Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

Aroha was thrilled to be substituted in, as much as she wasn't expecting it. She tried to search for the snitch but couldn't see it anywhere.
Lucy took possession of the quaffle, soaring towards the hoops.
Teddy guarded the hoops and watched Lucy carefully.
Lilith kept looking for the snitch, she had faith that one day in the next fifty years or so she'd make that catch! Hopefully.
Santiago was getting annoyed with himself but maybe that gave him the edge he needed because his next swing connected and the bludger hit the Ravenclaw seeker. @Lilith Ilves
Audrey tutted, and decided to retaliate the hit on Lilith by immediately sending a bludger flying into @Aroha Blenheim .
Lucy was a bit surprised by Gryffindor's substitution, but she wasn't entirely complaining about not having Milo on the pitch anymore. She made a run for a bludger and swung, groaning as the ball flew right past the new Gryffindor seeker. Well, at least Audrey was having more luck than she was.
Lilith searched for the snitch and she had seen a glimpse of it which was why when she felt a smack on her side she had been preoccupied trying to get closer to it. Wincing at the contact her arm instinctively went to her side and she glanced at the older beater, she then watched the Gryffindor seeker be hit and although she felt bad for the girl she couldn't say she was disappointed by that hit connecting.
Lucy tried to get the quaffle through the hoops but it was blocked. She gave a frown, then a smile at Teddy. She'd get him eventually.
Aroha winced at the impact on her knee. She'd expected a bludger but this quick? She didn't spare a glance at whoever had hit it towards her, keeping focus on her search.
Teddy caught the quaffle and smiled back at Lucy before throwing the quaffle back out to a Gryffindor player. He wasn't planning on letting any Ravenclaw's score today.
Finally Santiago's luck seemed to be turning as he landed another hit but it was Ravenclaw keeper, so not that lucky. @Violet Owens-Rosemary
Audrey wasn't about to let Santiago have the run of the game, and she caught up to a bludger and sent it towards the seeker. She seemed prepared, though, and managed to dodge, letting the bludger sail into @Fraser Fergusson instead.
Lilith had no luck with the snitch on this side of the pitch so she decided to start moving towards the other side, perhaps it'd be there. One could hope at the very least.
Ivy caught the quaffle as teddy threw it in and started heading back down the pitch maybe this time will be her time.
Aroha scoured the skies, keeping an eye on the Ravenclaw seeker in case she caught a glimpse, so as it was, no dice for either of them.
Santiago looked for a bludger to hit.
Lilith kept looking for the snitch and out for any more bludgers trying to get a smack at her.
Audrey's next hit was cleaner, sailing right into @Aroha Blenheim . If her dad saw her now, he might even be proud for once.

((audrey must have had her weetbix this morning girl chill))
Ivy flew towards the hoops. This was a fast break and it was going to be hers she drew nearer. Not looking at the ravenclaw keeper instead at the hoop that was free. She took her aim and threw and the keeper appeared in her vision and blocked her shot.
Pretty sure she was cursed she got herself ready to defend the ravenclaw chaser once the ball was thrown back in.
Lucy was pleased to see Audrey on such a run, cheering for her co-beater. "LET'S GO AUDREY!"
Theo was glad that the gryffindor hadn’t scored. The young chaser got a hold of the quaffle before heading towards the goals on the other end of the pitch.
Aroha was starting to feel it with the second bludger hit. Still, she had to keep going, changing her search for somewhere lower to the ground. Maybe she'd find the snitch there.
Lilith did not catch the snitch, people were being smacked by bludgers left and right, it was an active war zone. The Ravenclaw held herself together and went closer towards the stands in case the snitch was there, though at this point that nightmare of a thing had fled the country without telling anyone.
Lucy could tell Aroha was in trouble and was determined to keep the pressure on, sending another bludger her way. She groaned softly when the shot whizzed right past, hoping that if nothing else she could psych the Gryffindor out.

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