Let's Socialize These Guys!

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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Swishy Ebony Wand with Manticore Venom Core
Hi guys! I've been slacking the past couple of months when it comes to roleplaying oops, but I've for the most part I've settled into my job and my new place so I'm thinking I might finally be able to squeeze in some roleplays. Bear with me though, I typically work 12 to 15 hours at a so I might be a little slower during the week but I'll do my best to get to them as soon as I can! Feel free to message me with any questions or ideas if you have any?
Tanner Starling

Durmstrang - Sixth Year - Half-Blood​

Tanner is your typical big brother to the whole world type of guy. He's friendly, protective, but loves to joke around and tease people he's close with. He's also very much into Quidditch and certain types of muggle sports. He can be a bit of a flirt at times. He'd never do anything to hurt anyone. My plan is to have his personality do a complete 180. He goes from being the friendly big brother type to a bit of a jerk who shuts people out His personality change will have a lot to do with his parents' divorce and the way he is treated by his family. Whether or not he'll come back to the person he was, or get worse really depends on the sort of people I have him make relationships with.
For Tanner I Need: Friends – I would like him to have a couple of close friends. They could be people who support and love the old Tanner, or even friends who bring out his bad side. Whether or not his friends stick with him during his personality change is up to you. Best Friend - I'd like his best friend to be a girl. Someone who's know him all his life, and often has to keep him in line as he tends to get into trouble when he plays jokes on others. I could imagine his personality change would create some kind of tension between them, but ultimately how she deals with it is up to you. Final/Love Interests - His final could be his best friend, or someone entirely different. We can work that part out later. But I'd definitely like to find this guy his one true love. Someone he turns to for comfort, that sort of stuff. Whether or not his personality change is an issue we can work out later. As for love interests, he may or may not have any. Enemies - I'm sure he'd have people who don't like him. I definitely would like some people who he mistreats during his personality change.

Rosalina Starling

Gryffindor - Second Year - Half-Blood​
Rosalina is Tanner's youngest sister. She's currently a Gryffindor second year, and she's a bit of a spitfire. Rosalina is very blunt and lacks any sort of inner filter. When something comes to mind, she says it regardless of whether or not it rubs people the wrong way. Rosalina can come off mean because of how bluntly she puts things, plus she has a slight temper, but she's actually pretty friendly once someone looks past the temper and bluntness. She's a bit of a girly girl and loves to do things like sew and shop.
For Rosalina I Need: Just about everything I think? Friends, enemies, love interests, etc. She could really use some friends her age. I just want to use her more so if you guys have any ideas let me know!

Devereaux Starling

Durmstrang - Fourth Year - Mixed Blood​
I haven't actually made this guy yet, but maybe with some plots, it'll put my lazy butt into gear and I'll actually register him. Devereaux's parents died a few years back, so he currently lives with his Uncle and Cousins. Devereaux and Tanner are fairly close as Devereaux often views Tanner as the big brother he never had. Out of the pair Devereaux tends to be 'the bad idea friend'. Devereaux likes to joke around and pick on others. Most of the time when the pair get into trouble, it was Devereaux's idea to begin with. He's definitely a troublemaker. He loves to laugh and have fun (though his fun usually contains some type of mischief). Despite the fact that he tends to be in the Headmaster's office more than most kids, he's actually a very good student and tends to worry about his grades.
For Devereaux I Need: I am interested finding a final for him. Preferably someone who could keep him in line a little bit. He also could use some friends and enemies. Even people he could just joke around with and have some fun with.

Gracelynn Starling

Beauxbatons - Fourth Year - Half-Blood​
Gracelynn is the complete opposite of her siblings. Unlike Tanner and Rosalina, Gracelynn tends to keep a level head. She's the motherly sibling, and spends more time trying to keep the other two in check than she does anything else. Which is kind of hard when Devereaux keeps getting them into trouble. Gracelynn enjoys things such as yoga, skating, hiking, pretty much anything her siblings find completely boring. She's also the only vegetarian in the family. Gracelynn is generally pretty friendly, but her motherly side can make her occasionally seem like she's a bit bossy.
What I Need for Gracelynn: But I'd like to roleplay Gracelynn some more so I'm interested in finding her friends, enemies, flings, one time meetings. Whatever you guys can think of, just help me roleplay her some more!
Professor Theodore Snow

Potions Professor (5-7) - Former Head Boy - Part-Veela​
I really need to work on using Theodore more, so that's why he's in this PD. Theodore.....well he's Theodore. He went to Hogwarts some years ago, was sorted into Slytherin, and was even Head Boy, so he has a lot of history with the school. He even has kids of his own currently attending school at Hogwarts currently. He's pretty much the same guy as he was when he went to go. Generally lazy, grumpy, sarcastic, and really doesn't care about 90% of things. He had somewhat of a bad relationship with his own siblings that go to school here, but he tends to dislike a lot of his family....or anyone.
For Theodore I Need: Really just a chance to use him more? Maybe have him mingle with the other Professors. (Even if he hates the idea of mingling), maybe something to do with his kids or bad students? He's too much fun to keep cooped up!
Dibs on final with Devereaux. :r
I may have an interesting plot for him and who I have in mind, actually.
Hey Jessye :hug:
Xavier and Rosalina could be friends! They're both in the same year and would probably know each other by face from classes by now, but clearly not by name! Xavier's generally easy going type of kid. He has a pretty grounded personality and likes to learn things first hand. He also likes to learn other people's viewpoints and opinions in order to get to know the world around him more and because of that he is pretty neutral, and tries to be kind to everyone he meets.

