Man not the right way to greet

Max rolled over in her sleep and rested her head on his chest and an arm over his waist, "i love you" she mumbled, in her sleep.
Chris smiled and wispered in her ear"I love you too."He layed his head on the pillow and rested.
Max jumped, "oh i forgot.... um" she said, seeing he was a sleep she got up and walked into the living room turning on music and just swaying to it and watching the sun rise.
Chris was still slowly nodding off when he heard the music."Huh."He got up and walked in to the living room. Standing behind her he wraped his arms around her waist and placed his head on her should."You know its kinda of early to be dancing."He said kissing her on the cheek he said"Come back to bed with me I can't sleep without you."
Max turned, "all right" she said, she let chris lead her back to bed and sat there watching him nod of to sleep as she looked at the ring.
Chris started to nod off again then sat up and kissed Max and layed her down next to him wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his head on her chest.
Chris barely heard her being half way asleep he looked up at her and smiled. Laying his head back on her chest he finally feel asleep.
Max fell asleep and didn't hear Chris wake up for she was to comfortable she had fell asleep playing with his hair.
A few hours later Chris woke up he smiled Max was still asleep. He kissed Max on the lips and got out of bed walking in to the living room he sat on the couch turned on music and flipped through the phone.
Max sneaked into the living room and wrapped her arms around Chris neck, "hey babe what are you doing up?" she asked, kissing his cheek.
Chris turned around and kissed her."I'm just looking through the phone book for a good place to have our honeymoon."he said smiling."After we get married I mean."
Max smiled, "yeah hmmm i wonder...." she trailled off, moving to the window and looking out thinking about a lake vacation.
Chris walked over to her and kissed her on the neck"When do you think we should have the wedding.''he said watching her stare out the window.
Max looked at him, "i don't know how soon do you want it?" she asked, giving him a kiss.
Chris smiled "As soon as we go buy you a dress and me a Tux."He got closer to her.
Max turned, "how bout we go buy that stuff now and get married by a judge?" she asked, moving even closer.
Chris smiled "Okay I'll go shopping you make the phone calls. If thats okay with you or we can do both together."he said kissing her on the lips.
Max went to the room got changed and came out, "lets go" she said, giving him a peck.
Chris went and sliped on his shirt and pant."Okay coming"he said.
Max smiled, "yeah your not gonna be sorry" she said, then decideing against her clothers she went to put on the outfit Chris got her.
He smiled"Man do I know how to pick an outfit you look sexy"he said holing her hand and walking out the door.
Max blushed, "yeah you do babe" she said, kissing his cheek, "so um where are we going?" she asked, looking at him as they walked through the town.
He put his arm around her shoulder."Well I was thinking we could go to this store called Bride To Be."He said.
Max smiled, "yeah" she said, as soon as they entered Max mouth dropped and she walked among the asiles and found the perfect dress, "CHRIS COME HERE" she yelled, made it sound like she was in trouble.

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