Open Look what the cat dragged in....

Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
Lyra Potter could hardly believe she was back at Hogwarts New Zealand, and that they had actually hired her as a professor. To be fair it was temporary position, but still she had been involved in quite a few shenanigans....then again, they made James Cade the Gryffindor Head of House, and he had been right there beside her. The brunette sat down at the staff table in the Great Hall. Lyra's first class did not happen until a little later in the week, so she was going to take the day to settle into the school. But first, she needed breakfast. Specifically, she needed coffee.

open after @Professor James Cade
There was a lot of things happening at Hogwarts that James struggle to get his head around. He was now head of Gryffindor house, he had two twin daughters he hadn’t known about until a day prior and Lyra Potter was the new charms professor, temporarily for the semester but still, she had kept that news quiet. She was already at the staff table in the great hall when James arrived for breakfast for a brief moment, it was like being a student again seeing Lyra at the breakfast table. “Professor Potter, it does have a nice ring to it doesn’t it?”“ James teased as he joined her at the table and poured himself some coffee.

@Professor Lyra Potter
Lyra's green eyes looked up from the breakfast table to see her friend and brother-in-law sitting down across from her. The brunette was flooded with a sense of nostalgia and familiarity at the sight of it. How many times had James joined her for breakfast, lunch, or dinner during their seven years at Hogwarts. "You have to admit it does sound quite nice." Lyra said. the corners of her mouth turning up. "Sorry I didn't give you a heads up. It was a last minute decision." she explained. Even with their history--or maybe because of their history, James was one of her closest friends, and now that she married Ezra, he was her family too. "I did make it here in time for the sorting ceremony though. Did I see two girls with the last name Styx-Cade? Do they belong to you or do I need to have a conversation with my husband?" Lyra asked with a raised eyebrow.
James couldn’t help but smile as Lyra seemed to get used to her new title. It did sound nice, there was a nice ring to it even if it would take some getting used to as it had for his own. He couldn’t believe after everything they had been through together they found themselves sitting across from each other at the staff table. Life really was funny sometimes. “It’s a shame its only temporary,” It would be nice having Lyra around, especially with his and her children running around together, it was going to be a lot of work to keep an eye on all of them. James and Lyra had always gotten along well, that had never been their problem in their youth, all that history and connection had made one of the people he felt most comfortable around, it felt good to have a friend at Hogwarts again.

“Ah, that,” James laughed awkwardly. “As much as I’d love to throw my brother under the bus, they are mine,” It had come as quite a shock to him, but Kalif had confirmed they were indeed his by way of Lilith. He’d broken the news to Geo the night of sorting and she had taken it surprisingly well. God, he loved that woman more than he could put in to words, every time he gave her a reason to pull back she just doubled down on them. “It seems I invertedly had twins with Lilith Styx,”
Lyra grinned at James across the table. She couldn't help but fall back into the easy conversation of two people who just knew each other so well. It certainly made being at the school more enjoyable to have James there with her. She shrugged her shoulders at James's comment that he wished it wasn't temporary. Really, Lyra was hoping to use the temporary position to get her foot in the door at the school. "I thought I'd give it a shot, and who knows? Maybe something permenant will open up. Merlin knows our kids need someone keeping an extra eye on them if they are anything like us." she said with a laugh.

James hadn't been too keen on Lyra's relationship with Ezra when it began, but in time, he had come around to it. Granted, she had never intended to marry Ezra Cade, but life seemed to give you exactly what you didn't know you needed. The brunette knew that James and Ezra had a much better relationship these days than either one would have ever anticipated. "I appreciate you not throwing him under the bus." she said, knowing that she would have been less forgiving of Ezra lying to her. He had always told her there wasn't anyone else since Lyra entered his life though he knew all to well that wasn't the case for her. Still, her heart went out to James and Geo with this new challenge in their lives. "Wow. I actually know her-- or know of her. Link also has twins with Lilith, you know. Asher and Adelaide. How are you holding up? How's Geo?"
Permanent Professor Potter was something James was rooting for, he thought Lyra would make a good professor, she’d always been good with her kids as well as his and she’d been a good student when she hadn’t been causing trouble, a lot of that time with him right beside her. “I hope so, it would be good to have you around,” He laughed at her assertion that their kids needed extra eyes on them, he hadn’t had much trouble from Bailey nor Veronica and Millie, but Lumos and Nox were a whole other kettle of fish, add in Lyra and Ezra’s twins and Felix’s daughter Tori it was a disaster waiting to happen if they were anything like their parents. “They’re gonna be a handful aren’t they,” He laughed.

