Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Beauxbatons

Rose continued to look for a bludger.
Kirby continued to look for the snitch
Rule 2b

Ivy kept her eyes open and looking for the French chasers. She watched as the keeper threw the quaffle in and darted forward perhaps her smaller size working to the benefit as she intercepted the ball and in one move threw it back towards the goals. However it seemed she really needed to practice shooting as it once again didn’t go in.
Teddy guarded the hoops as the Beauxbatons chaser made his way towards him.
Juneau flew toward the goal and launched the quaffle at the left hoop with all her strength. She thought it was going to go through until the keeper flew in it's way and saved it.

Godmod approved. xD
Elsie internally groaned when Gryffindor had managed to get a hold of the quaffle, though once the Gryffindor chaser circled around back to the goals, Elsie had managed to stop the goal. She threw it back into play, glad that one of the chasers had managed to get a hold of the quaffle, however, they hadn't managed to get a goal either. Elsie hovered in front of the goals, as she waited for the chasers to fly back towards her.
Aroha definitely felt this bludger hit. They were really going for her now, and she had the snitch to keep her eyes out for. She kept looking.
Celestine caught up to a bludger, but the hit was way off and flew to the Hogwarts keeper, hitting him while he was distracted stopping thr quaffle. Celestine winced. @Teddy Pirrip
Aroha searched high and low, trying to catch a glimpse of the snitch.
Teddy was feeling good saving the quaffle, he threw it back out to play then immediately took a bludger hit which whacked into his side, oof he knew that would leave a bruise.
Kirby kept looking for the snitch
Rose continued to look for a bludger to hit.
Kirby continued to look for the snitch
Rose continued to look for a bludger.
Santiago took to the air and was shortly hit by a bludger. With an aching arm he looked for one of his own to hit.
Celestine closed in on a bludger, but couldn't get a very good hit in from her angle.
Ivy followed the chaser down the pitch and was glad that teddy blocked the shot.go teddy. Ooh ouch you okay? she called as she caught the pass in just as her captain was hit by a bludger. Before she started back to the other hoops.
Aroha thought she spotted the snitch, but was mistaken.
Kirby continued to look for the snitch
Celestine's run of luck with bludgers had seemingly come to an end. Such was the way of it, she supposed, though it did make it a bit less dramatic.
Aroha flew up to get a better view, the snitch still eluding her.
Santiago swung and missed.
Kirby continued to look for the snitch

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