Members Online in the Past 24 Hours

Should HNZ's MOT Code be kept? (Please read the post first)

  • Yes, keep the code.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only keep the code if it is hidden from mobile users.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Remove the code.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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Hello Everybody,

A few weeks ago, a "Members Online Today" (MOT) sort of coded was added to HNZ.
The major benefit to the code was that, even in the strange hours of the day when HNZ seems bare, new members/possible new members can see that HNZ is, in fact, quite active.
However, there are a few downsides to the code. These include:
[ol][li]Anonymous users are not hidden
Unfortunately, there's no way around this at all. :(
However, anonymous users are never truly anonymous as the "On |PM" and "Off |PM" profile buttons are always accurate. Always. :r</LI>
[li]Load time has been noticeably increased on the index page load for some connections
<LI>[li]Mobile users see a giant block of usernames
It is possible to hide the list of users online in the past 24 hours from all mobile users.[/li][/ol]

So - should HNZ keep the current coding? Or do the downsides outweigh the positives? :)
Vote, share your opinions, etc. ^_^

Thank you,

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
I did vote No. Remove the code. My reasoning for this is because it honestly makes my eyes hurt to look at it when I see it. I've tried to avoid it for the most part, but it's not possible to do all the time. :erm:
I like it but since I do a huge amount of time on my phone it does become a pain to wade through, but to counter that it does help me to see when friends have been on! xD it is a little stalkerish <_<
I voted to remove it for mobile users. I used to despise it, like I generally do everything that is brand new. But, as usual it grew on me. I like to be nosy and see who is on when I'm not, and whether my RP buddy is being lazy. :drat:
It's fun. It's also a great idea to attract new members to the site. I signed up on HNZ because it was an active RP site, with many loyal and dedicated members.

Maybe there can be something installed or coded it where people can choose not to view it. I know there is like a board settings area where you can change the layout. Do you think you can put an option there to hide the large block of user names?
I voted to keep the code because I agree with Leah. New members like to see that a site is active, and so when they join, they'll see that HNZ, unlike most other sites is truly an active site by many people. :)

Maybe we can have it hidden though, like Leah pointed out, for those who don't want to see it anymore?

I actually think it's a good idea though as well, because I like seeing who was on. Plus, I can PM people that I need to necessarily without having to look through the members list. I know, I'm lazy. :r
Only keep the code if it is hidden from mobile users.

I voted this for the simple fact that it is goddamn annoying on a phne like others have said. But when I'm not on my phone it is great because I can see if certain people have kept their promises and been online without physically having to check :r

I know great reasoning but meh, I wanted to put my two cents in :tut:
I voted to remove it completely because whenever I load up HNZ it takes ALOT longer, especially on my iPod but on the computer too, and it's not very friendly on the eyes either plus anonymous users become non-anyonymous (for lack of a better term)
I've seen it used on other sites, but for HNZ we have too many users online in the past twenty four hours (that's a good thing, but not in this case)
Thanks for the feedback so far guys. :)
Personally, I liked it more as the concept than I have the actual code.

Melodie: To be fair, though, anonymous users are never truly anonymous. The on/off images in your posts are always accurate. They say you're on, even if you're anonymous.

Keep the replies and votes coming.
If the site remains pretty evenly split on things (like the vote is right now) then I'll review everything that was said and make the decision as to the final fate of HNZ's MOT. xD
Personally, I like it, but I am happy if it stays or goes. xD
It does not seem to load up slower but I have some fast internet too so that does not occur to me. But then again I do not lurk HNZ on a phone or on an ipod. :lol:
Since I am so even on it, I think I should have voted "I don't care". =)) But oh well. :p
I voted for it to stay, for pretty much all the reasons above. I don't lurk on out my phone (because it's really expensive) and my iPod can't access the internet, so I don't know about slow loading times. That's just my opinion.
I voted to take it for mobile user's only.
I loaded up HNZ on my phone the other day, and the screen was nearly double the size it was previously. :doh:
Maybe put it in something like a spoiler, or just a link to the list on a different page. so its there but not taking up space, and if it is in a link then it will reduce the loading times for people who dont want it or have a slow connection.
Elvera Le Fey said:
Maybe put it in something like a spoiler, or just a link to the list on a different page. so its there but not taking up space, and if it is in a link then it will reduce the loading times for people who dont want it or have a slow connection.
Which makes it pointless for guests, actually. ;)
Nobody is going to click anything to see how active the board is. It's one glance or nothing with a lot of people looking to join a board. :p
I voted to keep it but hide it from mobile users.

