Alternate RP Pas de Deux

This is a roleplay outside of the site's canon.

October Alcott

✨perfectionist ✨ french ✨ ✨ RNZB ballerina ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Sia) (Bisexual
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
10/2030 (33)
October had known this plan was silly from the get-go, but at the time she had been too happy to really care. She and Sia were getting married, and a winter wedding was perfect for their younger family members to attend in the school break. The logistics of a beach wedding in July were something they would figure out when the time came. And then the time had come. As mixed as her feelings about the magical community were, October was glad for her education for once, as it had been fairly easy to set up a few heating charms and some shields to keep the rain off, but she still couldn't quite help missing the sunshine.

It was hard to stress about for long though, with her wife by her side. In fact, it was hard to be upset about anything at all. The small, intimate family wedding had been perfect, and with the vows said and rings exchanged, there was nothing to do but bask in their love, and the knowledge that it would last a lifetime. She was practically glued to Sia's side as their friends and family mingled in the reception, leaning up to pull Sia down for another quick kiss before they no doubt became inundated by conversation and congratulations.

OOCOut of Character:
Here's the guest list for this event - all guests are invited to bring a date as well. If you think you should be on the list but I've forgotten you, let me know!
Kyle Alcott-Ward, Matt Alcott-Ward, April Ward, Adelia Kolter, Bijoux Laurent, Giulia Alcott, Louis Alcott, Alexander Alcott, Amy Ward, Clifton Ward, Gabriel Blume, Amber Chou Wilson, Solomon Tofilau, René Tofilau
Matt had cried a lot during the ceremony. He had spent most of it with his face in his handkerchief, trying not to sniffle too loudly. Seeing his oldest daughter get married was absolutely wonderful. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked, how mature. He had vowed to give October some space during the reception, but he couldn't help himself. He made a beeline for her and her wife, pulling October into a hug. "That was wonderful!" He said, nearly starting to cry again. He pulled back, cupping October's cheek. "Oh darling, I'm so proud of you." He said, before forcing himself to let go. "I won't take up your time long, but I needed to get that off my chest." He admitted with a slight smile.
April felt very happy for October. She was proud of her older sister and secretly a little glad the wedding did have magical attributes, even though October had pretty much left the magical world. She watched her with her new wife, glad to see her so happy. April stayed near Norton for now, intending to congratulate her sister later. She hummed softly and started swaying to the music, eager to start dancing.
Louis was happy for his cousin October, but he also wasn't all that invested in her romantic life. It was weird that she was dating René's sister. It made him and René literally family. It was probably a good thing Louis had already seen René as a brother and had never flirted with him, it would have felt weird now. Louis had brought Caleb, though he hadn't quite taken the invitation the way Louis had hoped. Still, a wedding was supposed to be romantic and stuff right? Maybe it would help him and Caleb. He grinned at his date. "Wanna get some snacks? Or wine? I bet October got some good wine."
Amy had never gotten as close to her niece as she would have liked, but she had to admit October made a stunning bride. She didn't understand her desire to stay out of the wizarding world, and largely blamed that for not being too close to her. She did see her as her niece just as much as April was, but October's serious personality had never meshed too well with Amy's. Still, she was proud of her, and she knew she would congratulate her as soon as she wasn't being crowded. Always one for a party, Amy went to get herself a drink, moving her head to the music and grinning as she moved past people, waving to a few familiar faces.
Married. His oldest daughter was married. Kyle hadn't even tried not to cry, relieved that at least he'd managed to marry a man just as soppy as he was. His eyes still stung slightly and his throat was choked as he joined the other attendees for the reception, sticking close to Matt. It was a relief when his husband made a beeline for the brides and Kyle followed afterwards, not hesitating a moment before pulling October into a second hug. “My baby...” He whispered, throat tight as he kissed October sweetly on the top of her head. “That was so beautiful. I'm so happy for you.” He turned his attention to Sia after a moment, this time having to lean up to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as he switched to speaking in English. “I couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-law.”
Her daughter's step-sister's wedding was maybe an unusual occasion to bring Alyce into, but Adelia certainly wasn't going to spend the day surrounded by her ex-husband's family by herself. She was on good terms with Matt and the Wards thankfully, but the awkwardness lingered nonetheless. It was good to have Alyce by her side, and she had been surprised by the flutters in her heart during the ceremony. Adelia had never expected to get married again after Matt and it was certainly too early on right now, but to her own surprise she couldn't help thinking about it. Maybe one day. For now she held on to Alyce's hand, giving her a gentle nudge. “Want to see if the bar is up to your standards?” She teased.
