Man not the right way to greet

He thought he should say yes but he didn't want to."Hey how bout you do that and I go get something?"he asked.
Maximum smiled, "fine go ahead," she said, giggling as she watched him go and she ordered chinesse.
He may not have know any resturants but he knew a clothing store that sold awsome clothes. So he ran to the store and bought an outfit for Max. When he got back he noticed Max sitting on the couch fliping throught the phone book still. He walked beside her and handed her a bag containing the perfect outfit for a party."Here I bought you this."he said.
Max jumped up and hugged him when she looked she screamed, "omg thank you Chris your teh best" she said, smiling at him.
Hugging her back he kissed her on the cheek."I thought you might like it.''He said before releasing her and kissing her on the lips.
He gave her another kiss and said"Well I thought we could eat first then watch some movies. Then finish the day the same way we did yesterday."He smiled.
Max smiled, "hmm may i make a suggestion?" she asked, giggling and moving closer.
He got a confused look on his face."Uh sure."He said while taking his shirt off and putting in his pack agian,
Cloe smiled, "while don't we do what we did to end hte night last night first" she said, giving him a long kiss.
He smiled "Be right back" he said whilst grabing his pack he walked in the bathroom and change from his (flower)boxers into his speedos(LOL) and put his pants back on. He walked out and said "If you insist."kissing her again on the lips.
Maximum giggled, "you got your speedos on?" she asked, smiling and kissing him even harder.
Chris smiled and said"How did you know I have speedos"he kissed her.Then he got on the couch and laied his head on her lap.
Chris smiled and kissed her."Ya are you wering your thong?"he asked.
He smiled kissing her again he said"Shh it's a secret."
He smiled slowy geting up and walking in the bedroom. He laied on her bed."I'll tell you if you tell me."he said while looking at the ceiling.
He kissed her "Lets just say you were your pants low and your shirt high."he said. Reaching his hand up her shirt he unhooked her bra.
He smiled "Dont get so offensive I like it."he said taking off her shirt.
Chris took off his pants..................
One hour later
Max was naping smiling he kissed her on the cheek.

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