
'yes!' kendall thought to herself, one of her spells had actually worked as she had hoped... she knew zoe had something up her sleeve, and then all of a sudden realized that zoe was still able to perform spells in midair... and she was most likely going to do so..

with this thought in mind, kendall dropped zoe from about 7 feet in the air as zoe released a spell... she hoped the fall wouldn't hurt zoe too much, but she was more intent on winning and knew zoe would have done the same to her.. she was too deep in concentration to hear exactly what zoe's yelled, but said Protego!, hoping that her strong and well-mastered shield charm was a countercurse to zoe's last move.
Zoe had hurt her left arm, but luckily she was right-handed so she could still cast spells. Expelliarmus and she jumped around a little more. she was getting really frusturated.
she noticed zoe seemed really angry, so she thought that she may have hurt her during the fall.. as zoe got back up, she rubbed her left arm, and kendall assumed it was all that she had hurt.. zoe quickly cast a spell with her right hand, leaving kendall little time to react..

kendall's wand was thrown from her hand, and it landed a few yards in front of her... kendall scrambled forwards on the ground to regain control of the only thing that was keeping her in this, and quickly yelled protego! to help ensure that any spell zoe would cast while she was getting back into position would rebound... she hoped that she would be protected just long enought to hop back to her feet and get ready for zoe's next attack.
'good thinking ahead' kendall thought to herself as zoe's spell rebounded off of her shield charm and bounced back in zoe's direction... stupefy! kendall yelled, hoping to add some confusion to the rebounding spell... now zoe would have two of the same spell bounding towards her..
Protego She began her jumping around again. and almost slipped off the platform, when she saw that two spells were coming for her. She was lucky, the shield charm made one rebound off it, and her jmping had helped her dodge the other.
'wow' kendall thought to herself, 'she is good' zoe had managed to dodge both spells with one shield charm and her interesting technique...
"expelliarmus" kendall yelled as she crouched, hoping to try something different on zoe to see how she would react and if she could react in time...
Zoe was lucky that her shield charm was still working, countered it with "Stupefy!"and was getting very angry, as her arm was throbbing.
zoe's spell came hurling at her, and she ducked down just in time.. she thought to herself that if that would have hit her, the duel would surely be over by now.. she was lucky she had quick reflexes...

stupefy! she yelled with all her might, pointing her wand straight at zoe..
Zoe jumped up straight up, as fast as she could, Then, mid-jump, she cast Expelliarmus! and began moving around in her wacky-way again.
Kendall had thought that would work for sure.. but no time for thinking.. immediately she assumed zoe would cast an offensive spell, so she yelled protego! just in time for the spell to bounce off in another direction..

she crouched down, knees bent, prepared for anything that could come her way.. she had a feeling this duel would take more than just skill at mastering spells to win.. so as she prepared herself for anything that may come her way, and began to think outside of the box...
(((OOC: back :p )))

Zoe saw that Kendall was in a perfect ball, then gave her wand a swish and flick, then said, "Wingardium Leviosa!" hoping that Kendall wouldn't do anything else. Then her left arm began to throb again, painfully.
"Will you be okay Miss Weasley to continue the match," asked Sebastien as he saw that the girl had a look of pain on her face.

He had enter the room awhile ago and had been watching the duel.
Zoe nodded to the professor, kept herself ready waiting to be attacked at any moment. "I'll be ok, I'm not giving up."
Sebastien had not seen King in the room when Sebastien had entered.

"Forgive me Professor I had not seen you there. I see you have this duel under control, I have somewhere I have to be," said Sebastien as he forgot about a meeting he had to attend.
"Are you sure you can't join us? I'd be quite happy if you would like to... I could show you the ins and outs of supervising a duel, I never did meet you by the way, the Headmistress simply told me we had a new co-charms professor, I'm Professor King." he stated smiling, hoping the new Professor could join them :)
" I am in a hurry but if you would like you could come by my office for tea or a butterbeer, I really must be leaving now," rushed sebatien as he left the dueling area.
"Nice to have met you!" Professor King exclaimed as the new professor rushed out of the dueling chamber, I really hope he and I can get to know each other Prof. King thought as he turned his attention back to te duel at hand....
Kendall admired the fact that zoe was still here after that hard of a fall.. she was therefore prepared to take a more defensive approach to the match to prevent any further harm to her opponent, they were just practicing after all... finite! she yelled, hoping that this would deflect her opponent's spell...

"you ok?" she yelled at zoe.. making sure she was able to continue...
'wow.. she really isn't giving up.' kendall thought to herself..

kendall was starting to get tired.. they had been dueling for quite some time now.. protego kendall said with little force, producing a weak shield spell...

zoe's spell had also lost some of its power, however it was still strong enough to knock kendall backwards a few feet... she was still standing, barely, while she wobbled on the edge of the platform....

'im so hungry,' she thought to herself... the last thing she remembered having was pumpkin juice at the first meeting of one of her clubs.. 'c'mon focus'.. she told herself quietly as she regained balance on the platform...

EXPELLIARMUS! She said with all her might, hoping that it would work, and Kendalls wand would be flung completely away from her.
zoe had said her spell with quite a lot of force, so she expected it to hit her with a lot of power... however, now that she was more focused, she was able to put up a slightly more powerful defensive spell Finite! kendall yelled and her spell hit zoe's in mid-air.. 'not bad' kendall thought to herself...

she then pulled a chocolate out of her pocket and slipped it into her mouth.. she needed something, for she was starving.... her hunger was relieved for at least a small period of time.. "how's your arm?" she yelled at zoe...

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