Man not the right way to greet

Max blushed, "no just your tan skin still catches me breathless" she said, pulling him and dancing around with him.
Chris smiled kissing her again."Sorry babe I should be helping you not distracting you."he said pulling away although not wanting to.
Max hooked one of the belt loops of Chris pants, "your not distracting well you are but i like you distracting me" she said, giving him a kiss on the lips.
Kissing her back he said"Well if we have a little fun know and take a nap after we'll be up in time to finish this room."He grabed hold of her hand and started walking to the bedroom.
Max smiled, "hold let me finsh one more thing" she said, bringing him back into the room and kissing him and falling on the bed she just made.
Floping next to her on the bed he siad."You maybe we should just relax and talk about things."Facing her he smiled."I mean about our wedding and parents and every thing."he said thinking about what will go on after their wedding as well.
Max smiled, "what babe do we want to talk about?" she asked, looking at him and looking scared for a bit.
He turned to her with a serious face."What if we decide to have a child I know I'm a lil ahead of myself here but.........."he paused"Where will we keep it I mean this apartments sorta small you know........."he stopped himself from continueing.
He smiled "Yah but we don't to worry about that know your not even pregnant yet um.................."he paused.
Chris looked at her "Well your not pregant are you?"he asked concerningly.
Max decided to have a little fun, "maybe" she said, giving him a look that said she probably was.
He looked at her all serious like "Maybe we should go to the store and get one of them things you pee on."he suggested.
Max looked at him, "why?" she asked, having a joking face on, "what if i'm pregent you gonna leave me?" she asked, looking away and starting to get up and work.
Smiling "Yah right if I didn't love you I'd already be gone."he said joking.
Max had her back to him tears in her eyes, "yeah so doesn't mean if i get pregent you woudn't leave" she said, not looking at him.
He walked behind her wraping his arms around her."It doesn't mean that I will leave I love you and nothing will make me leave."he said trying to comfort her.
He was confused "Wait so you know your not or ar you saying what if your not?"he asked.
Max looked at him, "i know i'm not because right now i've gotten my period just this morning" she said, shaking her head.
He felt sorta disapointed"Um okay."He said helping her clean up the room
Max looked at him, "now what that frown about?" she asked, moving over and giving him a kiss.
Chris looked up at her."Frown what frown?"he asked kissing her.
Max looked at him, "you look like something was bugging you?" she asked, pulling him to face her.

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