were in full swing, and while he tried out for keeper last year, he was going to try out for a beater this time. He went up to the captain, Michael Watson, and spoke clearly, "Kharon Styx, trying out for beater." Kharon nodded, his expression focused and determined. He mounted his broom and kicked off the ground, soaring into the sky with the other hopefuls. Kharon gripped his bat tightly, eyes tracking one of the Bludgers as it zoomed towards a Chaser practicing below. He intercepted it with a swing, sending it rocketing across the pitch.

The drills continued, with Kharon consistently intercepting Bludgers and directing them away from his teammates. Though the thought of hitting them crossed his mind a few times. It was just a good thought though. He continued on protecting the teammates, and demonstrated skills that were acceptable for someone his age. He was just a second year after all. He barely did anything last year too. He did send a couple of bludgers toward the chasers and seekers, though he did not pay any attention if they connected or not. He landed once the time was up, and headed back to the castle to wait to see if he made the team or not.
Lucy's skin felt electric as she made her way down to the Quidditch pitch, bouncing slightly on her toes with each step. Today was the day - she was sure of it. Michael had called her the MVP in the first match she had ever played. With Monday gone, there was no chance she wouldn't be walking out of here as Ravenclaw's brand new starting Beater. She had cute pink eagle clips in her hair for good luck, and their wings fluttered slightly as she listened to Michael's speech. They were champions - as he said it, a little thrill of happiness ran through her. Champions, yes, because of a match Lucy had been MVP of. She knew she probably shouldn't be quite so big-headed about it, but as long as she wasn't bragging out loud she was allowed to be as pleased with herself as she liked inside her own head.

When the time came to try out, Lucy bounced forward eagerly. "Lucy Holland, trying for Beater!" She grinned and gave Michael a salute before pulling back her blue-streaked hair and taking to the sky. The bat felt comfortable in her hand as she shot towards the nearest bludger, a little over-eager as she swung. She overshot a bit, clipping the ball and sending it spinning off - not quite the direction she had aimed for. Oops... She pulled herself together quickly and her next few attempts went off without a hitch, flying more streamlined and steady than she had been last year thanks to roping her sister-in-law in for a few drills. Finally Lucy's turn was over and she flew a cheerful loop-de-loop as she returned to the ground, grinning breathlessly at Michael.
Rion took some slow, deep breaths as she made her way across the lawn to the Quidditch pitch. Flying was like riding a bike, right? You couldn't forget how to do it? Merlin, she certainly hoped not. Her foray into the game had been... eventful, but she'd started to get the hang of it in the end. The problem was, no sooner had she scored her first goal than her entire life had fallen apart, and Quidditch had fallen rather low on her list of priorities. Perhaps she should have stayed. It would have given her an outlet, something to get lost in - a different kind of pain. But she hadn't been strong enough to shoulder the grief and the pressure together, and so she had given up the one she could control.

She was stronger now. That was what she'd been telling herself all morning, though her stomach, legs, and hands disagreed. Well, even if she had forgotten a few tricks, she couldn't be any worse than she'd been in her second year, could she? As long as she didn't think too hard about the fact she was suspended hundreds of feet in the air on a thin stick of wood...

Come on. One step. Two steps. She was in front of the captain. No going back. "Rion Pendleton - for chaser," she said. And then she was off, soaring up to the height of the hoops. Yeah - this was OK. Just don't look down. Think about the quaffle. Where was the quaffle? Over there. She arced her broom around and sped towards the southern hoops, accepting a pass from her teammate. Her first shot missed by a mile, but she was uncharacteristically determined; each shot got closer and closer, and by the end of the try-out session, she'd scored two goals. Not quite like riding a bike, but she'd take it. She grinned at Michael as she came back down to land. Even if she didn't make it back onto the team, she'd conquered something today. That was reward enough.
When Violet saw that tryouts were soon, she took her time preparing herself for them. She hoped that the alternate position she managed to get herself last year would better her chances of getting on the team again this year, however practice was always essential. A little nervous that morning, the Ravenclaw headed to the Quidditch pitch with the others that were trying out and gathered around as the captain spoke. She liked the captain, and hoped that he liked her, or at least hoped that he liked her enough to put her on the team again.

