Man not the right way to greet

As he watched her dance he smiled and asked,"What are you doing."
Maximum smiled, "dancing come on join me" she said, giggling at the look on his face.
He got up and started to dance with her which made him laugh. "Hey this is kind of fun I haven't Danced in a while."He said.
Maximum giggled, "yeah well your good at it" she said, then a slow song started and she bowed to him.
Chris bowed back laughing."Well your way better."he siad. Putting his hands around her waist and moving his shirtless body close to her body he began to slow dance.
Maximum smiled, "yeah maybe but this is way better" she said, placing her arms around his neck.
He smiled and said "Your right". He stared in to her eyes as they sparkeled like stars.
As she leaned forward he did as well and kissed her.
Maximum kissed him back, "wow" she said, after the kiss was over then she smiled as she felt her weak knees.
She looked that she was about to fall so he picked her up and sat her on the couch."Are you okay?" he asked rubbing her leg.
Maximum smiled, "yeah just got a little dizzy from that kiss" she said, glancing at him.
Maximum smiled, "hmmm the bed is really comfortable if you like" she said, smiling at him and pulling him even closer.
Maximum smiled, "me like that two so.... what will we do in the bed?" she asked, smiling at him.
Chris said "Insted of telling you about what well do. How about I show you." He smiled and gave her another kiss.
Allowing her to lead him in to the bed room he walked in and asked."Can I open a window? It's almost as hot in here as you are."
Maximum smiled and nodded, "go ahead i got to change" she said, slipping into her tanktop and short shorts and when Chris turned around.
Chris took off his pants showing his boxers and crawled on the bed.
"So you want me to show you what I was talking about."he said.
Maximum crawled in and sat next to him, "sure" she said, giggling at his boxers, "flowers?" she asked, giggling and looking away with a blush rising in her cheeks.
Chris laughed "Flowers can be manly (aside)no they can't"he said blushing. He wraped his arms around her kissing her on the cheek. Then he started to slowly take off her tank top.
Maximum smiled at him, "yes they can" she said, sliding her arms up to help him take off her tank top.
Laughing at her awnser he smiled and said "You know wereing no boxers is more manly".

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