Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Beauxbatons

Celestine gasped as a bludger hit Kirby near instantly, and sent one right back to the Hogwarts seeker in retaliation. @Aroha Blenheim
Alicia tried to stay close to the Beauxbatons chaser in case she could intercept the quaffle.
Beauxbatons took early possession of the quaffle. Teddy flew up to the hoops and was ready for them as they made their way down.
Celestine looked around for more bludgers to hit, keeping a careful eye on proceedings.
Aroha winced as the bludger collided with her elbow. She tried to recover quickly, still looking for the snitch.
Kirby kept looking for the snitch.
Rose kept looking for a bludger to hit, but wasn't finding one currently in her vicinity.
Celestine flew after a bludger, swinging at it and watching as it sailed past the Hogwarts players. She just had to channel her inner queen of the night, she felt, to play beater effectively. Maybe if she added singing the aria to her swings she'd distract the Hogwarts players enough that they'd stay still as a bonus. Something to think about.
Aroha couldn't spot the snitch at all.
Celestine caught up to another bludger but the seeker was too fast! But the beater @Santiago Torres was too slow to stop it from hitting him. She supposed she'd take that.
Kirby kept looking for the snitch, unsuccessfully.
Rose looked for another bludger, but couldn't find one she could catch to hit.
Rule 2a

Ivy saw an opportunity and and went for it. Reaching in and stealing the quaffle before turning and heading towards the south hoops.
Teddy could relax now Ivy had possession. He watched her take the quaffle towards the opposing hoops and kept a look out to see how his other teammates were doing.
Celestine chased after another bludger, kind of wishing she was a bit more intimidating. The aria thing wouldn't work, she realised, as she couldn't really sing and swing. But maybe she'd practice it over the break anyway.
Elsie hovered in front of the goals as she watched the game in front of her, the french keeper now focused as she noticed the opposing team now had possession of the quaffle.
Kirby continued to look for the elusive snitch.
Rose continued to search for bludgers to hit.
Ivy flow forward pleased with her luck she hoped that Teddy and friaser were proud of her. She neared the goal and aimed hoping for an easy score however when she threw the ball she could tell the second it left her hands it wasnt going to go in. and low and behold no points were awarded to gryfindor. she would just have to try harder next time.
Celestine caught up with a bludger, but once again the Hogwarts seeker dodged! Oh, this was a lot of fun! Not so much fun for @Fraser Fergusson who ended up taking the hit that the seeker dodged, however.
Elsie had managed to catch the quaffle when the young chaser had thrown the quaffle her way. The keeper then threw the quaffle back onto the pitch for one of her team mates to catch.
Kirby kept looking for the snitch.
Rose kept looking for a bludger.
Aha, this time @Aroha Blenheim was not so lucky! Celestine lined up a shot carefully and sent the bludger flying to the seeker, gasping as it made contact. She hoped the hit hadn't hurt too much.

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