The big ol' list actually doesn't show up on my phone :erm:
But, I think it would be good to keep it that way.
The load time on my phone is fairly slow as it is, so I think making it hidden on a cell phone would be best.

I do think showing all the members who've been online in the past 24 hours is a good idea though for the reasons you've stated.
I voted No, remove the code. I like the idea of it, but I don't like the look of it. To me, the huge block of names looks like a giant mess at the end of the page. I'd say it could potentially deter guests, though I might be going out on a limb there.

I am, however, in favor of showing how many users have been on in the past 24 hours (which guests will look at) as opposed to the 20 minute time limit we have now.
Dorian De Luca said:
I am, however, in favor of showing how many users have been on in the past 24 hours (which guests will look at) as opposed to the 20 minute time limit we have now.
That would also be a giant block of text.
The default feature on ZetaBoards only works in terms of minutes, and does not go up to 24 hours. @_@
Nicolas King said:
That would also be a giant block of text.
The default feature on ZetaBoards only works in terms of minutes, and does not go up to 24 hours. @_@

I mean, saying how many people have been on over 24 hours, not showing all of the members who have been on. One number versus 23432940232353253 names, if that makes any sense.
I voted no mainly because of the anonymous part. There's no point in user signing in anonymous anymore, which I find to be a bit useless now. I like signing in sometimes without you know, being "spotted" when I don't want to be. Sometimes I just sign on to check pms than log off. Besides that I don't know I personally don't like it at all. I do like Dorian idea of instead of names just post numbers. But than again the active user list always tells you a whole lot and I'm pretty sure new comers see this board active, with all the posting happening, plus shouty. Yeah I've never saw it as a problem there but that's just me.
I voted no for mobile users, even though I don't use my phone for HNZ anymore. The thing is, it can cost some people more when they're loading bigger pages.

I really don't like that it shows anonymous users though. :erm:

What if we put it on a seperate page? tbh I think new members might get a little over-whelmed by the huge block of multi-coloured names, and we seem to be doing fine with member count anyway.

I also think that the default box (20 minutes) is perfectly fine.
Maddiie: You've ignored that anonymous users are never really anonymous anyway.
I may as well just disable anonymous logins. They're pointless altogether. There is always a way to tell that an anonymous person is online. Always.

Olivia: A separate page won't happen, like I told somebody else. Half the board never even looks at the site calendar. How can we expect guests browsing the board to click some random-seemingly link somewhere?
I doubt they'll be overwhelmed by the giant block of usernames. Tonnes of very active and growing internet forums (not necessarily on IF/Z:cool: have this feature natively installed and, as I've said, are quite active and growing. It isn't a deterrent for guests in general by any means.

I voted to remove the code, personally. So I don't mind criticism of it. However, I do mind people saying things which are untrue or making me rehash things I've already said. :)

I voted to keep the Members Online in the Past 24 Hours.
I'll be honest it was quite the shock when I first saw it. But
I actually quite like it. I don't use HNZ on my phone. But I can
see how it would be a problem to some, but I find it somewhat
practical. I can see who's been on, so I have a faint idea if someone
whom I'm in a topic with may have posted. And it helps remind us
that HNZ is a very active site.
I think it's a great help to guests, since one of the things you look
for in a site is activity. And since HNZ is very active, although sometimes
has it's slow points in the day, it would be useful and more encouraging
for new potiential members.
So, That's why I voted to keep it.
Nicolas King said:
Maddiie: You've ignored that anonymous users are never really anonymous anyway.
I may as well just disable anonymous logins. They're pointless altogether. There is always a way to tell that an anonymous person is online. Always.
No I didn't ignore that part, I'm pretty sure I've everyone replies and response from you. Plus I'm on a site that has the same coding, but they have their coding on another page (which was suggested too). I'm simply saying how I feel about it. With or without the anonymous features I don't think much about it.
Thanks to everybody for your feedback etc. :)
I have removed the MOT code but will take in to consideration the things you have suggested (like one line of text stating the number of users online in the past 24 hours).

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