One PD a year whether I need it or not

Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (64)
Hellooo there!! :claire:

I have more muse than I know what to do with, so I'm looking for some RPs! Here's who I'm most inspired for and some ideas I've had for them:

Monty Pendleton (58)

Haha always Monty. His life is feeling a little bit too secure and I'd like to shake it up a bit.

  • Duelling lessons and/or partner - Monty is always looking to improve his duelling skills. As an ex-almost-auror (dropped out of training) it was his stumbling point, not because he doesn't have mastery over spells, but because he hesitates under pressure. I could see him taking a class or joining some sort of club where he could have a regular duelling partner to practice with.
  • Romance - always a tricky one hahaha, I'm still not even sure it's possible for him, but I'm always kind of hoping that it'll happen some day. I believe he's bi-romantic, but he gets scared when the other person reciprocates and his feelings vanish. I think it would be easier for him to develop a lasting relationship with someone who's already a good friend. Please feel free to offer anyone though if you want :wub: but also please accept my apologies in advance if I turn suggestions down for this because Monty is just really difficult to work with romantically xD
  • Tutoring - Monty's a private tutor; he can tutor magical kids in things like English/Maths/Science before they attend Hogwarts, or school-age kids in Charms/Potions over the holidays. So if anyone wants a RP like that I'm always down!
  • Reconnecting with old professors - heck yeah drinking party, that's all
  • Doom and disaster? - If you have a criminal who needs a target or something, I'm sure I can think of a reason that Monty would have either a.) annoyed them or b.) just happened to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hehee.

Callum Duffy (41)

Ahh, my first and only auror!! Callum moved to NZ from Ireland and he's struggling to build relationships. It's his own fault. He's jaded and miserable most of the time, due to his self-perceived failures both as a father and as an auror. But underneath his serious and unfriendly outward demeanour he's got a genuinely good heart; in fact, it is probably because he cares so much that he hurts so much.


  • Colleague trouble - I don't think it would go unnoticed that Callum is incredibly tired at work a lot of the time. Being an auror gives him a lot of anxiety (probably not the best job for him eh) and it exhausts him, sometimes making him forgetful/negligent. I'd be keen for someone to notice this, or run into trouble because of his negligence, whatever the consequences might be for him.
  • Romance - maybe he's not in the best place to start a relationship, but I don't think he'd resist his feelings if he started to fall for somebody new. His marriage wasn't very healthy so he has some trust issues, but his desire to love and be love would conquer that. He's only ever had female partners but I imagine him to be bi-curious. I'm down for flings as well as more long-term things if they hit it off!
  • Friends - oh my goodness give this poor man a friend or two xD

Van Voclain (5th year)

Van tends to get off on the wrong foot with people. She can come across as coarse, blunt, and selfish... and, well, sometimes she is. She grew up in a bad area with a mother that never bothered to shield her from the ugly truths in life, and who sabotages and disparages her efforts to be a better person.


  • Fights - it doesn't take a lot to set Van off, and I imagine it would be quite entertaining (to a certain type of person) to antagonise her. Maybe someone could continually try to goad her into reacting. Eventually she would probably just snap and start a physical fight. I really want to do something like this!!
  • Professor chat - Van's grades are slipping and I'd love it if a professor would talk to her about this. She tried very, very hard up until the start of her 5th year and then decided it wasn't really worth it any more because even her best efforts don't make a difference. She needs to be reminded that it does matter and does make a difference.
  • Friends - Van doesn't have a close friend :( I feel like she'd be better off befriending younger students as she struggles to get on with people her own age. Someone who feels like they don't belong, because she'll relate. But anyone who could see past her abrasiveness would find a good friend in her. Just be warned, she's not very loyal and she doesn't forgive easily.
  • Romance - Van has spent her teen years pining after boys who don't like her back, and now she feels as though nobody will ever love her. I'm down for either more plots where her feelings are unreciprocated, or a plot where someone does like her and she responds defensively because she doesn't really believe it. Or anything in between. Just expect a lot of drama because she's a pain in the butt =)) also she is heterosexual but misunderstandings could be fun too!

