Professor's Meeting 2042

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Justin stood in the Professor's Common Room, and he glanced around to see if he had missed anything while he was setting up the meeting. Smiling, he made sure that there was tea, coffee, and biscuits for everyone to indulge themselves on. Justin settled down with a coffee as he waited for the other professors to arrive. Hopefully this meeting wouldn't be as urgent as the last one, but there was still things that they would have to discuss.
That day had been exhausting so far. Jon's next cup of coffee would allow him to power through everything else he needed to do and luckily for him, the professor's meeting that year happened to have the most perfect timing. He walked in to the common room, nodding to Professor Cliffeton, then immediately making his way to where the drinks were. He poured himself a cup of coffee, added two sugars and a small amount of milk before sipping it, sighing and turning to the rest of the room. The cup of coffee remained firmly in his hands as he sat in one of the arm chairs, looking to Professor Cliffeton again and smiling awkwardly with an absence in his mind of what he could to to make small talk before the meeting began.
Returning to Hogwarts for her second semester as a teacher had felt almost as surreal as her first one, because this time it was familiar. Kahurangi had set up her office just the way she liked it, gone over her already familiar notes, and taken a bit of extra time to read through her class lists and learn her new students names. She grabbed a notebook before heading down to the teachers meeting, wanting to make sure she didn't miss anything.

Kahurangi was relieved to find she seemed to be a little bit early, smiling in greeting to her fellow teachers as she made her way to the table and fixed herself a quick cup of tea. She still wasn't totally familiar with the rest of the staff, and struggled a little to think of conversation to make as she took a seat. "Everyone dazed from the new year already?" She asked, hoping her remark would be taken as the lighthearted joke it was.
There was an unmissable spring in the new Professors' step, as she made her way back into the Hogwarts castle for the first time in almost twenty years. For so many years she'd been living like a muggle, and so was so pleased to be back where she belonged. To be a Professor had been the witch's career of choice since she was just twelve years old, however life had gotten in the way. As Liberty entered the meeting room that morning, her eyes met a series of strangers. She smiled politely, suddenly rather self-consious around the professionals, and quickly made her way over to the refreshments table. Pouring herself a sweet coffee, she listened to what the others had to say and found a nice comfortable armchair to perch in as she listened. For now she would be an observer, taking everything in, and just hoping she would do the school proud over the weeks and months to come.
The start of a new semester and the charms professor was feeling pretty annoyed that this was something he was having to be back at the school, of course he was looking forward to teaching, but Misha just wanted to teach and have that be it. Interacting with the students he had was something that he did, but certainly not often. Not when he could avoid it. But, this was the beginning of the semester so there was no more pretending he was twenty two and drinking far more than he should. The man arrived at the Professor's meeting and beelined for the coffee, filling a cup and not even glancing at any of the other professors until he'd taken a sip of the bitter liquid. At that point he turned round and looked to the other professors, there was definitely one in the room that he didn't recognise, but the rest he knew. Eventually he noticed that Jon was already in the room and he walked over to him, "Good break?" he asked even though he wasn't too bothered about really making conversation just a way to pass the time until the deputy head master actually told them whatever he needed to for the beginning of this semester. Misha briefly wondered if it would include spending more time monitoring the lake to ensure no more students ended up dying. They hardly needed that to become a yearly thing.
The beginning of term was never a pleasant time for Monty, but this year it had been made doubly unpleasant by the death of Riley - a tragedy he could not shake from his mind, no matter how he tried. Or perhaps he was not trying so hard as he thought; indeed, a small but nevertheless significant part of him refused to drop it, for reasons he could not yet fathom. All he really knew for certain was that something was wrong - and there was no way he'd move on until he'd figured out what it was.

