Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

Sofia Loris

Daycare Director | Herbalist | Grandma
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Cedar Wand 12”, Mermaid Scale Core
63 (7/1998)
Sofia was glad that she could hold public events for the daycare children and their families. She thought it provided a larger sense of community, and it allowed her to get to know families or the adults taking care of each child, making everyone more personable. She had repainted the main area over the winter with it now bearing a calming green that could change shades when it was nap time to assist in sleep. She had brought in a bunch of couches and chairs into the main lobby for the event, finishing up snacks, a craft area, and setting out all the toys so new and old students could try out the activities that they may be participating in during the upcoming year.

Since Lena could not attend the event while taking Lottie school shopping, she had care of Margot and placed the 6 year old one the couch as she waved her wand over the girl's dress, removing a fresh stain from some strawberries her granddaughter had snuck. As the families trickled in, Sofia took a moment to welcome them all when there seemed to be enough. She stood nearby, ready to answer any questions that might be lingering or concerns about the daycare itself; although, she hoped that wouldn't be the case.

OOC: Open to any daycare students and their families/adults! Takes place in August 2063.
Honey held her dad's hand tighter than she probably should have been. She never got to see him as often as she would have liked and so whenever he was around, she tried to keep him around - holding him tighter meant he couldn't easily slip away, right? The daycare was nice enough though, and she quickly pulled her dad over to some of the food and put together a quick plate for him, holding it up as he took it from her. She grinned, because he seemed like he was happy today, instead of tired or annoyed. She liked this better than the days he seemed like he needed a break. She wasn't sure what he did for work, just that he was never home, and when he was, there were usually three moods he'd be in. That was what Luna was for though, because she seemed to keep Dad calm well enough, but really she missed Ellie, and Rowan, mostly Ellie. He'd always been there for her when she needed him, and he didn't come around much anymore. She saw him occasionally, maybe one weekend a month, but it never felt like enough. She frowned, she really did wonder what had happened - no one ever told her anything. "Daddy, come play with the paints with me!" She tried to semi drag him, she hoped that would work.
Chrys knew why she was holding his hand so tightly and he took the plate of fruit she'd made for him. He didn't know why she felt it was necessary to hand him food, since he'd actually eaten breakfast with her this morning, but he wasn't about to tell her off for doing something kind. It was nice to take care of someone and he didn't want her to lose that quality. He was sure she'd pick up, or picked up enough bad habits to make up for itty now that he could tell her off for later, though most of the bad habits were probably his own fault. He wasn't entirely sure why he was here, but he supposed he should at least make himself more aware of the place she spent so much of her time especially since he wasn't utilising Rowan and Elio for babysitting services anymore, so she'd been coming here a lot since last year. Most days, honestly though he did try to limit it to the times he was not in the area. Still, every six months or so he'd see her mother, and he'd get more money from her, but, that wasn't really something he liked to talk to Honey about. Even if it was happening more these days than it used to. That thought terrified him only a little (a lot). "Yeah, honey, I'm coming."
Tristan was delighted the daycare was holding another event. He hadn't dragged Vivian to this one, as he was busy working, but Tristan had insisted he and Mason should go. It worried him, how shy Mason sometimes was. It also baffled him, because neither he nor Domi were remotely shy. Sometimes it really felt like Mason took after Vivian the most, which was strange because they weren't actually related.

After the director greeted them, Tristan smiled down at Mason. "Seems like they have plenty of fun things for you to do." He said encouragingly. "There's a girl painting over there, do you want to paint with her?" He asked, trying not to sound too much like he wanted that. But even after attending daycare for weeks now, Mason still hadn't really made any close friends as far as Tristan could tell. This girl looked around the same age as Mason was, surely they could bond? He saw Mason nod and smiled as he started to lead him to the craft area. There was another dad there and Tristan nodded at him in greeting.

@Chrysander Kaster
Mason wished he was home. He didn't mind daycare, but he didn't get why his dad always wanted to come to the events when they happened. Mason thought it was nicer to spend time at home with his dad when he wasn't working. He worked a lot. But he knew his dad wanted him to do well and make friends, so he knew he had to try his best. He nodded hesitantly as his dad suggested painting, even though he had hoped to show some of his favorite toys. He followed to the craft area and gave the girl a small wave. He recognized her, she was in his class. He hadn't been in class 2 for very long, though. After waving he wasn't sure what else to do, so he just grabbed some paper and some paint.