Seraphiel Fletcher (1st year)

My boy Sera! This is the son of Gabriel Fletcher and Lexy Martinez. Gabriel was pretty thoroughly despised at Hogwarts for being a self-absorbed, smarmy, rude jerk to pretty much everyone he met. He died several years ago in a work-related accident, and Sera is still guilt-ridden for having mixed feelings about it. Things have been better since his dad died. Is he a horrible, terrible person for feeling this way? Very probably, according to the devil on his shoulder. He hasn't figured out that people are a mix of good and evil and is secretly convinced that he's a fully bad person deep down.


A terrible misunderstanding - because I am mean to my characters, I'd like to reinforce Sera's fears that he's a bad person. Maybe he could accidentally do or say something horrible that greatly upsets somebody. Heck, maybe he does it intentionally, just not thinking about how the other person will feel. A badly thought-out prank? It would work best if your character is someone who would get visibly upset or annoyed about it, so Sera knows he did bad :D
Dungeons and Dragons - Sera wants to host a D&D campaign. I don't really want to write a whole campaign so it would have to fall apart quickly due to clashes with the players. I'd love for him to get a group of people together, only to find out that half of them don't like each other and are just trying to sabotage the game, or something. It would probably all occur over a single RP. Please drop a reply or a PM/discord message if you'd be keen to join so that I can get a group PM together or something :teehee:

OK that's it I think but with that said please feel free to suggest ideas that I haven't written down, or hit me up for RPs with my other characters!! I am bursting with muse and up for anything really :lol: :lol:
Thanks so much :wub:
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Not sure, has he stopped thinking that Styx takes those beautification potions? :r
Not sure, has he stopped thinking that Styx takes those beautification potions? :r
Depends, has Styx aged in the last 20 years? :r If anything I think Monty's growing steadily more convinced

Jokes aside, they really need a reason to meet up xD hmm hm hm, just spitballing, but could he have commissioned Monty to make something for him? He would have known from Monty's office that he was a bit of an inventor haha. And then, yknow, if they're already at a bar, they might as well have a drink too ;D
My muse is pretty slow at the moment but I can't resist. :r (I owe you a reply on Gaius and I should get there today though!)

Still think Aine and Van should be friends, last attempt was thwarted by timed thread but Aine's trying a bit too hard to fit in and I think she'd find Van's abrasiveness refreshing because "oh, thank God, there are other people like me" :lol:

I'm down for Dahlia to join the D&D game to create additional drama of course! She would actually want to play but I think would jump in to sabotaging depending on the other party members...could also have Yuelia be a prank victim for Sera because I think out of my character's she'd be the most likely to have a bad reaction.

I can just throw some of my adults at yours and see what happens, not necessarily for romance but probably more friendship, haha. If Callum went to HS he might know Leon vaguely and they could maybe be friends? I have done nothing with that poor man and I should really give him something to do other than being married to his job. He's only slightly shady, like the "I'm going to turn a blind eye" kind rather than actively doing anything bad :lol: I'm also half imagining Violet and Monty hanging out though I'm still working out why that might happen. Anyway, just spitballing, don't feel obligated. :lol:
Hey Clare. i have a couple of suggestions.
for Monty I have elvera.
I can’t see them not having even friends on the castle. And they would definitely hang out for a tea drinking party. And we can see how they go.

Callum i have two offers. Briar and willow.
I believe that he was one of briars guards during the election. I imagaine that she would have tried to make friends with him as she felt odd needing guards ( think inviting him to stay during dinner and inviting him over at Christmas) And this could well continue post election.
willow him work together. So they would have opportunities to work together. Maybe she notices he is using soething or they get into some minor trouble on a patrol because he missed something.
I'm still trying to claw my way out of some writers block so I bring you some not time sensitive adult plots lol.

