Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member

There was a chill in the air this day, but Reeve had prepared for it. And even though the sun was shining brightly, too brightly, it wasn't doing much to help. It Reeve was happy to see the Beauxbatons grounds again for this afternoon game. Reeve worked to prepare the field, happy to hear the stands begin to fill around him.

Today, Beauxbatons would be taking on Ilvermormy. They'd had some interesting matches in the past, and he was eager to see this game play out. Reeve finished his work quickly and then was left to wait for the captains, watching as players began to come out in their quidditch gear to begin their warm ups.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please.
Captains: Please be sure your lineups are all set up in the QCP prior to posting it in here!
It could be the last game Hope ever played. She hoped that her captains didn’t punished her for being terrible. The brunette was glad AJ was in the team he was so kind to her and without him and him convincing her to continue playing she would not stand here. With her broom in her hand she walked to the team. The travel to France was fine but being on Beauxbatons ground she hoped it would not gave flashbacks. They had such good beaters and she was the target. Sighting she looked around waiting patiently.
After their loss to Slytherin last year Gaby was definitely keen on winning their game against Ilvermorny this time around, if only to offer them another chance at playing against one of the hogwarts houses. The weather was rather chilly though and the brightness of the sun almost seemed like it would only bring trouble since it wasn't helping in warming things up. Although perhaps its light bouncing off the snitch would make it easier for the seekers to spot the sneaky little thing. And if it did, it would hopefully be Hugo that caught it. Gaby made her way onto the pitch with the others, broom in hand and a small smile on her face as she waited eagerly for their captain to speak and the game to start.
Édelie was supremely nervous about today’s game. She didn’t have a few years to show she could lead a team - she only had this game. If they moved forward, that was great, but she was still a little worried about Hugo catching the snitch, seeing as Amelie did so well during practice. Seeing her parents out in the stands, she tried to push that from her mind as she turned to her team, the pink ribbons flowing from her ponytail. “Alright, team - we had a pretty good practice, and we’ve beat this school plenty before. Just go out there and focus. Beaters, focus on their seeker unless you see a reason not to. Bonne chance!* Make Beauxbatons proud,” she finished, holding her broom tight as she looked towards the ref.

*Bonne chance - “Good luck” in French

Édelie de la MoraChaser
Ares Kuya-TineChaser
Gabrielle PerraultChaser
Aramis FaroeKeeper
Gemma ThorneBeater
Élise MoreauBeater
Hugo De RosierSeeker
Amelie DerouinAlternate Seeker
AJ tried not to fidget as they walked out onto the pitch. He couldn't shake the thought in the back of his mind how this could be their last official game as a team and he really wanted it to go well. When he'd first joined, AJ had thought travelling to France was a fun perk, but in reality, it just meant they were behind enemy lines the whole game, which made it even more difficult to play.

He posted up next to Hope, giving her his best encouraging smile, though he wasn't sure how convincing it might have been, "I've got your back," he offered, gently resting a hand on her shoulder for a moment before turning his attention to their captains and prepping for the match.
Aramis was looking forward to today's game. Their practices had gone well, a few Hugo based complaints non-withstanding, and the weather was great despite the slight chill. Aramis leant easily against his broom as Édelie addressed the team, giving her a thumbs up before nudging Hugo as they got ready to play.
Hugo had been a bit nervous about the game, mostly worrying he wouldn't get to play after the last practice. But thankfully, he was still in the lineup. The boy stayed near Aramis, not quite looking at Amelie. He felt a little guilty for how he'd acted towards her.
Lucas followed the others onto the field, feeling sad to be here without Einar. He tried to hide it, wanting to focus on the game. He stood near Hyun, watching the others.
Amelie felt unsure about being here. She kept her eyes on the ground, not looking at her teammates. Hugo's words still rang in her ears. She had never felt so awful about playing a game in her entire life. She just hoped he won the game today.
Gemma was feeling confident about the game today and was glad they were going to have the home field advantage. She tried to peak at the Ilvermorny team but she was cut short as Edelie started giving them a pep talk. She stood next to Hugo and bumped into him playfully with her hip. She knew he took Amelie's good luck during practice personally and she hated to see him this glum. Especially right before a game, her first game as a starting member of the team.
Micha stared wide eyed at the pitch as he waited for the game to start. Part of him felt like he shouldn't be here and it wasn't actually allowed. But if anything happened to Hope he would be up, and that was the last thing he wanted right about now. He gripped the handle of his broom tightly as he waited for Adam or Eli to give them a questionably motivational speech.
Hyun yawned as he leaned against his broom, dark eyes wandering over the Beauxbatons players for just a moment. No doubt Adam had some stupid speech lined up before they kicked off. Hyun wasn't planning on listening.
Élise twirled her little bat in her hand she was ready to smack some bludgers towards the Americans. Last year had been epic and Élise was ready to have a repeat. She grabbed her broom and made way to the pitch. Waiting for the game to actually start.
Adam stood on the pitch with his arms folded, doing his best to make his presence seem intimidating despite how lanky he actually was. This was it, his final match against Beauxbatons, and he needed to make it count. The practices had not gone well - Eli's fault, for not letting him kick off half the team, and now they'd both be suffering for it. He sighed dramatically, turning to address his players after speaking to the ref. "Listen up, runts. Hyun, pay attention, that means you." He said, clicking his fingers at the chaser. "I'm not having my trip to France ruined because of your inadequacies. You all need to do a hundred and ten percent better than you did during our practices, or this may be your last chance to be here. This isn't the little leagues anymore, kids. Got it? Hope - Michael's done better in one semester than you have in any of your years on the team, and he's twelve. Just remember that while you're up there today. If you don't catch the snitch before Beaux kids this time, then this team will really be-" He paused, lifting his sunglasses from his collar and dramatically putting them on to block out the harsh sunlight. "Hopeless. Let's go, team."

