Emma van Houten

Excitable | Loud | Older twin | Party Planner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
Set during a Gryffindor practice, PM to join if you're part of the Quidditch team and want to be in this.

Emma was slowly getting better at being a beater, but it was going way too slow for her liking. Lysander was so much better than she was, and Jacob was in a different league entirely. But she had managed to hit a few bludgers, and while her arms hurt from the strain of it, Emma was glad. She was taking it easy now for a second, hoping the captain wouldn't notice as she flew a little slower to catch her breath. Quidditch was pretty taxing, but Emma didn't regret joining the team for a second. It was wonderful, and would only be more wonderful when she actually got to play herself.
As excited as Sully was for the holidays coming up, it was a little bummed out that his grand plan to get a date to the ball using the spin the bottle game had kind of fallen short. Yes, he'd gotten to kiss some people, but when that hadn't immediately sparked some sort of whirlwind romance, Sully had been pretty disappointed. What was he supposed to do now? Chucking the quaffle off to one of the other chasers, Sully pulled up his broom near where Lysander was practicing, wiping some sweat off with the back of his arm. "Man, Lysander, do you have a date to the ball? Worried I took too long and all the good dates are gone," He said with a short laugh, stretching and leaning on his broom handle as he watched the rest of the practice for moment. If Lysander had a date then Sully definitely needed to get his act together.
Quidditch practice was always fun, but since Jacob had asked him and Sierra to take over once the older boy had graduated, he found himself trying to learn more about the basics of captaining than mucking about. He'd slowed down to try and watch Jacob do his thing, but was snapped out of it by Sully's approach. He shot him a confused smile. "Uhm, not yet. Are you...are you asking me?" He asked seriously. He hadn't thought Sully would ask him out, but he hadn't expected Nicole to either, and she had. Catching sight of Emma nearby, he promptly shook his head, realising how much flak he'd get if he did go with his best friends crush. "Because I have someone I wanna ask. I just, like, I just haven't gotten around to it yet." He continued quickly. He didn't really want to have to say no if Sully was asking since he had no date plans, but Emma had called dibs, so he had to. That was the law. "You know who doesn't have a date yet? Emma. You could ask her. You know, before all the good dates are gone." He suggested with as casual a shrug as he could muster.​
Sully hadn't really thought of asking Lysander, he had that sort of dorky little brother vibe about him that Sully didn't think he could get past and he couldn't help but laugh at the suggestion. But it seemed like Lysander had a date in mind already anyway. "Oh yeah?" He said when Lysander suggested Emma, glancing over at her nearby. Emma was pretty, and he'd already kissed her so there was some groundwork already done. "Yeah, that's not a bad idea," He said, grinning. "Hey Emma!" He called. "Wanna go to the ball with me?"
Emma had noticed Lysander and Sully chat, and had been wondering if she could think of a way to fly over to them without it being too obvious it was on purpose to talk to Sully. But she also had figured that the best way to get Sully's attention was with proving herself during practice. If she managed to do a really good hit, she was sure Lysander would point it out to Sully for her. Emma chased after a bludger and tried to hit it, but right as she swung her bat, Sully called her name. In her surprise, Emma nearly toppled off her broom from the momentum. Then she gasped at the question that followed. She nearly dropped her bat, but managed to hang on. As dignified as she could, she righted herself on her broom. "Uh, what? I mean yes! I mean sure." She called back, wishing her face wasn't as red as it felt like it was. "That would be cool!" She added, trying to sound cool about the whole thing. But she then glanced at Lysander and widened her eyes at him, hoping he'd get the message that they needed to talk about this the moment Sully was distracted. This had come out of nowhere, but she was incredibly happy as well as somewhat embarrassed about her reaction.
Lysander nodded his head enthusiastically, trying to lock eyes with Emma when Sully had turned his head away, in an attempt to somehow psychically give her a heads up. It didn't work, and he grimaced slightly when she wobbled about on her broom. He would have to talk her up any chance he got leading up to the ball, just to make sure Sully didn't change his mind. He gave Emma a discreet thumbs up after she accepted, unable to hide the massive grin on his face, and he flew over to nudge the older boy with his elbow. "You're welcome. She's pretty cool, you know." He said seriously, trying to pass it off as a man-to-man talk and not just him hyping his best friend up.​
Sully laughed at Emma's startled reaction, but grinned victoriously that she'd said yes. Not that he'd really doubted she would. As Lysander said, she didn't have a date yet, so it'd be weird if she turned him down. "Sweet," He called over to her, turning as Lysander flew closer to him. "Yeah she's alright. Her sister was pretty cool too," Sully said. He'd honestly mostly only thought of Emma as 'Fleur's sister' until recently. When he'd been in primary school, he'd always been 'Sia's little brother' and it'd been super annoying until he was finally old enough to shake the relation. Here, no one even knew his sister. Sully briefly wondered if Sia would like Emma or Fleur at all, before realizing he should probably get back to practicing, giving Lysander and Emma a thumbs up before flying to go bother Noel about the quaffle.
Once it seemed like Sully was distracted, Emma made a beeline for Lysander, her eyes wide. "What just happened?" She breathed, glancing over at Sully nervously. "Did he really just ask me to the ball?" She groaned. "Did I make a huge fool of myself?" She added, anxiously running a hand through her hair. "I've never been on a date before. You have to help me." She added, looking back at her best friend desperately. "Please?" She made sure to talk quietly, she didn't need Sully to know she was freaking out about this. Though he seemed thoroughly distracted by the practice again, which Emma thought was so cool. Dates probably weren't a big deal to him at all, but they were to her. She wished she knew a bit more about it, and wondered if the library would have any books on dates and what to do.

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