Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y45 S1

Michael was definitely going to keep an eye on the chaser, and he was definitely going to remember which Lucy was which as well. In time.
Audrey huffed as she wasn't having much luck. She knew she was still just getting warmed up, but in a game she wouldn't have as much time to waste.
Lucy approached the goal, quaffle in hand, and made to try to score again. She failed this time, but Lucy didn't give up hope. She knew she had it in her from the first goal.
Monday continued his flight.
Lucy went for the quaffle again, holding it and circling round, about to try for her third goal.
Savannah continued to look for the snitch.
Lucy made a dramatic swing forward, making a somewhat reckless throw for one of the hoops. It didn't pay off, and she felt a little disappointed in herself but didn't give up hope. If anything, it solidified her faith in their keeper.
Michael gave chaser-Lucy a sympathetic smile. Their team of chasers were young and a little inexperienced, but they had the spirit. It would just take some practice, but they'd get there. Of course, he could just say he was doing a good job, but it was probably a bit of both.
Audrey sent a bludger towards one of the seekers, but they dodged it effortlessly.
Zacharias flew forward and caught the Quaffle after the other Chaser missed her throw, he gave her a small smile to hopefully cheer her up and then lined himself up to
Lucy appreciated the small gesture from the younger student. Having practiced shooting a few times, she decided to fly around the field, weaving in and out of other players and getting a better handle on the broom's movement. She kept an eye on the other players too, trying to keep her wits about her and keep track of who was where as she did so.
Michael wasn't sure he was meant to feel old in fifth year but here he was, keeping an eye on proceedings, watching the two young chasers making attempts on goal.
Audrey whiffed a shot as she swung aimlessly in mild annoyance. She could practically hear her dad screaming at her as she did.
Savannah did not catch the snitch. She hadn’t even spotted it.
Lucy continued to weave amongst the players, practicing speeding and slowing down.
Lucy pressed on as she circled the pitch, hoping to get a real hit in soon.
Zacharias lined up his shot as he zoomed through the Quidditch Pitch on his way to the goal and watched it fly right through the hoop. Score!
Hamish kept an eye for the snitch while also still watching the team. "Keep up the good work, guys!" He yelled out, glad he had Michael backing him up.
Approaching another bludger, Lucy took a moment to check her aim before swinging. Her angle wasn't perfect, but to her surprise she actually managed to hit a person, cheering mindlessly as the ball struck her name-twin. "I DID IT!" Lucy yelped in delight, only realising too late that it was.... maybe a bit insensitive to celebrate. "SORRY!" She added with a quick wave.
@Lucy Montague

Bludger hits said:
Lucy Montague - 1
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Hamish continued his search
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Monday managed to find a bludger, and he whacked it toward the captain, but it swerved and hit @Savannah Walters instead.
Savannah felt the bludger hit and groaned in pain, but just continued. Finding nothing.
Heartened by her success, Lucy went tearing after another bludger. Maybe this was easy actually, and she'd end up as good a player as Charlie's sister. Giddy with the thought, she caught up with the bludger and swung, aiming for Hamish this time, but her bludger flew wide and hit one of her fellow beaters instead.
@Audrey Beauchamp

Bludger hits said:
Lucy Montague - 1
Savannah Walters - 1
Audrey Beauchamp - 1

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