not again

"Then hit me. At least then you'll have payback for all I've done to you." Jasper looked at Candy wondering if she was going to do it or not.
Candy brought her arm back then dropped it she was blinded by the tears and couldn't, "i can't i'm so weak" she cried, as she slid to the ground and covered her face, "i'm so weak and stupid" she said, wanting to beat herself up.
Candy shook her head, "I did to" she said, standing up and starting to walk away hoping he would pull her back. "oh Jasper by the way i have a doctor appointment tomorrow to see if i really am pregent" seh said, knowing she did the cheap test.
Candy came back to him pulled him up which was hard, "Jasper did you hear me there is a chance i'm not pregent" she said, looking at him.
Candy stood up and frowned, "i guess i don't matter anymore?" she asked, him.
Candy felt like running and hiding, "well maybe there won't be an it maybe i won't be pregent" she yelled at him.
Candy felt like slapping him as she step closer to him but to her surprised she kissed him and pulled back, "i didn't mean to do that" she said, shaking.
Candy frowned, "slap you" she said, in a grave tone and she knew she was ready to drop for she spent night up crying over him.
Candy felt a tug on her hand and looked to see his hand around her wrist guiding her hand to his cheek.
Candy pulled her hand back, "i can't" she said, knowing she couldn't but when she did she didn't hurt him hard she just did it soft.
Candy felt herself hit a wall, "no i won't" she said in a whisper, for she was now waitting for the moment when he would close in on her.
Candy put her other hand on his other cheek and kissed him hard, "there i did it" she challenged him, smiling at him and wishing he still cared about her.
Candy pulled him back and kissed him again, "yeah you can" she said, between kisses.

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