Monty closed his eyes and exhaled, a quiver in his breath. His entire body was agitated, restless, as it tended to be when he had slept poorly the previous night, and he wasn't completely sure he wasn't going to vomit. But his presence was required at the professor's meeting, so with all the effort he could muster he dressed and took himself down to the common room. There he began to make himself tea, until, upon discovering he couldn't hold anything without his hands shaking, he abandoned the endeavour and went to sit down with his colleagues. He hadn't yet properly acquainted himself with Professor Josephs, but her comment brought a smile to his lips. "Oh dear. That obvious?" he said, in a similarly light tone. Then a fresh wave of anxiety engulfed him, and to conceal it he looked away. This was going to be a long meeting.
Entering the room, the harried woman had found a seat before realizing she hadn't bothered to greet her colleagues. She gave them all a brief smile that swiftly fell away as they returned to speaking amongst themselves. Professor Kingsley didn't typically feel sorry for herself and she didn't't really now, but the pressures of life combined with having to return to work had made this meeting seem quite the inconvenience. She was tired and the semester had only just begun. The woman could count off any number of things she needed to be doing- checking on Ava who was pregnant and had just lost a child, checking on Kiera who was going through a hard time with the whole Carter business, making sure her husband was taking care of himself. And it wasn't as if she had many friends among the group to vent to. So, she was just wanting this whole thing to be done and wondering why they couldn't have just passed a memo around or something similar to what they did in the Ministry. Crossing her arms, the woman crossed her legs at the ankle as well as she waited for this meeting to get underway.
Professor Orbon was glad for some resemblance of normalcy with being back to school, his class and soon his students too. The man had quite an interesting holiday thus far and was admittedly quite glad it was over with his flat mate being well... more anxious then he had ever thought possible due to some news so Eduardo walked into the common room and where he would normally sit with Jon because they were friends he took a seat nearer someone else who he felt certain he had made a poor impression on as he often was just ignored when he had years of experience in his position. This experience was nothing to be laughed at in Eduardo's mind but in the same vein he had not made an attempt to contact the squirrley man he was now sitting beside.
Patricia had never been to this part of the castle before and a part of her felt like she was a rebel and would get in trouble at any minute. However, she knew she wouldn't get in trouble as she was a Professor and heading to the Professors Common Room for a Professors Meeting - it was still strange for Patricia to think as herself as a Professor. She knew she would have to get used to it sooner or later, and she hoped it would be sooner because she didn't want to constantly feel like a student again playing pretend. She found the Professors Common Room and made her way in. It was already quite full and she hoped they hadn't all been waiting on her before starting. She scanned the room quickly, not recognising a lot of the facing but seeing at least one or two familiar was reassuring to her. Not wanting to stand at the door and look completely out of place she noticed a few people gathering around a refreshments table, so she followed suit before making herself a cup of tea.

Finding a free seat she took a double back to the girl beside her "Libby?" she asked, tentatively but happily surprised to see someone she recognised. If she was right, this person was a year below her when at Hogwarts and they had both been in Hufflepuff - it's strange how you don't see someone in so long but memories flood back in an instant. "Patricia Styx, I was a year above you in Hufflepuff. How fascinating that we're both back here. What are you teaching?" She had yet to get to know what classes most of the Professors taught and has she only known Libby's surname had changed since she was a student here at Hogwarts, she might have released that she was a sharing a course with her.
Harry never really liked being inside the castle and only did so for meals and, like on this occasion, Professors meetings. He had been so used to being outside for so long that it almost felt wrong when he was inside for long periods of time, but needs must. He entered the common room and politely nodded to his fellow Professors, he never really talked to them much apart from the small chit chat at these meetings and meals but that was as far as really went. He wasn't really a recluse person, he loved company and had a big personality but in the right surroundings. Making himself a cup of coffee, he waited for the meeting to start.
Rather than being early, Kalif was taking his time to the normal meeting of the year. He had his own with the Slytherins. His dark robes swept around him as he entered the common room for the professors, immediately spotting one familiar face. It was his daughter. So, she replaced the History of Magic position. And then Theodore was on a break or something. Both of them were the Head people way back when. Choosing not to go to the refreshments, Kalif stood in the back, with his gloved hands across his chest.
There was only one word to describe this meeting. Exciting. No it was nerve wracking. No exciting and nerve wracking - was there a word for that. After being accepted for the position West had been eagerly preparing for this time of year, even for meetings like this. That morning he had brushed his wild red mane and tried hard to slick it back, though it never stayed as such. Instead it slowly poofed out, like curly hair without the intricate twists. The professor sighed and entered the common room, after traipsing around looking for it for a while. There was no one around he recognized, no one to awwakrdly cling to, so the English man just gave an awkward wave to the first person he made eye contact with and then shifted positions - staring at the worn shoes he'd paired with his robes.
Justin smiled as the rest of the professors arrived to the meetings. He winced a little bit when Professor Styx arrived, even though Justin was technically his boss, he was still pretty scared of him, and he had no doubt that he wouldn't ever be able to order him around. He turned his attention to the professors, and shook those thoughts from his head. "Thank you all for coming! I have a few things that I need to go over today, and then you'll all be free to raise any questions or concerns you have." He started with a smile on his face. "Firstly, I want to thank you all for the increased patrols that you've all been doing! The students definitely seem to be less likely to go where they shouldn't at the moment. Keep it up, and feel free to do it in pairs if it helps alleviate the boredom!"