But for Callum I have Aleena Thorne. They're about the same age and I've been meaning to get her some kind of ministry job. She's a semi-recent widow and while I'm open to some romance in the future I think it'd have to be a bit of a slow burn. But she needs to start rebuilding her life a bit so some friends would be nice for her. So if you'd like to do something with them let me know!
Awwwyis thanks so much for posting guys!!!

Still think Aine and Van should be friends, last attempt was thwarted by timed thread but Aine's trying a bit too hard to fit in and I think she'd find Van's abrasiveness refreshing because "oh, thank God, there are other people like me" :lol:
YES PLEASE :wub: to be honest I had Aine in mind when I wrote that I think Van would get on better with someone younger, because she enjoyed Aine's company at the ball more than enjoys that of anyone in her own year xD it'd be great to do a thread between them that's not time-restricted! I'll start something for them soon if you like ^_^

I'm down for Dahlia to join the D&D game to create additional drama of course! She would actually want to play but I think would jump in to sabotaging depending on the other party members...could also have Yuelia be a prank victim for Sera because I think out of my character's she'd be the most likely to have a bad reaction.
Yay! I'm gonna start making a list for who wants to join the D&D RP and then probably try to do the RP at the beginning of S2, so I will message you about it closer to the time :3
And ooh OK perfect, I'm gonna give some thought to what kind of inconsiderate prank Sera might pull... does Yuelia have any fears/phobias?

I can just throw some of my adults at yours and see what happens, not necessarily for romance but probably more friendship, haha. If Callum went to HS he might know Leon vaguely and they could maybe be friends? I have done nothing with that poor man and I should really give him something to do other than being married to his job. He's only slightly shady, like the "I'm going to turn a blind eye" kind rather than actively doing anything bad :lol: I'm also half imagining Violet and Monty hanging out though I'm still working out why that might happen. Anyway, just spitballing, don't feel obligated. :lol:
Yes!! What house was Leon in? Callum was a Hufflepuff. Back then his life was pretty great, he was a good student, good grades, bright future ahead of him. What was Leon like back then? Maybe they could run into each other after much time and be surprised by the changes in each other?

And I would looovee for Monty and Violet to meet :lol: I love Violet. As for the why and where... okay random idea, would Violet go to the theatre ever? I don't know why, but I'm just picturing them sat next to each other, stuck at a show that is turning out to be very dull, in an interlude that's going on way longer than it should xD I can start this as well if you like the idea :r

Hey Clare. i have a couple of suggestions.
for Monty I have elvera.
I can’t see them not having even friends on the castle. And they would definitely hang out for a tea drinking party. And we can see how they go.
Hii Mia!! :hug: Heck yes, I would love Monty and Elvera to have tea together!! Also Monty has a lot of loss coming up in his life, it would be super interesting if she did a tarot reading or something for him that indicated this (or whatever method you'd prefer), cause one of his best friends is getting very old and he's worried about him. But it's up to you if you want to add that :D
Either way, I can start something if you want, any preference as to where we set it?

Callum i have two offers. Briar and willow.
I believe that he was one of briars guards during the election. I imagaine that she would have tried to make friends with him as she felt odd needing guards ( think inviting him to stay during dinner and inviting him over at Christmas) And this could well continue post election.
willow him work together. So they would have opportunities to work together. Maybe she notices he is using soething or they get into some minor trouble on a patrol because he missed something.
I love both of these, Callum's not the most social person but if Briar kept inviting him I think he'd feel obliged to say yes eventually xD do you want to do a RP where she's invited him over for some reason or another? And would you possibly be able to start that one if so? :3 <3

Also super keen for more Callum x Willow, I like to think that in spite of being grumpy he'd have tried to be helpful to her whenever he can, just in general, so hopefully they'd at least have an amicable co-worker relationship!! I love your ideas but I'm gonna send you a PM about this one cause it's possibly a little complicated and I may need an app hehe

I'm still trying to claw my way out of some writers block so I bring you some not time sensitive adult plots lol.

