Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y45 S1

Michael focused on the quaffle.
Audrey groaned as bat hit bludger and missed hitting either seeker, or anyone else for that matter.
Lucy tried for a shot, but failed.
Audrey's writer ran out of anything witty to say about not succeeding.
Michael was feeling good now he was rejuvenated.
Conversely, Audrey wouldn't feel good unless she successfully hit a bludger again.
Hamish continued his search.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Michael's eyes drifted to the seekers in their search.
Audrey knew the more she got frustrated, the less likely she was to succeed. But, she was also still a kid, so it wasn't like she could magically stop herself getting annoyed that she wasn't succeeding.
Monday did not mind a break, though that was new. Once they were free, he went back to the skies to find another bludger to hit.
Michael kept watch, swinging his legs a little to keep the blood flowing.
Audrey flew after a bludger.
Hamish kept up his search.
Lucy grabbed the quaffle, and prepared herself to shoot.
Michael was impressed by chaser-Lucy's energy. The way she was going, in a couple of years she'd probably be the stand out chaser of the school. The others could learn a thing or two from her, he thought. He got ready to block, though, trying to focus more on the here and now.
Audrey hit a bludger with a true Wimbledon style groan. At least, that would be how she would describe it if she knew what Wimbledon was, or even really what tennis was. Of course, it hit nothing.
Lucy ramped up to shoot a goal, but as she threw it, missed.
Michael was glad he was somewhat keeping up as he tossed the quaffle back into play.
Audrey still didn't hit anything.
Michael pondered how to approach the upcoming game.
Audrey pondered just going up and hitting the Hufflepuff seeker with the bat herself in the game, but suspected that would go poorly.
Lucy retrieved the quaffle, and went back into position, readying to score. She was determined this time.
On the other hand, Audrey thought, if it kept up like this someone was going to have to force some carnage. After all, that was what people wanted to see, wasn't it?
Michael kept at it. He didn't want to go easy on chaser-Lucy, even though he wanted to encourage her he also knew Hufflepuff's keeper was more experienced than he was.

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