"Next, just a reminder that as the position has not been filled yet, we don't have a Head of House for Ravenclaw as of yet. If you come across any troublemakers from that house, you can either bring them to the Headmistress or myself." He continued, with a smile on his face. "Oh, and, welcome to our new professors! We have Professor Patricia Styx and Professor Liberty Kaelen, who will be taking on the lower and upper years of History of Magic, respectively; and Professor West King, who will be covering the upper potions years for Professor Theodore Snow for one semester." He finished, with a smile. The floor was now open for any issues the attendees had.
Sloane walked into the meeting, she was running a little late and grabbed space near Monty. She didn't bother with any refreshments mostly because she was running late previously and so she just decided to focus on what was happening now. She smiled in welcome to the new Professor's before turning her attention back to Justin. They didn't often have meetings with no purpose so she had to wonder what the purpose of this was. She looked at Monty, "I wonder who they will pick as Ravenclaw Head. It is strange not to have Jonathon around anymore, I looked up to him."
Kalif listened to the former head person speak, before sighing. This was boring. He had mountains of other work to do. He tapped his fingers on his arm, while Cliffeton continued. Before too long, the man welcomed the new professors. And then stopped speaking. Kalif chose this moment as a dismissal. He had no reason to stick around, and he doubted anyone would even try to stop him. Not that he'd listen to begin with. Now that Spenser was gone, he had been here longer than the others by years and years. Kalif leaned off of the wall, his robes flowing around him as he made his exit without muttering a single syllable.
Arvo was in a marvellous mood (which seemed to be a dying breed around the place, these days), and the small man wandered into the Professor's common room ready to hear all the important things for the year. One would think that a man with as many grandchildren as he did would be numbed to the news of more, but that just wasn't how he was made. Every new edition to the family was to be celebrated, and what a celebration it was. The Arithmancer was sure that the remainder of the year would go well, and he made himself a cuppa when he entered the meeting. He gave a short greeting to the professors he recognised, and a slightly heartier greeting to those he didn't, along with a short welcome once more, before finding a place to sit nearest the biscuits.

The meeting went off quite nicely, and Arvo listened whilst he dipped and stirred his biscuit into the warm tea. He took note of where he would need to send any Ravenclaws if the time came (hopefully it didn't), before getting up once more to have a little conversation with his fellow professors. He gave one look at Wren, and made him a cup. "You look as if you could do with this," he said kindly, before looking for a certain two other professors. He eventually managed to lock eyes wtih Sloane (a marvellous feat of appropriate ducking and waving) and began making her a coffee.
In the last couple of Professor's Meetings, Wren had gotten lucky and been in the common room already, since he was only ever there or in his office. This time he was all the way up in the North tower, snoozing away while the rest of the faculty made their way down to start the year. A fluttering crane-shaped piece of parchment tickled his cheek and reminded him about the meeting, which was already fifteen minutes underway, and the student body was treated to the comical site of the leggy Professor actually running through the corridors and down the stairs.

Wren slowed before he reached the door to the common room so he wouldn't looked puffed, but instead he looked like he'd been struck by lightning, his hair was so wild. He automatically shambled over to his mentors, Arvo and Monty, one of whom offered him a cuppa and the other a jittery look that automatically caused him to offer a gentle smile of encouragement. He was further pleased to see Sloane and Jonathan, whom he'd been getting to know. The Frenchman twinkled his fingers at them and leaned over to Arvo to ask for an update.
Monty was in the midst of a deep-breathing exercise when Professor Orbon took the seat adjacent, and he smiled as warmly as he could given the sickness in his chest and the tremor in his hands. Still, he'd had plenty enough experience disguising these symptoms of his anxiety, which was only a good thing if you happened to enjoy wearing a mask for the better portion of your life. "Morning," he said, with a nod. After Eduardo had mispronounced his name some time ago, Monty had been wary of the younger man, unable to decide whether he had been intentionally rude or had merely never known its correct pronunciation. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, Monty said, "Oh, uh - I'm sorry you and I have yet to be properly introduced, professor. It's Astronomy you teach, isn't it?"

A while later, after Justin had spoken, Monty was speaking to Sloane. His friends were nearby, and he smiled in their direction. "Yes - he will be missed," Monty agreed, looking back at the Hufflepuff Head of House. "A difficult pair of shoes to fill, I shouldn't wonder."

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