I can see them being friends because Xavier would easily put up with Rosalina's bluntness, and he would admire that she has no filter because it means she's honest! The funny thing that would definitely affect their friendship is that Rosalina is a girly girl who likes to shop, etc. Xavier's a very outdoorsy kid, who loves bugs and also loves to play in mud so I think that contrast between them could be really interesting!

Let me know what you think!
Jessy! :hug: I have a few characters for Gracelynn and Theodore!

For Gracelynn: Carson Ives. He is my 17 year old Sixth year Beauxbatons student. He was not held back, but his birthday is the reason is his older than everyone in his class. Carson comes from a big family of all adopted children, and he is the youngest of them all. His parents recently got divorced, and it is effecting him a lot because his father has turned down this dark road. He does not know how to deal with it all. I was thinking that she could use her motherly charms on him? And Carson is a habitual liar. I think this could make it fun.

Professor Snow: I feel like I am breaking the law by referring to him as Theodore. xD Anyways, I have Dominik for a kid he could catch getting into trouble. Dominik has recently become very paranoid about being abandoned by his adoptive family, despite this family have no ideas of doing such a thing. This can make him violent and/ or lack good judgement. Maybe Professor Snow can catch him destroying/vandalising school property? I also just want to play with Dominik too. lol. I think it would be a pleasant experience for them both though. :r *insert shameless plug for my special plotz with dominik post*.

I also have Ashlei Kim. Professor Snow could probably find her skating in the halls and almost run him over or something? Ashlei is a fifth year Ravenclaw. She is very relaxed, and she is not happy about it being OWL year. So, she tries to avoid studying by getting into trouble and starting beef with random people. She is basically a little terror, and Professor Snow should bully her back or something of that nature.

That's it! I have ideas for other characters, but we can start with these, and if you want something else, I can go through my list. :)
So, I have Professor Misha Haden, whom I can offer up as someone that Theodore can hate. Professor Styx already hates him, with a passion, so I feel like Professor Snow would also really hate him, which could be quite for us to do if you were interested in like OSW-style topic between them? Just something short.

As for the others, I have Dove and Eilidh both of whom are at Beauxbatons and who could be friends with Gracelynn. Dove's a fifth year, Eilidh's a third year. Dove is very prim and proper, she's all about her appearance, while also not really desiring to stand out. She is a little bit of a perfectionist and gets shy and hyper critical of herself if she hasn't achieved her perceived perfection. She's kinda desperate to be included, and struggles to really find her place, even at a school she's been at five years, Dove is friendly and always tries her best to get on with people, she does also really enjoy yoga. Eilidh on the other hand is a self-centered person who doesn't entirely enjoy when people steal her limelight, she's relatively nice, but will frequently make things about herself.
I think Dove might work as a friend, and Eilidh might clash with her a little.

But let me know if any of this suits and if you want to do any of it!
Kaitlyn: Well you certainly didn't waste time. xD Who and what plot are we speaking of?

Annaleise: Omg Xavier is a total cutie pie too! I think them being friends could work, especially if he's easy-going. Anyone who could put up with her bluntness is the ideal type of person I'd like to have her be around. The outdoorsy thing is a funny contrast as Rosalina is not good with mud…or bugs. So it'd be interesting to have them meet up!
I could start something if you'd like me to?

Lovi: I could see Gracelynn trying to take care of him, she wouldn't be able to resist! I feel like they would especially bond as Gracelynn's older brother will have a similar issue as Carson's dad. So they'd be in the same boat as one another.
Most people call him Teddy, so it's definitely not breaking the law. xD I think we could make that work, I need to use Teddy more and his interactions with students are often pretty funny.
Same thing as with Ashlei, he's kind of a butthead so I could see it happening. He'd probably make a note to mention that she needs to pay more attention to school work too.

If you want to start these, or have me start some, whatever works best, just let me know!

Emzies: Haha definite yes to that! Theodore and Misha are similar in age which makes it all the more fun. Misha seems like he's a thousand more times nicer than Teddy too which always irks him. I could agree to that, shorter topics are super easy and I love them for that!
Would you like to start it or would you like me to?

I could definitely see both of them being her friends. It'd be like a little group where you have the sweet one, the neutral one, and then the bad one. I think Gracelynn would be a little closer with Dove just because of her sweetness and how proper she is. But Gracelynn would probably spend most of her time trying to get Eilidh to chill out. Gracelynn doesn't mind people who tend make things about themselves as she's motherly and tries to take care of everyone regardless. I'm not sure if you'd have Gracelynn meet them separately or together, it's up to you!

