Plot for friends!

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Reiko Edamura

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Reiko Edamura

Reiko is first year, muggle-born Hufflepuff. She is originally from the city of Dunedin, but her parents are from Kyoto, Japan. She is a cheerful and excitable girl, and is usually seen cheering loudly for seemingly mundane things. While she is friendly, she is known to get a little annoying sometimes.After learning she was a witch, she decided to attend Hogwarts New Zealand. Reiko's didn't understand what the school was, but eventually decided to let her go. Reiko has also shown an interest in quidditch, and would love to play the sport.

For her, I'm looking mainly for friends. Doesn't matter the house or age, though first year Hufflepuffs would make the most sense at the moment. Some enemies would be nice, but Reiko doesn't feel like she actually has them. While people might not like her because of her overly cheerful attitude, or the fact she is a "mud-blood". Reiko will probably not be that affected. Romantic interests may also be accepted. But for the future.

Tamara Glasswell

Tamara is a first year, half-blood Ravenclaw. Her father and uncle are both wizards, and she's always been exposed to the world of magic. Her mother didn't really care what her husband was showing her daughter, but did want Tamara to learn some of the "muggle ways". She preferred magic over it. To her, magic was a gift, and anyone lucky enough to have it was worthy to use it. She thought about the adventures she could have, but Tamara often has doubts because of her nervousness. While she is close to her cousin, Victor, they were sorted into different houses, and now she doesn't really have that many chances to hang out with him anymore. Her main goal is to become strong like her father, but has wondered about maybe pursuing a political career in the future.

For Tamara, I'm looking mainly for friends. People who can bring out the brave in her. Enemies can be here too, but I don't see her having that many enemies. Romantic interests are welcome too, but again, for the future.

Victor Glasswell

Victor is a first year, half-blood Gryffindor. His father and uncle are both wizards, while his mother and aunt are muggles. His father loved to talk about his adventurea around the world, and loved to talk even more about the mischief he and his brother caused at school. These stories impressed Victor, and made him want to be an adventurer like his father. He would often explore the areas surrounding his home with his cousin, Tamara. Often finding small creatures or a cool-looking rock. However, since coming to HNZ, he and Tamara were sorted into different houses. Making it hard for him to hang out with her.

For Victor I'm looking for friends, and possibly some adventure companions for him. He might have more enemies than Tamara, as he has a tendency to make people annoyed, and will often defend Tamara from people who bully her. Like the last two, romantic interests will be for the future!
Hiii :p

Adventure buddies adventure buddies! Zara would love to go on adventures with Victor >.< As with Victor, Zara's father encouraged her love of adventures when she was a child, him being a curse breaker who travelled a lot. As such, she loves exploring and discovering new things. I think they could be great friends. She's mischievous and loves life and all of its fantastic little aspects. Romantically, maybe something could develop later on? I could totally see her falling hard for an adventure-loving friend, even if she will be extremely awkward about it. Either way I think it would be a good experience for her.

Zara's all about adventure and mischief, so through Victor I could totally see her meeting Tamara later on and plotting to make her a total badass. Zara's extremely pushy so she probably won't stop until she sees results!

Also, Zara would probably love to play quidditch with Reiko and teach her a bit. It's a fun pass time of hers~
That would be fun to have Zara and Victor go on adventures with each other. And it would be funny to see Zara gain a crush on him because be would be totally oblivious to it. Tamara would probably have to tell him how obvious it is, hehe!

It would also be awesome if Tamara could become friends with Zara, and her pushy attitude would help Tamara get out of her she'll more!

Reiko would also love to play quidditch with Zara! It would be nice to have someone show her the ropes! :D
I have Aaron Walden here.

Aaron and Reiko could be interesting to RP because Aaron has a short fuse and would perhaps get quite annoyed with how cheerful Reiko is all the time xD But for the most part I think they could get on.

For Tamara and Aaron he could potentially bring out the brave side in her because he loves getting into trouble and he is very mischievous so he would definitely have adventures and he would love to take Tamara along.

With Aaron and Victor because they are both in the same house they will probably see each other quite a lot and be able to strike a bond there. Same as Tamara really, they could go on adventures together and cause lots of trouble xD

Let me know if you're interested in any of them.
Hehe, I think it would fun to have Reiko annoy Aaron! I would feel a little bad for him, but it would also nice to see them become friends in the future! Just be careful, befriending Reiko means you're stuck with her forever :p

I think it would also be nice for Aaron to help Tamara become more brave as well, and she would love to go on adventures with him too! The same for Victor as well, he's always up for adventuring!
Yesss, I could totally see them around third year and Zar starting to trip over her words and squeak when they brush shoulders and avoiding eye contact, but Tamara completely knowing what's up and wiggling her eyebrows at her. It would be hilarious.

We could start thread for Vic/Tam/Zar? Zar would probably run in to the both of them hanging out together and be like oh look new friends hello~ :p

Would you like to start?
If you want me to start it, I'll have to do it later :unsure:

I'm currently leaving for work at the moment, but you can start the thread if you want :D
Ack, just saw this >.< I'll be happy to start, but I'm currently working on coding something so I'll do it tomorrow, if that's alright with you
No problems here! I hope the coding goes well! ^_^
Reiko Edamura said:
Hehe, I think it would fun to have Reiko annoy Aaron! I would feel a little bad for him, but it would also nice to see them become friends in the future! Just be careful, befriending Reiko means you're stuck with her forever :p

I think it would also be nice for Aaron to help Tamara become more brave as well, and she would love to go on adventures with him too! The same for Victor as well, he's always up for adventuring!
Great! With regards to Tamara and Victor, maybe we could do something when term officially starts? There would be more opportunity for adventuring and mischief :r

The situation with Reiko sounds good, maybe Aaron will get attached to her and miss her chattiness when they're apart xD Would you like to start that one soon or shall I?
Agreed! I think it will be more fun when school actually starts! And you can start the one with Reiko if you please! :r ^_^
Reiko and Ainsley could either get along like a house on fire or absolutely hate each other as roomies haha... Ainsley's very withdrawn and has absolutely no experience sharing personal space with people her own age, so Reiko's excitability could either be grating or exciting for her, depending how things go. Ainsley likes to question things, and her thoughts tend to go off on long tangents, so they could either have some interesting discussions or drive each other up the wall haha... they're both quite cheerful people though, and they could probably find enough common ground to become friends if you'd rather go that route :) they're also originally from the same area, though Ainsley hasn't ever spent a lot of time in the city so they probably wouldn't know each other from there.
Hey Andrew, I have a first year Ravenclaw to offer for Tamara :)

Kaia Rosemary is friendly, can be stubborn sometimes, is protective over friends and family, loyal and adventurous. She's serious about school work though but not as much as others would think her to be. She's witty and sarcastic and I think having Tamara as a friend will definitely boost her confidence. I'd love to have them interact and become friends considering they're also roommates.
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