@Honey Rowan Kaster
Dominic felt very comfortable in his job at the daycare and he really felt like he was doing what he was meant to with his life. But he had to admit this time of the year was always hard as he said goodbye to some students as they left for Hogwarts. At the same time there were always kids moving up to his class and he joined Sofia as families arrived. He stood there with a friendly smile and waited for any parent or kid that wanted to talk. He preferred the kids but he knew having good relationships with parents was also important.
She hopped around a bit on one leg pretending that she didn't care at all, she did, and she cared a lot. When Molly got bored with what she was doing, she started to build a tower of blocks, but the toy was just smudges in front of her eyes, so she quickly waved Hon and Mason off and went back to her interrupted work quickly blinking her eyes.
When the boy came over, Honey watched her dad slowly get up to give the boy (and any other kids that showed up) some space to play with her. She frowned up at him, because she didn't like it when he left her side, but she watched him approach the boys adult and she nodded. Good, that should keep dad occupied. She turned her attention to the boy and looked at the paper and paints. "Do you want to play a game with me?" She asked him, pointing to the straws off to the side a little. One of her favourite thing to do with paints was to make blow painting and the best thing was that it would dry so much faster because the adults in the room could make things dry with their wands. When she'd dropped her apple juice all over her favourite dress Aunt Luna had fixed it all up so quickly that she'd almost forgotten she'd dropped her orange juice at all. "Molly, do you wanna paint with us too?" She called to the other girl, hoping she would come and join them so there would be more people to play if Mason wanted to play too.

@Mason Collins @Molly Brooke
Chrys couldn't remember the man's name off of the top of his head, but he did rather vaguely recall a younger face than this one being a Hufflepuff prefect whilst he was at school. He only really remembered because it was the first two or three years of school, back when he'd actually paid attention. "If he's not really much of a talker, Honey will help that," he said lightly, unsure if the man would welcome commentary on his child or not. Chrys wasn't sure if this kid was his, nor did it really matter, but it was a light observation. "Honey is a very talkative kid, and she's very engaging, she'll make sure he has people to play with even if its only her."

@Tristan Collins
Mason looked at the girl in surprise, remembering her name as he watched her. Her name was Honey. He hesitated and then nodded at her question. "Okay." He said softly. "Sorry if you wanted to play with your dad." He added, realizing the man had probably left her side because he had walked up. Maybe he was like his own dad and wanted Honey to be better t making friends. Though she seemed good at it already, he thought. He waved at Molly as he noticed her, glad Honey had invited her to play as well. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

@Honey Rowan Kaster @Molly Brooke
Tristan turned to the man as he spoke to him, smiling. He noticed he was handsome, but in a detached way. Tristan was never going to risk Vivian again by being stupid, but it didn't mean he couldn't notice or appreciate it. He gave a grateful smile at his words. "Mason's a bit shy." He admitted. "So that is a relief. I do worry." He said with a small shrug and a shake of his head. "I guess that's what we all do, though." He said wistfully as he watched the kids play with paint. "I'm Tristan." He added, looking back over at the man. He wondered if they had gone to Hogwarts together. He didn't recognize him, so he thought they hadn't, but he couldn't be entirely sure.

@Chrysander Kaster
Sometimes April still marveled at the fact that she was a teacher and a mother now. She seemed to be surrounded by children at all times these days, and she really didn't mind. It brought her a lot of joy, even if it was different than how she had felt when she was a dancer. Today's event was a fun one. It was always nice to see the children with their families. Her own daughter was at her dad's today, as he was delighted to babysit whenever he could. She grabbed herself some tea and walked around the daycare, watching the kids with a smile. She spotted her colleague nearby and stopped next to him. "It's going well so far." She commented lightly.

@Dominic Torres
She ran up to Mason and Ho. Okey, what are we painting? She asked while having a smile on her face, a real smile and tears that hadn't yet dried. She looked at the sheet of paper. Maybe it won't be so bad? She thought. The girl decided that she would do what she knew how to do best, play with her friends. She felt she would follow Hon anywhere, she always had the best ideas.
Honey watched her dad leave as Mason came to join her properly, and then Molly, she was a little proud of the fact they'd come to join, but also sad that her dad had left her. That was common, she thought, and it was hardly Mason or Molly's faults that he'd decided to leave the moment they'd shown up. "That's okay," she said with a light smile. "I would rather play with you anyway," it was a lie, but not because she didn't want to play with them, only because she wished her dad would have stayed too. She picked up one of the straws and passed it to Mason and then one to Molly. "Okay, I thought it might be fun to do a blow painting. You just pick a colour and drip some paint on your paper and then you blow through your straw," she said, incase one of them wasn't sure what to do. "You make it spread out, like this," Homey quickly demonstrated, blowing bright red paint into tiny little streaks and smashed the looked like a tiny firework. "Don't worry about making it messy, the grown ups know magic for that."