But for Callum I have Aleena Thorne. They're about the same age and I've been meaning to get her some kind of ministry job. She's a semi-recent widow and while I'm open to some romance in the future I think it'd have to be a bit of a slow burn. But she needs to start rebuilding her life a bit so some friends would be nice for her. So if you'd like to do something with them let me know!
Kadii thank you so much for posting <3 I would love to do something between them!! We can always just see how they get along and then go from there, Callum would be a real slow burn if he were to get into a serious relationship as well. Would you prefer to wait until she's got the ministry job (so that they can meet there) or would you like them to meet sooner than that? I'm happy either way :claire:
Depends, has Styx aged in the last 20 years? :r If anything I think Monty's growing steadily more convinced

Jokes aside, they really need a reason to meet up xD hmm hm hm, just spitballing, but could he have commissioned Monty to make something for him? He would have known from Monty's office that he was a bit of an inventor haha. And then, yknow, if they're already at a bar, they might as well have a drink too ;D
Styx comes to NZ from time to time to see his wife. Could just randomly meet up there because I cannot imagine that Styx would willingly be in a bar or seek Monty out of his own free will. xD
Yessss! Everyone Aine has been talking to in her year is for the most part very nice and polite and she feels quite on the outer in terms of attitude. Ironically kind of similar to Seraphiel but I think she's a bit better at understanding grey areas. She would appreciate hanging out with Van and having someone straightforward to talk to and honestly might hype her up a little cause I think she'd genuinely appreciate it. If you want to start something go ahead!

Yuelia's afraid of the dark, so that might not give you much unless you want to drop a bucket on her head or something silly. :lol: Just there as an option if you don't find anything that works better.

Leon was in Slytherin, would've kept to himself but dated a very outgoing and lively Ravenclaw girl who pulled him out of his shell a bit. She unfortunately died in childbirth because drama hence him being protective of Yuelia and very reserved. It might be hard to have them meet but he works at St Mungo's now but they could come across each other around Obsidian and maybe vaguely recognize each other? I think they're the same age roughly so likely they were in the same year level. Also just there as an option.

Oh I am absolutely down for the theatre thing! Violet's attempting to try and be a bit more open to the magical world and slowly kind of make up for bombing NEWTs and a couple of lost decades that totally isn't just my excuse for not coming up with something useful for all the time away from site. :lol: That sounds like a really fun idea and I love it!
Kadii thank you so much for posting <3 I would love to do something between them!! We can always just see how they get along and then go from there, Callum would be a real slow burn if he were to get into a serious relationship as well. Would you prefer to wait until she's got the ministry job (so that they can meet there) or would you like them to meet sooner than that? I'm happy either way :claire:
Aww, cool. Yeah I think waiting for a work place meeting would be good, and give me a bit more time to get on top of things. Will give you a shout!
@Kalif Styx Hahahah fair, fair - where could Monty find him though? If you don't mind naming a place I'll start :wub:

@Aine Thompson Awwh, perfect then! :wub: I'll start Aine x Van shortly.

Pwahaha, OK that gives me an idea, what if he convinces her to go into a storage room/cupboard of some kind and then leans on the door to trap her in? If you like that I will start it!

Leon x Callum ooh gotcha, Leon's age says 39 atm, unless he's 40 now he was probably in the year below, but we could say they were in a club together, maybe a duelling club or a potions club or something like that? Pretty please would you be able to start this one if you are able to? :wub:

Hehee perfect, I also just love the idea of a magical theatre production that somehow manages to be super boring xD I'll start that one!

@Poppy Perkins Sweeet! Yes please do let me know when you're ready! I look forward to it :3
I think I need to update his age I'm bad at maths. :r I think he's 40. I will get it started soonish! And yes I am down for short prank thread!
Hii Mia!! :hug: Heck yes, I would love Monty and Elvera to have tea together!! Also Monty has a lot of loss coming up in his life, it would be super interesting if she did a tarot reading or something for him that indicated this (or whatever method you'd prefer), cause one of his best friends is getting very old and he's worried about him. But it's up to you if you want to add that :D
Either way, I can start something if you want, any preference as to where we set it?

