Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Beauxbatons

Rose found a bludger and aimed it towards the seeker, but unfortunately it headed towards @Juneau Delarue instead.
Aroha saw no snitch.
Celestine sent a bludger towards the seeker, but the seeker evaded. Celestine giggled - the battle between beater and seeker was always fun. Even if she was kind of the villain in the battle, but she didn't mind if it was an entertaining contest.
Ivy continued to fly up the pitch. hoping that maybe, maybe, possibly this time once she got to the goals she might get some points on the scoreboard
Aroha didn't catch the snitch.
Finally Santiago made contact with the bludger and sent it right for the Beauxbatons seeker. @Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet
Alors, Kirby had been hit again! Well, that wouldn't do, thought Celestine, sending a bludger right back to @Aroha Blenheim . It had been a good battle between beater and seeker, but the seeker would have to stand down for her own safety. At least Celestine had brought sweets as a gift for the opponents. No hard feelings, she hoped.

ooc: 3x hits, hold for time out
Ivy saw a bludger hit the Aroha. She paused quaffle still in hand wondering if she was okay. And wondering if they were going to call a time out.
Reeve watched the third bludger hit the Gryffindor seeker. "Time!" he called as he flew closer to the young woman and made sure she made it safely to a school nurse. Then, he turned back to the game, seeking out the Gryffindor seeker to find out who he was putting in as a replacement.

OOCOut of Character:
Time out. Gryffindor must make a substitution.
As per game note 5, game play should have stopped. Any game moves logged after the third bludger hit will be removed.
Teddy felt a little guilty that he hadn't realised Aroha had been hit as many times as she had. He looked over at the bench and knew he didn't have much other choice at this moment. "@Veronica Walden-Cade to play seeker."
Reeve nodded his head, confirming the change and making a note of it before stuffing the line up card back into his pocket. Flying back into the air, the referee called out, "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character:
Gryffindor is in possession. To keep in line with previous games, the quaffle time is being determined from last quaffle possession prior to the 3rd bludger hit. Gryffindor has 3 hours and 8 minutes to make a game move or the quaffle is fair game.
She reached for the glint of gold, and damn, nothing.
Rose attempted to hit a bludger, but missed.
Veronica couldn't believe she was going in at seeker. She wanted to say something to Teddy, something sarcastic, witty or biting. But she held her tongue, nodded at him and took her spot. Once the game resumed she was in the air looking the snitch.
Celestine patiently hovered as the Hogwarts team made their substitution, hoping that their seeker was okay, and then set about finding bludgers again as the game restarted. She was keeping an eye on Kirby, trying to keep bludgers away as best she could.
Ivy watched as Teddy made a substitution. Veronica playing seeker was an interesting choice. "go Veronica" she called before she started back towards the goal.
Veronica couldn't find the snitch, she hoped she wouldn't prove to be a terrible seeker.
She kept searching, searching, always searching.
Rose kept searching for a bludger, but it was hard to see.
Ivy neared the goals. the time out had been good. she had taken a few minutes break and some water to clear her refresh. she hoped that it would also refresh her shooting. she approached the goals and lined up a shot. taking her time to get it right. she atook a deep breath aimed and.... didn't score. she was disappointed one day, one day soon she would manage to get points. but today? no that was not her day. she turned around disappointed in herself and trying not to cry as she got ready to follow the French chaser back up the pitch
Veronica didn't catch the snitch.
Enzo watched the little Gryffindor chaser miss her shot and grabbed the quaffle when it was thrown back into play.
Teddy thought Ivy was going to score then, she was so close. He readied himself for the Beaux chaser to have a go next.
Where was this stupid thing? Alaska?
When Enzo got close enough to the hoops to shoot he took his shot but missed.

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