Weddings were boring, but her cousin was the last thing on Giulia's mind right now. She was happy for October of course – she had long since felt that October was the family member she was closest to – but right now, Giulia was more interested in her date. The more time had passed, the more certain she had gotten that Akihiro actually seemed to like her as a person, for some reason. If this was some kind of mean joke, it was by this point the most elaborate and long running that anyone had ever pulled, no question. At some point, the most likely option had become that someone so kind and likeable and popular actually liked her. And now here he was by her side surrounded by her family. “Thank you for coming.” She said with a shy smile, trying to figure out how to broach the topic of what this meant. “The ceremony was beautiful, wasn't it?”
Alex regretted how little time he had spent with Kyle's daughters when they were younger. He had been busy on the other side of the world, being irresponsible and young and stupid. And now he had blinked and his brother's children were adults, and October was married. She was one of the reasons he was most certain that moving to Aotearoa had been the right choice – Giulia made no secret of the fact that she felt closer to October than any of the other Alcotts, and he was glad to have given her that connection to someone so likeminded. The wedding had been beautiful, but now Alex was stuck in the awkward space of being solo at a wedding. He couldn't even go and bother either of his kids, they had brought dates – dates, even Giulia, and just thinking about how quickly they were growing up made him feel a little sick. He hovered awkwardly by the table instead, sipping a glass of wine and looking around the party, hoping to find someone he could chat with.
Returning to Aotearoa had been a decision Gabriel had weighed up before making it, but the more time he spent here the more certain he was that it had been the right decision. After Kyle was bitten he had spent a couple of years practically raising his cousin, and he still felt fatherly pride as he watched the younger man congratulating his daughter on her marriage. Somewhere along the line, Gabriel had become an old man while he wasn't paying attention. He sighed lightly as he pulled his eyes away, greeting Alex briefly in passing as he went to grab a glass of wine.
Ainsley didn't think it was a stretch to guess that October hadn't liked her much in Hogwarts. The Ravenclaw had always seemed so prim, the most put together and composed of Amber's friends, and while it had taken a while to understand, Ainsley felt like October had resented her a little for being so messy and so.. herself. She had wondered a few times if October had feelings for Amber, but nothing had ever come of it in the end. Regardless, she felt strange about being at the wedding of someone who didn't actually like her very much, and it was compounded by having one of her old teachers hanging around, though thankfully Professor Ward seemed occupied with his family, and not interested in critiquing anyone on History essays they had written a decade ago. Moreover, being at a wedding reminded Ainsley of a thought she had been putting off for a while. Getting engaged was easy, all it took was a ring and a few nice words, but planning a wedding... Ainsley knew they really needed to get moving, but the whole situation was overwhelming, and she was excellent at procrastinating things that seemed too hard. Now, though... this would be worth the work. She tangled her fingers with Amber's, smiling gently. “Do you think Professor Ward would remember us?” She asked curiously.
Akihiro was pleased that things were progressing well Guilia. She was a sweet girl, and he was starting to imagine more of a life with her in it. He had agreed eagerly to a wedding, thinking it was a wonderful date. He was meaning to ask her to be his girlfriend officially, but he was trying to decide what the right moment for that would be. He was half paying attention to the wedding for that reason, more preoccupied with the feeling of her warmth beside him. As things progressed, he tried to refocus, especially as she spoke. He turned to her with a gentle smile, reaching up to tuck a bit of her hair behind her ear. "Mm, it was. It reminds me of how beautiful you are," He complimented her easily, before offering out his hand. "Would you honor me with a dance?" He asked, as the floor opened up for everyone else. @Giulia Alcott
Things were going well for Alyce since moving in with adelia. It had only been a few months but it was nice living with her even if some days she did feel like one day she would wake up and she would end up in the small flat she had been living in in Munich or the home share she had stayed in New York. But this was reality.
Today was a big day. She was dressed in an impeccably taylered but still feminine suit as she made her way to the beach. It sounded odd her girlfriends daughters half sisters wedding. But it may be a good excuse to meet them without it being too awkward. And everyone was going to be in a good mood. Of things got awkward they could move on to seperate groups. Despite her tough persona and views on marriage there was something that couldn’t help but be heartwarming about weddings. She had held adelias hand throigh the ceremony glancing at her every now and then and smiling at herbsoft expression. isn’t it lovely she whispered as the ceremony came to an end.
After the ceremony she stood by Adelia their hands clasped tight together if anyone asked she would say she was there to support adelia but she was also getting comfort through the grasp. that sounds like a plan. I think we could both do with something, maybe a nice red, before meeting the extended family. she said.
Amber was very happy for her old Hogwarts friend. October had looked absolutely stunning at the ceremony, and Amber was itching to ask her details about her dress. She also liked a lot of the details of the wedding, she was taking a lot of it in as a sort of inspiration. Her own wedding with Ainsley was approaching, though she knew she was taking her time planning it. Amber knew Ainsley felt a bit overwhelmed by it, and she did too. She just wanted it to be all perfect. Amber had been taking everything in, when Ainsley interrupted her thoughts. She blinked. "Oh, I don't know. It's been a long time." She said, though she secretly hoped he would. "Did you hear he's headmaster now?" She asked Ainsley.