James sipped at the freshly poured coffee and felt himself coming alive. Between the normal Hogwarts shenanigan and everything he had learned from Kalif and and Geo later in the evening, he hadn’t gotten much sleep. “Small world,” He chuckled. James wondered if Link had gotten to know his kids while they were growing up, he almost didn’t want to know. “The worst part is that I didn’t know, and now I’ve missed eleven years,” There was nothing he could do about that now, he just had to do his best to be there for them now. “Geo took it a lot better than I expected, then she dropped the bomb on me that she’s pregnant so, it was quite the night for news,”
i'm not even sorry actually

Gabrielle was having a perfectly pleasant morning, as she hadn't hit the point in the semester where she got swamped with marking and became quite unbearable to deal with. Her toast had come up as the perfect level of browned and the coffee wasn't too bitter, nor too sweet. Even the paper seemed like it wasn't a whole heap of trash today, as it could quite often be. Of course, she'd never find out if the next pages of the paper would change that opinion. For sitting a couple of seats down from her was Professor Cade, who apparently decided to drop the bombshell that he'd 'inadvertently' had twins with someone (really, thought Gabrielle, they needed better reproductive health education at the school), and not only that but someone else, presumably his partner, was pregnant. And she hadn't failed to notice the absurd amount of Cades in the sorting ceremony. So, unfortunately, Gabrielle's perfectly pleasant coffee found itself being spat out of her mouth all over the surprisingly not terrible paper. "Wonderful," she muttered under her breath, cleaning up the table around her and shaking her head with a deep sigh. "The man tasked with teaching the children about protecting themselves has no idea how to use protection."
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Conan had finally dragged himself out of the rabbit hole that was preparing lesson plans for his first year of teaching. Perhaps he should be thankful that he was not much for long essays, which meant that he did not have to read and grade countless writings of teens that were just trying to reach the required length. Today, he'd finally managed to be at breakfast at a decent time and found himself seated beside one of the professors for History of Magic. He'd been listening idly to the conversation as was usual when at the Great Hall, brought back a lot of fond memories that he didn't think he still had of the castle. It was during this fine morning that two professors had apparently decided to discuss the absurd amount of related kids for the first years. Conan couldn't really comment on that considering he had four, but they all had the same set of parents, which was apparently more than could be said about the Cades. Conan managed to feign inattentiveness to the whole conversation mostly because he'd already been desensitized by his sister's ex. The one who slept with half of his brother-in-law's family. What he had not been prepared for, as he drank his coffee, were the words of the woman beside him. Now that caused the coffee that he had just drunk to come out of his nose. Which resulted in him coughing and choking on the coffee. Merlin. Conan elected to stay silent apart from that. Yep, he was not touching that with a ten-foot pole. Considering how he'd gotten his not-then wife pregnant 25 years ago. Yep, better not.
Eating in a group was nothing new for Ari, she had grown up eating in groups, though it was distinctly different in this setting as a: she was rather a little older now than she had been there, and b: the conversations over their morning rituals was... not what she was used to hearing about. As one of her other colleagues spat out her coffee, Ari realised shamefully that she had not been the only one to have been listening in to a private conversation between friends. She didn't know any of the people involved here, of course, but she never could really resist a good turn of gossip. Coughing out a bit of a laugh as she turned to look at the two Professor's in question, Ari watched for their reaction. "I heard ya used to be an Auror, eh," she pipes up, nodding in his direction. "Ya ever forget to bring your wand when you’re out there duelling, too?" She asked in a lightly teasing tone, though she meant no harm by it. She was Australian, it wasn't her fault her home country had a weirdly teasing sense of humour. "Maybe ya oughta remember to-" she started to make another comment, but remembered almost too late that they were in a hall where anyone could be listening, and she didn't want to start making innuendo type comments around a bunch of children.
The brunette laughed at James's question about the kids being a handful. "You have met them, right?" she teased him. It was obvious that Kiera and William took after their Gryffindor mother, but she hoped they would skip all of the drama that Lyra had been involved in during her latter years at school. "They will forgive you once they understand. You just need to talk to them." she said.

"Oh James! How wonderful! I'll have to write Geo." Lyra squealed. The brunette thoroughly approved of her sister-in-law. Madeline Walden hadn't always been her friend, but they had grown close as adults. It had been terrible to lose Maddie and to watch James and the children go through that. Lyra was about to ask another question when she heard another professor make a snarky comment about James. While Lyra was well aware of James's history and couldn't say the woman was entirely incorrect especially given what Lyra knew, she was fiercely loyal and protective of the people she loved. She cut her green eyes at the woman. However, the brunette did not make a snarky comment back in a very un-Lyra-like manner. She didn't know the dynamic here, so she would follow James's lead...for now.
Noel sat down at the staff table it was gonna be his third year as professor and he liked it so far. Perhaps even more than he already had imagined. He sat next to Adorah and was glad that she was back again. He overheard Gabrielle on the other side of him making an comment and it than clicked to him what she was speaking about. He had seen the list of his first year students and a lot of them had the name of a professor who was following Cyndi's footsteps. He wondered how Gryffindor would do without her. He smirked about the comment the woman made, it amused him for an moment. He didn't hated James, but he wasn't his favorite colleague for sure after their conversation. If he would be so over protective over all of children, Noel had no clue how many children he had.. But than they would have a lot of conversations still. He noticed a few new faces at the table, and was eager to meet them. But he would wisely stayed out of this and would enjoy his perfect coffee in front of him.

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