I love both of these, Callum's not the most social person but if Briar kept inviting him I think he'd feel obliged to say yes eventually xD do you want to do a RP where she's invited him over for some reason or another? And would you possibly be able to start that one if so? :3 <3

Also super keen for more Callum x Willow, I like to think that in spite of being grumpy he'd have tried to be helpful to her whenever he can, just in general, so hopefully they'd at least have an amicable co-worker relationship!! I love your ideas but I'm gonna send you a PM about this one cause it's possibly a little complicated and I may need an app hehe

Monte/Elvera. sounds great. she would be up for a tarot reading. maybe they could be having tea and chatting about life and love and loss and heartbreak and he brings his old friend up after a while and she offers to read for him. if you want we can discuss further

briar/Callum. sure i can start it. how old is his kid? (I am wondering his close they are to briar's youngest) I am happy to start if you want. or they could run into each other at the ministry.
Callum/Willow. ooh that sounds interesting. i defiantly want to hear more.
Heya! I'm only currently able to handle one, maybe two characters max so I'm totally up for a very interesting plot with Grace and Sera! I don't know how it would turn out to be honest, as despite being fairly sociable Grace really doesn't want to be at Hogwarts. Maybe Sera can potentially make her time at the school worse? :tut:

Lmk what you think! Has been a while for me xD
@Kalif Styx Perfect, this RP is next on my list to start, I will send it when it's up :3

@Niamh Eriksen I know we discussed everything on Discord but sounds great!! His kid is 13. I'm happy for Callum/Briar to meet at the ministry if you'd think that is more likely than her inviting him over!! Either works great for me. Please feel free to start it (no rush though), thank youu!

@Grace Merriwick Clara!!!! :cry: :wub: So good to see you around, hello!! Yes I'd love to do something with Grace and Sera, and I just had an idea - is there any chance Grace would leave her homework unattended for a few minutes? Say, in the student lounge, and she leaves for the bathroom? :r
Hehe happy to be back! And omg yes thats brilliant haha I think she'd totally hate herself for leaving her homework unattended, she'd probably blame herself if anything happened to it xD I love that idea let's do it :teehee:
Hehe happy to be back! And omg yes thats brilliant haha I think she'd totally hate herself for leaving her homework unattended, she'd probably blame herself if anything happened to it xD I love that idea let's do it :teehee:
Pshhh now what makes you think anything is going to happen to it heheheheeheee
Perfect :teehee: I can start this soon!! :D
ahaha just a feeling :devious: great, thanks!! :D

Can't wait to see him talk his way out of this xD
Claireey :wub:

I have two ideas for you :hug:

The first suggestion I have is for my Gryffindor sixth year Pascal Watties to be friends with Van. Pascal has been dealing with some family troubles so hasn't really socialized at Hogwarts until recently, and he does have a general negative opinion about Hogwarts as a school since it is keeping him from his dreams to be a star, and he would rather be practicing his dance routines and go to auditions than study. Generally Pascal is upbeat and positive, and since he is getting over some of the issues in his family he is more like his usual self recently, but still finds himself feeling down pretty often, and when he is feeling down he can be very pessimistic. I can see him and Van possibly bonding from complaining about things, and since they are around the same age we could possibly look at romance with them? I am not sure how this would work, I am mostly just happy to roleplay them at least as friends or generally to see how they would get along and see what happens.

The next suggestion is for Flavio and Callum to roleplay and possibly be friends? This probably seems a bit weird given their age difference but I feel like their ages aside, they have a few similarities in personality, and since they are both aurors they would at least know each other by face and name. Maybe over a coffee/tea one day they get to talking about themselves and get along and eventually become friends? Flavio is always a good listener and he would be happy to chat to Callum. Flavio is also a father as well of course and is trying not to be a failure, he would talk openly about Miro and his life, so this could be an interesting juxtaposition to Callum's situation.

Let me know what you think :D

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