Let's Socialize These Guys!

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Theo/Monty/Donnascharrie - yess yay awesome! Maybe they will be friends after all?! :frantics: xD I will start it and post here ^_^
Rosalina Starling said:
Donna: Yassss, donate a student for Teddy to punish! You and Kaitlyn could always battle to the death for him?

As for Daisy and Rosalina, we could rp them and see how it goes? It'd be cute for Rosalina to dislike someone as I could see her reactions being funny. But for all we know they could be best friends. Would you like to start this or shall I?
Yaasssss Finn Urie is always up to pranks so he could have easily "accidentally" pranked the potions professors, and/or Zenia Katsomething I've discovered is quite fiesty so could sass him back or generally just get into a fight with someone haha!

And DaisyxRosalina if you could I would love you forever :r :wub:
Oh haha I should have come back and read this before I posted because I made it at night buuut~


(If what I said is at all inaccurate just yell and I'll change it)
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