@Mason Collins @Molly Brooke
Chrys gave the man a small, understanding nod, folding his arms loosely as he glanced towards the kids at the table. "Kinda comes with the territory, doesn't it?" he wore a faint smirk now, because he was familiar with the feeling ore than he would like. "Doesn't matter how old they get, or how many friends they make, there's always something to keep you up at night." He spoke lightly, but the truth of his words sat heavy on his chest. When the man introduced himself, Chrys shifted his gaze back and extended his hand. "Chrys, I came into school just as you were leaving, you were head boy in my second or third year, from memory." It made more sense that he would remember Tristan than Tristan remembering him, since the head boy was vastly more than a face in the crowd and a second or third year Hufflepuff was essentially a dime a dozen. "Also a Hufflepuff."

@Tristan Collins
Molly adored all the girls in day care, but she had no doubt whose best friend she wanted to be. She took a drawing of a poof and began methodically blowing pink paint. For the first time that day she smiled, and when she lifted her head the smile did not leave her face, she bestowed it on Mason and Hon. Puff and friends? she felt warmth spread through her body, like when her grandma used to make her hot chocolate on winter mornings.

@Mason Collins , @Honey Rowan Kaster
Myra would have rather spent the day with her friends, but her mother made her go to some family event. Of course, she sent her mother in the carriage, because her mother had not been a part of her life for all her life, but her grandmother asked her to go with her mother to the event. Molly also went to this event, whose existence Myra only found out about when she was fourteen. Perhaps this event would be her chance to meet the sister she never knew about.

Of course, she stayed away from her mother and walked around, and every now and then she watched Molly, who was playing with other children her age. It was a bit strange that she had such a little sister, whom she didn't even know. And it was only her parents' fault that they both left each in their own corner of the country. After talking to her grandmother, Myra realized that her parents were trying to turn everything around for the better, but in her opinion, everything was lost, such an opportunity, however, she knew how to pretend well and did it.
Mason was a little surprised when Honey said she would rather play with him, but it made him happy. He smiled at her, then took one of the straws. He listened closely as Honey explained. She was good at explaining, almost as good as their teacher was. He watched her demonstration, then got to work. He dripped some green paint on his paper and then blew through the straw. His didn't look as good as hers, but he did like it. "That's good." He said with a nod. "I like yours." He added shyly. "And yours too Molly."
@Honey Rowan Kaster @Molly Verbeek
Tristan let out a soft sigh as the other man sait there was always something to keep you up at night when you had a kid, he knew it was true. Even if Mason suddenly made a bunch of friends, Tristan knew there would be something else he worried about. He nodded in agreement. Tristan shook the man's hand with a smile, but the smile froze on his face as he mentioned Tristan had been head boy. He was remembering wrong, but something about the comment transported Tristan back to the final day of break before his seventh year, when he really had to admit that he hadn't been picked. Even then, he had held hope the badge had gotten lost in the mail somehow, at least until he saw it pinned on his best friend's chest. The memory of it was still painful, as ridiculous as it was to still be hung up on it when he was now in his thirties.

He let go of Chrys' hand and quickly composed himself. It didn't matter. What mattered was what he had done after graduating, he had become one of the youngest department heads ever at the Ministry, and Jerara now ran a shady shop down on Bleak Street. Wasn't the fact that Chrys had remembered him as head boy proof that he had been the right choice? Tristan cleared his throat. "I'm afraid you're misremembering, I was never head boy though I was a prefect." He said with a small shrug. "Jerara Tapsell was head boy in my year." He smiled. "But I am flattered you remember me. Strange to think they'll be going there in just a few years, right?" He nodded his head in the direction of the children, delighted to see Mason talking to two girls now.

