Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y45 S1

Michael tried not to let his mind wander to his Ancient Runes homework.
Audrey wondered if her parents ever dealt with bludgers like this.
Michael dodged a wayward bludger and silently willed it towards the beaters.
Lucy grabbed the quaffle and prepared to take a shot.
Monday managed to find a bludger, and smacked it toward the keeper, because how dare he switch positions.
@Michael Watson
Lucy revved up, and threw the quaffle, aiming for the right hoop. She managed to make it in once more, feeling proud of herself.
Now Michael had been hit by all three beaters. That had to be some kind of achievement. He wheezed, a little short of breath and completely unable to block the shot on goal. "Good teamwork," he managed to get out, retrieving the quaffle and throwing it back into play. He was going to be sore in the morning.
Audrey raised an eyebrow as Monday hit a bludger, wanting to redouble her efforts and step up her game.
Michael rubbed at his side where he'd been most recently hit, wondering if keeper had been a bad idea as it made him an easier bludger target. Although, hopefully he wouldn't be hit as much in a game. Especially in their upcoming one, as he didn't think Hufflepuff's chasers would even need the extra help. Maybe it was pessimistic, but Michael wanted to be realistic about his chances.
Audrey chased after a bludger.
Lucy grabbed the quaffle as Michael threw it back into play. She was readying for another chance to score, starting to now wonder how different the actual quidditch game would be, and how good the other players were. It was intimidating to think about.
Michael knew he needed to focus on getting ready for his OWLs and revising, but he wondered if he should sneakily keep an eye on the other team practices. Teams like Hufflepuff mostly had the same lineup this year, though their beaters were newer, Slytherin had got a heap of new players last year but this year had lost their strongest player so they were a little bit more of an unknown quantity, and Gryffindor tended to have more enthusiasm than precision (though he couldn't count them out either, even if they also had to replace a lot of their chasers).
Audrey caught up with the bludger but hit it with more frustration than precision, so naturally it didn't go where she wanted it to.
Lucy's thoughts were elsewhere as she threw the quaffle, and as a consequence she missed.
Hamish paused in his search for the snitch. "You good Michael?" He called.
Monday wondered if Michael regretted being a keeper yet as he flew off.
Michael gave Hamish a thumbs up, having worked through the initial pain and it now just being a dull ache in his side. "Yeah, man, I'm good," he called, moving to retrieve the quaffle again.
Audrey just hoped that her luck in the game was more like it had been earlier in the practice.
Hamish chewed on his lip a moment. "Alright, everyone, lets take fifteen minutes," He called out, landing on the ground. "I've got water here. Take a breather then we'll get back into the air."
Savannah reluctantly fly to the ground for the break, even though she just wanted to be able to continue looking for the snitch.
Hamish smiled as the team flew down, and once the time was up, he took off into the air again. "You guys are doing great! Keep it up," He called back to them.
Michael was glad of the break, taking a few minutes to stretch, have some water, and catch his breath. But he got back to it, hoping to get a bit more practice in before their time on the pitch ended.
Audrey thought a break might refresh her eyes and arms. It did, but it didn't help her hit anything.
Lucy flew down to the ground, glad for a small break. She'd been getting thirsty without actually realising it and was pleased to have some water. When the break was over, Lucy got back on her broom, making sure to have the quaffle in hand as she rose back into the air.
Savannah flew back into the air the moment she could and continued her search.

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