Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y45 S1

Audrey decided she'd try and hit Savannah, but she flew past before it could make contact and the bludger hit @Zacharias Chase instead. Welcome to Quidditch, she thought with a shrug of her shoulders.

Lucy Montague - 1
Savannah Walters - 1
Audrey Beauchamp - 1
Hamish Reid - 1
Rory Styx - 1
Lucy Holland - 1
Zacharias Chase - 1
Lucy took aim, and shot for a goal. She failed once more, leaving her slightly frustrated but certain she could make it. She'd made it once before, after all.
Audrey decided to try again to hit one of the seekers, but watched as the bludger sailed past and hit @Lucy Montague . She winced, feeling actually kind of awful about that one. "Sorry! You okay?" she called, wanting to be sure her friend was alright.

Lucy Montague - 2
Savannah Walters - 1
Audrey Beauchamp - 1
Hamish Reid - 1
Rory Styx - 1
Lucy Holland - 1
Zacharias Chase - 1
Michael gave chaser-Lucy a sympathetic smile, wincing a bit as she got hit. He tossed the quaffle back out into play, feeling a little more confident in himself as the training went on.
Lucy hadn't been expecting the bludger - it swooped in and got her on the knee. "I'm fine!" she called back to her friend, glad she'd been checked in on. She swooped for the quaffle yet again, her knee a little stiff from being hit but she was hanging in there. Holding it, she readied for a shot.
Michael got ready as chaser-Lucy prepared to shoot.
Audrey's hot streak came to an end and she looked around for more bludgers to hit.
Lucy was trying to find another angle on a bludger when one came her way, far too fast. She yelped loudly as it hit her, tears springing to her eyes immediately. She felt a little bad for hitting other people with them, if that was how much it hurt, but it wasn't going to stop her doing her best.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Lucy put a spin on the quaffle this time - it was a near-miss, almost getting in. Lucy felt a bit better knowing she was getting closer. Next time, she told herself.
Michael had to very quickly react to try and stop the shot on goal, the attempt only barely missing. She'd get past him again soon if he wasn't careful.
Audrey sent a bludger away from her teammates so she could look like she was being helpful and not just harmful.
This whole captain/seeker thing was harder than he'd thought, trying to watch out for both the team and the snitch.
Savannah at long last noticed a little glint of gold and after a small chase had finally caught the snitch.
Lucy cheered for her teammate for catching the snitch, feeling excited it'd been caught. Afterwards, she continued practice, moving to grab the quaffle to try and readying to throw once more.
Michael rolled his shoulders and kept an eye on chaser-Lucy.
Audrey flew after a bludger.
Savannah let the snitch go and just waited a moment, watching the rest of the team.
Lucy threw the quaffle with all her might but missed again. She clicked her fingers in disappointment but went back to position.
Audrey tried to hit a bludger at the keeper to get revenge for Lucy but sadly it veered off course and hit @Monday Weeks instead.

Lucy Montague - 2
Savannah Walters - 1
Audrey Beauchamp - 1
Hamish Reid - 1
Rory Styx - 1
Lucy Holland - 1
Zacharias Chase - 1
Monday Weeks - 1
Michael let out a low whistle, throwing the quaffle back out into play. "Not bad, you're getting it!"
Hamish kept up the search, trying to keep track of the team while looking for the snitch.
Pulling up to a bludger, Lucy swung as hard as she could, and while the swing was enough to almost knock her off her own broom, she watched in delight as the bludger swung straight into the Keeper. "WOOHOOOOO!" She yelled, before her own bludger bruise sent a throb of guilt through her. "Sorry!"
@Michael Watson

Lucy Montague - 2
Savannah Walters - 1
Audrey Beauchamp - 1
Hamish Reid - 1
Rory Styx - 1
Lucy Holland - 1
Zacharias Chase - 1
Monday Weeks - 1
Michael Watson - 1
Audrey snorted as Lucy hit a bludger at the keeper instead, before seeing an opening and hitting a bludger straight at @Savannah Walters . Some reward for catching the snitch.

Lucy Montague - 2
Savannah Walters - 2
Audrey Beauchamp - 1
Hamish Reid - 1
Rory Styx - 1
Lucy Holland - 1
Zacharias Chase - 1
Monday Weeks - 1
Michael Watson - 1
Michael let out a groan as he got hit with a bludger, turning his attention to beater-Lucy and giving her a thumbs up. "Ow, good hit though," he called.

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