@Chrysander Kaster
((he's so very normal about this subject))
She loved drawing, so she smiled at Mason finishing her drawing. The puffin was ready. She loved them, just the glutes, but they made up for it by being cute and soft. I also like yours very much. They really did. You really do a nice job of explaining, Hon, like Miss Thornton She always enjoyed listening to both of them. The redhead looked at her clothes; they were just a little dirty. Her gaze fell on a girl standing a little further away; she was older and resembled the one on her drawing.Molly hesitated for a moment, after all, mom and dad and, above all, grandma and grandpa always said not to talk to strangers.

@Mason Collins , @Honey Rowan Kaster , @Myra Verbeek
Honey looked up from where she was focusing a bit on her painting and her cheeks flushed a faint pink. She smiled at both of them, trying to make herself feel better at the sting of her father walking away. "Thanks, I like yours too, the green is so grassy I think." She said, trying to imagine it turning into a big grassy field, "or like the little park in Tākarokaro. Have you been there?" She thought he probably had since he probably lived close by if he was in the daycare, but not all the kids had the freedom she did - though she wasn't sure she considered it freedom sometimes. She turned to Molly then, "And I like yours too, Molly, what is it?" She picked up the yellow pain then and dripped it onto her page and blew it across, adding to the multi colours so it looked a little more like fire instead. She noticed Molly looking at an older girl in the corner, but she didn't really know who it was, and they weren't really supposed to speak to strangers.

@Molly Verbeek @Mason Collins
He didn't know the man well, so he couldn't be entirely sure he'd seen the myriad of emotion cross the man's face. The shrug made him feel like he was mistaken. "Ah, that's a bit of a surprise," he said, trying to scratch at those earliest of Hogwarts memories. Honestly most of it was behind the wall of other unnecessary memories now too. The ones where he'd still been friends with Elsie. "I don't remember a Jerara Tapsell, but you were in my house so I was probably just more familiar with you." He hadn't really ever paid much attention, he didn't even think he could remember what house the head boy was in if it wasn't Tristan. "Mm, I do worry about it, I know the sort of trouble I often got myself into whilst I was there, and you try and be a good influence on them, but you can't really know who they're going to be until they are them, right? I don't want her making the kind of mistakes I definitely did back then," it wasn't a lament, it was more wistful, but he didn't want to o into to much detail with a fair stranger. Since he hadn't spoken to Tristan ever in his life before this to his knowledge, perhaps if he was lost and needed help finding something, but other than that. He was glad Honey was personable, which seemed like such a foreign concept. Chrys might not have seemed it now but he had been a very different kid at her age, always interested in tinkering with things. But that was mostly because it was long since his mother had died at that point, and he'd hadn't really know wha else to do with himself than to try and fix things. Not that it worked that way of course, how could it. "I'm curious if she's more like me or her mother, but only time will tell I suppose." He would like to see her in Hufflepuff, the best house, of course, but she might have a bit of Slytherin in her too. There was a thought. "I'm not quite sure I can believe I'm old enough to have a child go to school in three or four years."

@Tristan Collins
Tristan tried to ignore the small part of him that felt vindicated about the other man remembering him as head boy from years and years ago. There was a part of him that saw this as confirmation that Professor Alicastell had been wrong at the time. But he also knew rationally that he was a grown adult now and had to let this go. Tristan nodded as Chrysander voiced his worries about Hogwarts. "I don't think Mason will make the same mistakes I did." He said softly, thinking back to his painful final year and how much he had hurt Vivian. Mason was such a sweet and gentle boy, he couldn't imagine him doing the same. No, Mason was going to be better than him in all aspects, Tristan knew it. As Chrysander mentioned the girl perhaps being more like her mother, Tristan was glad to know Mason was nothing like his own mother. He still couldn't believe he and Dominique had created such a nice, quiet kid together. Considering neither of them were nice or quiet. He smiled. "I hope Mason will be a Hufflepuff like I was, but time will tell." He said softly. He chuckled at Chrysander's last comment. "I know, right? I feel like we just graduated."

@Chrysander Kaster
Mason nodded in agreement as Molly said Honey had done a good job explaining. He thought the same thing. Mason had picked the green paint kind of at random, but as Honey said it looked like grass he decided to make it grass. "Yes, it is going to be grass." He said, like he hadn't just decided that moments ago. "I've been there, I think. I went on the swing." He told her. He looked at his painting uncertainly, feeling pressure now that he had decided the green was going to be grass. That meant everything on the paper had to be something, and he couldn't just put colors he liked on the page. Suddenly, he wasn't sure he wanted to do this anymore. What if it turned out bad?

@Honey Rowan Kaster @Molly Verbeek

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