Man not the right way to greet

Maximum smiled and kissed him.

A hour later Maximum laid beside Chris toatlly smiling and giggling.
Chris lying beside Maximum smiling asked "Huh whats so funny Babe." He turned his body to face her.
Maximum smiled, "just that the flower boxers were kind of cute but everything else was awesome so yeah that the giggle" she said, hiding her other little giggle that tried to sneak out.
He smiled "I must admist I'm a little rusty haven't done it in a while." he said removing her hand from her mouth and kissing her.
He smiled and said "Well it's late we should get some rest." Putting his arm around Max's waist and kissing her neck."Night Babe."
Maximum woke and forgot Chris was a sleep so she went to the kitchen to cook food.
Chris gradually opening his eyes almost forgot where he was. "Duh Chris." He said remebering puting on his boxers and pants he walked into the kitchen."That was some night huh."Chris said to Max.
He smiled "I got a good rest mostly I kept thinking about something."He said rembering a ring that he had in his pack.
He smiled "I'll show you be right back. I have to get something out of my pack." Chris walked over to his pack. He rummaged though it looking for the engagment ring he bought. (For an Ex who dumped him.) He walked over took Max and got on his knee."Look Max I know this is kind of sudden. But I feel like I've know you my whole life."He pulled out the engagement ring"will you marry me."
Maximum hand went to her mouth, "i don't know what to say" she said, tears in her eyes.
Chris hugged her"I think the awnser your looking for is yes."He said holding her tightly.
Chris smiled as he wipe her tear."I Love you."he said kissing her agian.
Maximum kissed him, "I love you to" she said, smiling and barley able to look away till she remembered the food.
He smiled"Maybe we should go out to eat scince you burned breakfast."he said.
He ran over to his pack and grabed his shirt and pulled it on."Well you coming"He said to Max.
Walking and wraping his arms around her.
Maximum walked into the room and thew on a tank top and short shorts. "um ready" she said, her hair still a mess for she had forgoten to brush it.
Chris practically made out with her before they got out the door.Smiling they started walking holding her hand."So were we gonna eat at."
He turned to her and smiled."I'm new remeber I don't know any resteraunts."
Maximum blushed, "i don't know of any either wanna call chinesse?" she asked, giggling and moving closer to him running a hand down his front.

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