Man not the right way to greet

Walking through the store he heard Max yell. He ran to her."Whats wrong are you okay." he said panting.
Max held the dress out, "it's hte perfect one isn't it?" she asked, him not even noticing him panting.
He looked at the dress"It beautiful you know what would make it mor beautiful."He said smiling and hugging her.
He smiled "You in it." he said kissing her on the lips.
Max blushed, "yeah so did you find you a tux?" she asked, smiling and taking the dress and holding it with one hand and wrapped a arm around Chris waist.
He smiled "Yah. What do think of this tux."he said pulling a tux of a rack a few rows down.
Max smiled, "yeah i love it and..." she pulled a blue shirt, "this with it all though you could just wear it with out a shirt." she said, smiling at him and kissing his lips.
He smiled "Yah right I have to were the blue shirt if our parents will be there."Chris said.
Max smiled then frowned, "oh shoot i forgot to call my mom before we left and tell her ugh" she said, shaking her head.
He hugged her."It's okay we can use my cell I haven't told mine either."he said pulling out his cell.
Max took the cell, "lets wait to tell them besides...." she said, trailling off seeing the time and blushing, "oh we better hurry home because i got to put that call in and teh number in the phone book." seh said, talking about flowers.
Chris looked at the clock"Oh shoot your right."walking over to the cashier he payed for both outfits. He turn kissed her on the lips.He grabed her hand and the bags and walked out the door
Max smiled as they rushed home, "yeah...." as they entered the house Max picked up the phone and dialed the number and made an appointment for them to go over there and look at flowers after she was done she called her mom and pulled the phone from her ear, "MY BABY GETTING MARRIED TO WHO WHEN WHAT HUH" her mother yelled, max looked at Chris, "yeah mom um it would be great if you could help set up and plan the wedding." she said, giggling and couldn't wait till Chris called his parents, "oh tell dad i said he needs to come to" she said, then hung up with a bye and i love you.
He called his dad with the cell."Hey dad um i'm getting married."he said into the cell 'What but your still so young is she hot.'his dad said back to him.Chris said "Dad please she sitting right next to me what if she hears you."His dad said in reply 'Sorry son well see you at the wedding.'Chris hung up and kissed Max again rubbing down her back side."So how did your mom take it?"He asked Max.
Max smiled, "well besides getting my ear scream off she happy and will be here tomorrow, what about your dad and i heard the is she hot comment" she said, giggling and kissing him.
Chris blushed "My dad's Imiture some times sorry babe. So how are we gonna finish of today?"He asked smiling.
Max smiled, "hmm i have to get the guest room ready if you wanna help so when is your parents coming?" she asked, looking at him.
He smiled "Um parent my mom died a while back. He said he be here maybe tomarrow. But what will we do after we're done with the guest room?"He asked laying his head on her lap.
Max smiled, "you already know" she said, then an idea came to her, "oh maybe never mind my dad kind of divorced my mom and i bet he isn't gonna come" she said, playing with his hair.
He smiled "I don't think I know."he said. "Oh maybe we can get my dad and your mom hooked up."Chris said while closing his eyes he was still tired after last night.
Max shook her head, "i don't know lets go get that guest room set up" she said, standing up and looking at him then deciding to change to comfortable clother, she comes out of hte bedroom a tanktop and shorts on while pulling her hair up into a ponytail.
Chris sat up and smiled he said to Max"Ok."going in to the room he changed into shorts and took of his shirt."Lets get to fixing up that guest room. He said as she walked out of the bathroom in a sexy tanktop and shorts.
Max jaw dropped at the sight of Chris tan skin still, "omg" she said, walking to the room and moving things around and putting music on as she worked. She swayed her hips to the music and sang along while moving things and getting things ready.
Chris asked "Some thing wrong?"He walked behind her wraping his arms around her waist and placeing his on her back.

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