Nope. xD Well, he put me in mind of how Theodore used to be back in the day. Except he seems to be a better student in academics. I think that he'd be a good match for Astarte. I can see them butting heads tremendously. Maybe even physical fights. But maybe he could be a good influence for her. Maybe even transfer to Durmstrang just to give him more hell.

I didn't help but notice that Tanner is in the same year as Asparuh. They could definitely work out since Asparuh can maybe influence him to do the 180.
They are somewhat similar, other than the grades, and Devereaux is a wee bit friendlier. While Teddy is a total grump. She sounds like the type to keep him in line.

As long as Asparuh wouldn't mind him being half-blood, I could see it working!
Do you want me to start them? I can see Astarte being near the area of Durmstrang from time to time.
Hii! :hug:

Theodore and Monty though :teehee: CAN WE?! As potions professors I'm sure they'd talk occasionally, even if they are basically polar opposites xD I'm all up for adding bad students or something into the mix :lol:
I can start the topic for Misha and Theordore, we could do it at the staff table, if that suits?

As for the Beauxbatons girl, they could meet through like a Beauxbatons equivalent of Heta Omega? So they'd all know each other through that? We could do a topic based post that? I agree that Gracelynn and Dove would be better friends than Eilidh and Gracelynn. Would you like to start this, I could start it with Dove and we could get it started between Dove and Gracelynn and then Eilidh can come in a little later?
Kaitlyn: For Devereaux x Astarte or Asparuh x Tanner? I can start either, just let me know which one.

Clare: Of course! I bet they do talk occasionally, I think it'd be funny if they both had to punish a student, cause I would imagine it would be like a good cop/bad cop routine!

Emzies: That works perfectly! Then Theodore is forced to set near Misha whether he likes it or not. xD

That seems like it could work! Totally something Gracelynn would join!
That would be perfect! Just let me know when it's posted so I can make sure to track it! ^_^

Professor Kalif Styx said:
Dibs on final with Devereaux. :r

Rosalina + Daisy: Okay, Daisy is a Second Year lion as well, I have no idea how these two will interact because it can be totally dependent on what the both are doing to how the react with each other haha, but I think it would be awesome to RP them and see whether they get along or want to kill each other!

Also can probably throw in a student for Monty/Theodore's good cop/bad cop that sounds fun :r ^_^
Carson+Gracelynn: Yay! I'm super excited. Do you want to start this one?

I can start the topics for Dominik and Ashlei.
Monty x Theo - yess they could be patrolling maybe haha. Although Monty would possibly outwardly agree with Theodore in his punishment choice if only to show professor unity. I guess it's situation dependant :lol: but we could totally RP it anyway. Yass to Donna too :teehee:
Only just realized you had replied to me in this thread haha xD
I'm totally game for you to start the thread with Rosalina and Xavier! I can place him pretty much be anywhere in the castle/the grounds so you can post it anywhere and I'll be able to find some reason to have him pop in!
I might have Adelaide here for Tanner. I've made her a little while back but haven't done anything with her yewhich leaves me to still be developing her a bit and changing things. She's a very big-hearted person who's always willing to help others, which includes getting them out of trouble or preventing people from getting into trouble in the first place. She can be very fun to be around, but she also knows when it's time to be serious. She's a bit of a closed off person when it comes to her own emotions and problems, but she'll probably get a bit more open about that after a while. Let me know what you think :)
For Professor Snow, http://hogwarts.nz/topic/11676796/1/
I hope it suits, if you need me to make any changes just let me know and I can probably get to the other topic tomorrow
Hey bestie, I also have two Beauxbatons girls, and two boys that can be friends with Gracelynn.
I got the Snow twins (you know of them) and then the Raison sisters. This one is HG, a bit of a perfectionist and very manipulative. Her little sister is a sixth year I think, a prefect and very lawful. She aspires to be an Auror.
So, there's those options if you like!
Sorry about the wait you guys. Major car issues made it very hard to make time to be on the computer as I spent a majority of the weekend dealing with that.

Annaleise: Awesome! Give me a day or two and I'll post it on here once I've started it!
Claire: Oooh that's a good idea! Really? That might be a good thing, he can be a butthead and he needs more people out there who understand him and his methods. If Donna would like to donate a student that could work!

Would you like to start it or should I?
Donna: Yassss, donate a student for Teddy to punish! You and Kaitlyn could always battle to the death for him?

As for Daisy and Rosalina, we could rp them and see how it goes? It'd be cute for Rosalina to dislike someone as I could see her reactions being funny. But for all we know they could be best friends. Would you like to start this or shall I?

Kaitlyn: Awesome! Just let me know when it is started!

It took me like 10mins to figure out you made new characters. xD Warn me next time! I think that could work, they seem like they'd get along!

Adelaide: I think Adelaide and Tanner could be interesting! If you'd like we can rp them and see how it goes and how you feel about them?

Emzies: Nope works for me! Thank you for posting both of them, I should have both replied to within the next couple of days!

Sounds good! Would you like to start something or should I give it a shot? Also do you want them to meet or like act as if they already know each other?
If you'd like to start it that would be awesome, not to mention faster. xD I figure they'd be at least familiar with one another, but aren't super close. If that makes any sense.
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