Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y45 S1

Lucy dove for the quaffle that had bounced off the hoop, taking it in hand and flew round to aim for the hoops again.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Lucy moved in to shoot, but missed.
Lucy caught up to a bludger and swung, but the ball flew wide of her teammates and she groaned in frustration.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Monday chased a bludger.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Audrey did not hit a bludger.
Michael kept an eye on things.
Monday did not find anything to hit. Hitting players with a bat was not allowed, he was sure.
Savannah caught nothing.
Audrey wondered if maybe the bludgers were cursed.
Michael was somewhat relieved nobody was getting more injuries. Sure, the beaters needed to be accurate for the game, but not having the Ravenclaws in terrible shape was a good thing.
Lucy retrieved the quaffle once more and got herself into position to shoot.
Monday let out a sigh as he flew.
Lucy ramped up to make a throw, and missed! She made a disgruntled face briefly, feeling like she'd done better earlier in the practice.
Michael gave chaser-Lucy a sympathetic grimace. "You're doing a good job," he said, not wanting any of the chasers to feel discouraged. He knew, logically, the Hufflepuff chasers would fly rings around them, but they also had 2 seventh years who were easily the best chasers in the school. The Ravenclaws were only just starting out. By the time they were in the upper years, they could well be just as good as the current Hufflepuffs. He had to motivate himself, too, because he knew he was going to get absolutely slaughtered by the Hufflepuff chasers. "At least the game will probably be shorter. Higher intensity, but less time. More testing speed over stamina. But the stamina is important too."
Audrey sighed as a bludger she finally managed to hit soared past the other players.
"Thanks! You are too! Doing a good job, that is," Lucy said before diving for the quaffle once more and got in position to take another shot. She was a bit unsure what to expect for her first real quidditch game but she was excited.
Michael laughed, a bit embarrassed. "After five years on the team, I kinda have to look like I know what I'm doing." Even though technically keeper was a new role for him, between this and the prefect badge he still felt a bit of pressure to be a good role model.
Audrey wondered if she'd ever hit a bludger again, and if not, if she'd have to start looking for a place of her own at the ripe old age of 12.
Michael brushed some hair out of his face.
Lucy nodded to what Michael was saying, then idly tried to be sneaky and throw a goal while he was somewhat distracted. The technique failed, however, and the quaffle didn't make it in.
Audrey once again did not manage to do anything of use.

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