@Ainsley Lynch
Caleb had been surprised when Louis asked him to go to his cousin’s wedding. But he figured it was all part of their attempt to be friends again since Rene would be there too. His break hadn't been that exciting so he was glad for something fun to do, even if it was a bit more of a romantic hang out than he expected from his friend. The ceremony had been kind of boring but he was looking forward to the food and the party. Caleb stretched with his arms above his head after sitting still for longer than five minutes but perked up when Louis mentioned wine. “Wine sounds good.” he said quickly. “How close are you to your cousin anyways?” he asked when Louis mentioned October. He thought of Gemma back in France, or was she in London now? He didn’t know. He really wasn’t that close to his family and remembered his more distant cousin in Gryffindor. “Where did Rene get off to? Did he bring a date?” he asked, looking around. @Louis Alcott
Louis was confident getting them some wine was the right move. Wine was supposed to be romantic, he was pretty sure. He led Caleb over to the drinks table, keeping an eye out for his dad. He wasn't sure his dad would forbid him from drinking, but he also didn't think he'd love it if he saw Louis make a beeline for the alcohol. He shrugged. "Not that close, she's kind of old." He said. "And very serious. But she's nice enough." He told Caleb, glancing at him. "You look nice." He said, feeling a bit disappointed as Caleb asked about René. Louis shrugged. "I think he brought his girlfriend." Louis said, not quite hiding his distrust of René's girlfriend. He didn't know her that well, but she reminded him a bit of Jenna in a way. He wondered what René saw in Slytherin girls.

@Caleb Thorne
Sia wasn't sure she'd ever truly rid herself of all feelings of jealousy about not being magical but as she looked around at her family and friends, all still miraculously warm and dry despite their vane attempt at hosting a beach wedding in Winter, she couldn't help but spare a thankful smile for her beautiful wife.

She'd looped an arm around October's shoulder, finger's brushing her collar bones both to keep October close and so Sia could enjoy the glint of gold on her hand out of the corner of her eye as they managed to disentangle themselves from her parents, unsurprised with just how weeping her father had managed to get even with them being well into the reception now.

She smiled as October's family were much the same, enjoying the gushing attention with a warm bubble in her chest that she didn't think she could just credit to the warming charms about. "Merci, Kyle, it's awesome to be part of the family now," she offered with a grin, returning the hug and kiss to her new father-in-law, mind still giddy and catching on phrases like that. @October Alcott @Kyle Alcott-Ward
Clifton was sure he would like October if they had ever really spent time together - she had been a bit supportive in his first couple of years at Hogwarts, but she had very much been dealing with her own issues and hadn't had all that much time for an awkward kid step-cousin. She was nice though, and he was quietly honoured to have been invited to her wedding. After a lot of going back and forth in his head, he had taken it as an opportunity to take a potentially big step of his own. He had been flirting with Simon here and there for a long time now, every time the former Slytherin dropped in to the Dinette. So, Clifton had bitten the bullet and now here they were. On a capital D Date. It was all he could do not to panic, thinking back in anguish on his own disasterous relationship history, and very much trying not to think about the role Simon had played in that history back in their time at Hogwarts. He was different now - they both were - and this was a new thing, to be approached on their own terms as adults. So he did his best to keep himself together as he gave Simon a nervous smile. "Shall we... get some drinks, perhaps?"
Bijoux was still getting used to all of this – having a half-sister on the other side of the world. It sounded fake, like something that would happen to someone in a story. But here she was, at her half-sister's wedding. It had been a beautiful ceremony, though some of the English words had been unfamiliar to her. She could always ask Simone about anything she had missed - her former roommate had come to her rescue once again to keep her company in a profoundly uncomfortable situation. It was a relief that at least October's family seemed to mostly speak French, so she wasn't entirely isolated. Still, it was much easier to stick close to Simone, looking around the room curiously. "There are so many of them... October said this was mostly going to be her family, I didn't realise it was so big."
Simon’s life the past few years had felt like a rollercoaster he couldn’t get off of. Ever since losing his father he had been the one who stepped up to take care of his family and somehow fill in the gaps. It had been hard. So hard and exhausted, he wasn’t sure how he had made it through. But he had and now his mother had a good job in the ministry, Lila was nearly moved out, and Caleb nearly graduated. He could finally breathe and remember that he had his own life to live. So when Clifton had asked him to go to a wedding after months of flirty coffee based encounters, he said yes. But thinking of his brother did remind him that he wasn’t alone here in more ways than one and was busy looking for Caleb in the crowd when Clifton asked him a question. “Hmm?” he said absentmindedly until the question clicked. “Yes, drinks. Drinks sound amazing.” he said smoothly and held out his arm. @Clifton Ward
Simone loved a wedding. Mostly because of the party and free drinks but the love and all that was also good. She had her own reservations about marriage as an institution but as a child of divorce it was her right. She kept those thoughts to herself for Bijoux’s sake as they made another trip to New Zealand for her sister’s wedding. It was so odd to think of Bijoux having a sister. Most of her friends were only children, one of the many things they had in common. But as they moved on after the ceremony Simone stayed close to her friend with a glass of wine handy. She shrugged. “It is quite a turn out.” she said in agreement. For it being mostly family it was a lot. But she wasn’t sure if her or Bijoux were the best judges of that. Since cutting off her father more and more, the only family Simone really had was her mother and grandparents. "But they are technically you're family to, or are they?" she asked, unsure. @Bijoux Laurent

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