Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Beauxbatons

Are we even sure the snitch was released?
Come on Kirby, you’re better than this, she told herself, clearly not better than this.
Veronica continued to find a lot of nothing.
Teddy caught the quaffle then threw it out towards one of his teammates.
Santiago swung and missed again.
Kirby continued to look for the snitch with no successes.
It seemed like everyone was struggling today. Celestine less so, though her aim was still off. She sent a bludger towards the seeker but it kept going, and going, and eventually hit @Teddy Pirrip . The poor captain, she'd have to apologise when they shook hands later.
Santiago was mid curse as he swung his bat again and was sure he'd miss again, but much to his surprise he landed a hit right where he wanted on the Beauxbaton's seeker. He exhaled a breath he didn't realize he had been holding as he waited for the ref to call a time out. @Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet

Edit to make clear it was a 3rd hit
Reeve called another loud, "TIME!" after he saw the Beauxbatons player take a third bludger hit. The nurses were being kept busy today, and after ensuring a nurse had eyes on the player, Reeve turned his attention to the Beauxbatons captain.

OOCOut of Character:
Time out for Beauxbatons to name a replacement player.
Celestine nodded, looking over to make sure Kirby was okay. "Niniane Archambeau will be seeker," she said, looking over to the bench to check the older girl was ready.
Reeve nodded and quickly moved to have the game resume. "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character:
Gryffindor has 89 minutes to take possession of the quaffle or it is fair game.
The game resumed but Veronica found nothing.
Look, Nina did feel bad about Kirby being hit out of the game, really, she did. Nina certainly didn't want anyone to get hurt. But this was the last time she would line up for Beauxbatons, and because of that a tiny bit of her was pleased that she would get some game time. She'd almost forgotten the thrill of playing. Maybe her father was right about her, but she didn't care right now. She mounted her broom right away and started searching.
Celestine started searching for bludgers again, hoping that Nina might have more luck.
Rose aimed for the French seeker, but the bludger flew off course.
it seemed aroha wasn’t the only one who was having a bad game as the game was paused to sub out the French seeker. She wondered if willow had ever been hit that badly when she was seeker.
Once the game had restarted she took the gaffe that was thrown in before starting to make her way back down the pitch. She wondered if any of the other chasers would be around to pass to as that’s how they had manager for get a goal last game even if it was slightly disappointing it wasn’t her scoring getting any points on the board would be useful at this stage.
Santiago was feeling pretty pleased with himself but didn't want to loose his focus and looked for another bludger as the game started again.
Nina wasn't seeing the snitch just yet, but she was looking hard.
Rose looked for another bludger to hit, she wasn't a beater though, so she wasn't surprised that she wasn't finding any.
Elsie hovered in front of the goals as she watched the chaser make her way towards the goals
Ivy made her way towards the goals. Looking to see if Frasier or Alicia was around to pass to. When she could see neither of them she took a shot and was honestly not surprised when she once again didn’t score. Trying not to cry at her consistent failure she got ready to chase the other chasers back
Veronica didn’t really know what she was looking for, not enough for it to be second nature. She thought she’d imagined the glint of gold the first time but when she saw it again she knew it was real. She leaned forward in her broom and flung herself forward in pursuit, weaving around the other players until she was closer, and closer until she was close enough to touch it. She swiped her hand and pulled back, stopping in mid air. She’d done it. The little golden ball sit motionless in her hand. They’d won.

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