Plots! Plots! Plots!

Hi Lucy! I can offer Teddy for Lucy, I think he'd pick up pretty quick that she's not herself and try to help. Also Teddy does have a soft spot for Aroha and I think something fun for them would be great too!
Ohh if you're up for it, I wouldn't mind them maybe having their first fight? Lucy isn't ready to share but Teddy just wants to help?

Oh, those two are great. Hmm maybe something in the common room. I can picture Aroha trying to study and Teddy interrupting to help, or just to interrupt. Or they could do something quidditch-related?

I'd love if you'd start the Shiori one!

Tempest might actually be venturing into the library more as she comes back so I could start a thread for her and Lucy.

And then we can do outside for Beatrice and Rosalind. I can start that one as well if you're good with those ideas?
Sounds good! I'll get mine started soonish.

Yeah, we can see how we go with the first year dorm thread and them maybe do some more with the Slytherin girls a little bit later on in the semester if you're keen, see how we're going.

Also down for Aine and Demetrius to catch up at some point, despite her being belligerent at the grad party and actively focusing on the muggle world instead for a bit Demetrius is definitely one of the people she'd like to keep in touch with beyond school. Another thing that can be tabled for later on, just making a note of it now haha.
Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I'll note those down. Demetrius would definitely want to keep in touch with Aine too. Thanks!
Ohh if you're up for it, I wouldn't mind them maybe having their first fight? Lucy isn't ready to share but Teddy just wants to help?

A fight?! I wasn't expecting you to say that but sure they can have an argument if you'd like. I can start this one if you like.

Oh, those two are great. Hmm maybe something in the common room. I can picture Aroha trying to study and Teddy interrupting to help, or just to interrupt. Or they could do something quidditch-related?

I can see Teddy 'helping' with homework, or practicing Quidditch with her. I'm down for either of these if you want to start whichever if your favourite.
A fight?! I wasn't expecting you to say that but sure they can have an argument if you'd like. I can start this one if you like.

I can see Teddy 'helping' with homework, or practicing Quidditch with her. I'm down for either of these if you want to start whichever if your favourite.
Fight is maybe a strong word oops xD But argument, yeah. Okay, you start that one and I'll start the other!
Yep, those sound good! I think Hugo and Lucy definitely know of each other (they interacted once I think?) so honestly Lucy would probably start a conversation up if she just noticed him in the common room or something. So potentially you could start that one?

I'd love to see how Aroha and Ivy get on. I could start that one if you like.

Yeah, I imagine Rosalind and Ivy are friends, or at least on good terms. Maybe Ivy convinces Rosalind to do something a bit adventurous? I've had Rosalind in the forbidden forest before, so maybe not that, but maybe they sneak out at night or something? Just throwing out ideas lol.

Hello sorry for the slow reply. They all sound good. Could we start with one and see how it goes and then build from there. I am happy with either one of them. Whichever you prefer.
Hello sorry for the slow reply. They all sound good. Could we start with one and see how it goes and then build from there. I am happy with either one of them. Whichever you prefer.
No problem! I'll start the Ivy and Aroha one and then we can see about the others later on.
For Lucy and Tempest x

For Beatrice and Rosalind x

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