Hyun Ong Hae Chaser
Abigail MartinChaser
Lucas AmesChaser
AJ AriBeater
Eli CarterBeater
Adam EverettKeeper
Hope ThompsonSeeker
Micha Kovac, Jacinta Macias, Yoo Hyun KiAlternates
Jacinta felt like an imposter, standing on a pitch in France. She didn't even know the language, and she definitely had not been playing Quidditch long enough to warrant being there. She'd thought for sure they'd kick her off the team for not being some kind of superstar, as the captain seemed to expect. She listened to his speech, doing her best not to visibly roll her eyes at how nasty it was, and took a seat on the bench to watch the match play out.
Eli wished Adam told him anything about the crap he would say to the team beforehand, so he was at least a bit prepared. But as Adam turned on hope, Eli frowned. He rolled his eyes at the dumb joke, but then wasn't sure what to do. Eli had never been a people person, but with Adam as his co-captain he sometimes felt like he needed to balance him out and be nicer. But that wasn't something he really wanted to do. So he frowned and shrugged at Hope. "You'll do fine." He muttered, hoping the game would start soon.
Abigail couldn't believe she was actually in France. She really hoped there would be some time for sightseeing and a least a bit of shopping later, or what was the point? But she also wanted to win this game, of course. The girl made a show of paying attention to Adam, watching him closely and nodding along to his speech. She giggled at his final joke, shooting a look at their seeker, who was apparently terrible. Just their luck.
Reeve took a quick look at the lineups he'd been given. All seemed in order so he placed them in his pockets and continued. Reeve cast the sonorus charm before speaking. " Beauxbatons, you will be Keeping the North hoops. Ilvermorny, you'll be guarding the South hoops. I will expect that everyone has reviewed the rules already. Please get back to your teams, mount your brooms, and prepare to fly!"

With that Reeve opened the game chest and released the snitch. It raced away. The bludgers also went off without incident. Reeve grabbed the quaffle and then mounted his own broom, kicking off quickly. When he was high enough, he tossed the quaffle into the air. "Game on!" he declared.

OOCOut of Character:
Game Notes - please read
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.

2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.

3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.

4. Don't forget - you should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.

5. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!

6. As you are all in the same group and color :p , it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name
Gaby nodded after Édelie’s little speech. Once the balls were released she pushed herself off into the air, grabbing the quaffle and heading for the south hoops.
Eli got to the air and immediately chased the first bludger he saw, trying to get an advantage over Beauxbatons by hitting their seeker.
Abigail huffed in annoyance when the other team's chaser got the quaffle, and followed the French girl.
Hugo shot into the air and looked around for the snitch at once.
Adam flew over to his side of the pitch, hovering in place to prepare to block the Beauxbatons girl.
Gaby knew the Ilvermorny keeper would be on his toes with the match only just begun but still she headed straight for the hoops. She watched as the boy blocked her shot, turning around to get ready to chase any of the american chasers that would catch the quaffle next.
Édelie was glad to see Gaby grab the quaffle once the game started, hoping they would get ahead of the Americans quickly. Unfortunately, her teammate was blocked, and she gave her a quick smile, trying to shrug off any feelings for her crush and focus on the game at hand.
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