When they were told to begin, Violet lined up and approached the captain. "My name is Violet and I am trying out for seeker, or I can also be a beater if you need." she said with the best smile she could muster despite her nerves.

She then took a bat and mounted her broom to head straight up into the sky, deciding to try out for beater first to get it over and done with. She flew around until she saw a bludger heading in her direction, and with all of the strength she had, she swung her bat forward at it, watching as it soared away from her. She figured she should try aiming for something this time, and so thought she would test someone trying out for chaser as she aimed for them and sent the next bludger flying directly towards them. It was lots of fun and Violet almost forgot she was trying out until she was reminded that she had one more position to show off.

Violet had played seeker last year and was sure that she would be able to do it again. She returned the bat and then began flying around looking for a glimpse of gold. It took a while before she finally found it, and when she did, she kicked off, heading as fast as she could towards it. It decided to play some tricks on her, and Violet dived down quickly with her arm out in front of her, and then immediately shot back upwards as it began flying higher. Up and down she went, not taking her eye off the flying ball. She kicked harder, trying not to think how tired this was making her, and she inched a little closer. She stretched out her arm even further, leaning forward to catch the golden shiver. When she finally closed her fingers around it, she stopped in her tracks and a wave of relief flooded over her. There was no way she was going to try out for the position and fail. She hoped this was enough for the captain to see her potential and that she did deserve another go.

As the tryouts ended, Violet thanked the seventh year for his time in hopes that he would appreciate this, and headed straight back to the castle to clean herself up.
OOCOut of Character:
Tryouts will close in about 48 hours from now! If any first years would like to try out, you are more than welcome to, just please send me a PM first and I'll give you the okay! (please note however it is unlikely I will be able to give you a spot on the team)
Demi had thought trying out for the Quidditch team would be a lot of fun. At home, although she didn't fly, she did like to go very fast and feel the wind in her hair. Surely Quidditch would be the same with the element of competition? With three siblings she wasn't easily backing down to a challenge, either. "Hi, My name's Demi Zephyr, I'm trying out for keeper." She'd chosen that position because it sounded important. Beater would mean she was more likely to get hit herself by the balls that flew at you incredibly fast and as interesting as she thought chaser would be, she thought her own skills were more suited to defense than offense.

Taking to her broom which was a somewhat nerve-wracking experience in itself, she carefully flew up towards the three large hoops at the end of the pitch. From up here everything looked so much more intimidating, the players so much smaller, and the empty space around them, well there was a lot more of that around her now too. She blinked a few times and concentrated on where the other chasers were; a difficult concept when everyone seemed to blend into one blue blur. No doubt in a real game it would be easier to tell when another house flew at her.

Demi was just thinking about what it would be like for her Gryffindor friends to be playing against her when she saw the Quaffle coming flying at her from nowhere. They would be friends everywhere except on the pitch, right? The Quaffle flew straight over her shoulder and it took Demi a second to realise that she would have had time to intercept it if she'd been paying close attention, "Sorry!" she called out to what she could only figure was the Captain, down there in the sea of robes. The next few attempts though she managed to do her job and save the ball from scoring any more points. She'd underestimated how sore her arms would be, both from bashing the Quaffle out of the way, and the strength that was needed to grip her broomstick and not meet her sticky end.

Once the tryout was open, Demi steadily made her way back down to the ground, sighing in relief when her feet touched the floor once more. "Thank you," she grinned at Michael, hoping that she'd done enough to stand out, although by the looks of it there were much older, more capable players than herself. At least she'd had a go and participated in a practice game, not many other first-years could say that.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry this took so long! Thanks everyone for trying out! This was actually a pretty tough call, rude of you all to make it so :r I'm really sorry I couldn't fit everyone on the team, please don't take it personally if I'm not able to give you a spot this year! There's always next time.

Seeker@Savannah Walters
BeaterAudrey Beauchamp
Beater@Lucy Holland
Chaser@Rory Styx
Chaser@Lucy Montague
Chaser@Ambrose Webb
KeeperMichael Watson
Seeker (Alternate)@Violet Owens-Rosemary
Chaser (Alternate)@Rion Pendleton
Beater (Alternate)@Kharon Styx

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