Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts Y47

Michael Watson

Biggest Sport Nerd | 7th Year | Claw Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curved 11.5" Flexible Wenge Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (29/09/2044)
Michael couldn't have been happier with how his first year as captain had gone. Well, if they'd won the game against Ilvermorny, he might have been a little happier, but they'd won the Quidditch Cup and helped bring the House Cup home for Ravenclaw for the first time in Merlin knows how long. He knew the other teams would be hungry for a win over them, Gryffindor especially, so he hoped to keep up their momentum and work hard this year to defend their title. The core of the team was mostly the same - Monday had graduated, so technically there was an open spot as beater, but realistically that position was Lucy's as long as she wanted to play. But it was his last year, and Rory would be graduating too, so he was keen to get some students in and around the team to step up next year and beyond.

As everyone showed up on the bright and sunny morning, Michael raised his hand in greeting, smiling at the team. "Morning! Thanks for coming along. This year we're the reigning champions," he stood up a little straighter, looking a little self indulgent. "So we're going to be working hard to keep our title. If you're wanting to be a part of the team, it'll take some work and some commitment of time, but we'll have fun, we'll be flexible around your classes, and we'll work together to be the best team we can be." He certainly didn't want to put anyone off. "Those of you returning from last year, thanks for coming back, please stick around to get some practice in and work with people trying out. If you were an alternate, or if you're new this year, please come up and give me your name and what position you'd like to try out for, and we'll see what you can do." With that, he waited to let all the students come up first and eventually took to the sky, more flying around than defending hoops but getting in some defence where he could.

Seeker@Savannah Walters
BeaterAudrey Beauchamp
Chaser@Rory Styx
Chaser@Lucy Montague
Chaser@Ambrose Webb
KeeperMichael Watson (c)

OOCOut of Character:
Hi all, you know the drill! Returning players post an attendance to let me know you're still wanting to play, returning alternates/new players please post a tryout RP. First years can not post without permission. If your first year really wants to try out, PM me and I will let you know if/when we will accept first year tryouts. Thank you for understanding!
Savannah arrived at the quidditch pitch ready for another year of quidditch. Ready to prove herself once more. She listened to the captain speak and then flew up into the air not wasting any time.
Rory my made his way out onto the Quidditch pitch ready for a new season, and his last. He listened to the captain speak, mostly to the people waiting to tryout and once things got started Rory climbed onto his broom and took to the air to help out where he could.
Cyrus had decided he wanted to join the Quidditch team, but right now he was kind of regretting that decision. He wasn't a person who got nervous easily, but he felt that way now. He was one of the younger students here and he knew he would really have to prove himself. As the captain reminded them they were the reigning champions, Cyrus felt the pressure. What if he got on the team and they lost because of him? But he shook his head slightly, thinking of Leah. He shouldn't think like that, his cousin definitely didn't. Cyrus stepped forward when it was his turn. "I'm Cyrus Thorne, I'd like to try out for chaser." He said clearly, glad his voice didn't shake. He took to the air with the quaffle, flying up tot he hoops. He hadn't thought about the fact that the captain was the one who he'd be playing against, he really had to prove himself. The first time, his shot was blocked, though Cyrus didn't think it had been a bad first attempt. Thankfully, he managed to score his second and third shots, his confidence growing. After every attempt, he did a lap with the quaffle, also passing it to other chasers to show that aspect of the game off. When he was done, he had scored three times and had two shots blocked. He figured he had done his best. He flew back down to the ground to watch the rest of the tryouts.
Todd wasn’t exactly good at flying, nor was he passionate about Quidditch or sporty at all. Not the most reassuring combination to bring to tryouts, but he was a seventh year and this was his last chance to tryout. Todd was annoyed by how little he’d done at Hogwarts, and turned up for tryouts because it was something off the list before graduation. Plus, Penny played Quidditch, which gave them something in common. The captain was his roommate but still, he said his name for ease of getting marked on the list correctly. "Todd Cobbler, trying out for chaser," he said, before jumping on the broomstick and lapping the pitch.

He wasn’t confident at flying, but he was okay. He caught the quaffle, fumbled with it, then dropped it. He lapped again, hoping to do better. The next time, he caught the quaffle and headed toward the hoops. He aimed, he threw, and he totally missed. He missed every goal he attempted. It was way harder than it looked, this Quidditch business. Todd sighed, wondering if he was better suited to cheering Penny on from the stands instead. At least that was one thing ticked off the bucket list.
Lucy was very pleased with how last year had gone - in terms of quidditch, at least. She felt like she'd really tried hard, and so had the rest of her team, and that hard work had paid off. She reflected for a moment on how she'd joined the team initially on a whim, and now it had become something she truly was passionate about. Funny how things worked like that.

Lucy listened to Michael speak, feeling like he made a good leader. She was excited to see who made the team this year - new people to get to know! - before taking to the skies to get some practice in, and hopefully help out some of those who were trying out.

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