New Group Rising

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I call them the scits. :r

Is how I've been saying it.
It's terrible Latin and, Latin being a dead language, I don't think anybody's going to call you on pronounciation. Do it how you want. :r
What about members who have family's of Death eaters like my Aters, after power & purification
The Scits don't seem to match that same want for power.

Could there be an exemption for family of DEs?
(Basically I'm saying I don't think Adira would suit the Scits & her father is a DE so she would be brought up on the same beliefs)

Overall I think it's a good idea :)
Kida Frost said:
(Basically I'm saying I don't think Adira would suit the Scits & her father is a DE so she would be brought up on the same beliefs)
Frankly: no.
If you read the topic about the Scitorari: they're all about power. Finding the original and most powerful types of magic that have been lost over the centuries and reclaiming them - no matter the cost. That's emphasized in the roleplay of Kingy explaining them to the Aurors as well.

J.K. Rowling has defined the canon such that dark marks no longer exist past that generation of Death Eaters that fought at the battle of Hogwarts. No new dark marks, either (Voldemort administered the mark, after all, in canon). So they can be raised with a Death Eater ideology, undoubtedly - I'm sure many characters on the site were influenced by Death Eaters (even with this plot change) but they cannot be, themselves, Death Eaters.
I'll admit, at first I was a little bit worried when I read this new change.

It will most certainly take some time getting used to for me, but after reading about this new group , I am excited to see how this new group plays out and stuff. So I really like the overall idea of it!

However, the spelling is going to kill me. xD
I don't see why anyone would want to remain in the Death Eater group now that it's basically nothing.
Might as well be a Scit. <.<
I have an old Death Eater chick, so I could just say she joined with the Scits after the Death Eaters dissolved?
Aeon Summers said:
I have an old Death Eater chick, so I could just say she joined with the Scits after the Death Eaters dissolved?
Certainly. :)
So how long have they been around?
Aeon Summers said:
So how long have they been around?
We're just going through the transition along with you guys - so there will be edits to the main site history topic to include details like this in the future.

I believe the date we're thinking right now is that they formally began somewhere during 2023. They would have started somewhere else on the globe and slowly became a thing in New Zealand (which the aurors in New Zealand or only being told to keep an eye out for in 2032 - the present day on the site).

So started as a group somewhere in 2023. Became big through various areas of the world and started to trickle in to New Zealand. Only becoming visible in New Zealand come 2032 (but, for the sake of character histories and the like, characters in New Zealand could have been part of the group well before that and the Aurors just not known).
Nicolas King said:
So started as a group somewhere in 2023. Became big through various areas of the world and started to trickle in to New Zealand. Only becoming visible in New Zealand come 2032 (but, for the sake of character histories and the like, characters in New Zealand could have been part of the group well before that and the Aurors just not known).
Oh good, that was my next question. :p
Oh. Will this introduce any new spells or potions or anything?
I've been longing for this change :D

Can't wait to see this fitting in my plots. I just submitted an idea for a fourth group.
I hope it is going to be likeable :doh:

I feel like I have to say a BIG thanks to the admins and moderators for creating "my kidnappers" :p
Is anyone has read the Wheel of time Series-the design of the ring really reminds me of the Aes Sedai, who have a snake biting is't own tail on their rings. :D
Sara Moon said:
Is anyone has read the Wheel of time Series-the design of the ring really reminds me of the Aes Sedai, who have a snake biting is't own tail on their rings. :D
The symbol is not unique. It's really rather ancient.
And forming the ouroboros to a ring is equally common. :)

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