Lesson Notifications

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Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
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I know there's already a notification system for when lessons get posted, but I was just wondering if perhaps there could be a way to have the notification system be a bit more organised? For example, when lessons get posted a user can be notified of it and the link to it can appear in a table for each lesson. That way, when doing lessons you can easily refer to this table to make sure you get done the ones that you want to.

I always try to complete all of the lessons for all of my characters because I'd like them to do well in school and it's a bit disappointing getting an E in a subject simply because I have missed notifications for a couple of the lessons in amongst all of the other ones. It can also get a bit annoying having to click back and forth looking through all of the classrooms to see if one of the lessons have been posted.

Alternatively, a notification system in which separates the lesson notifications from the system messages and the other stuff could be ideal. I can't speak for everyone but I would prefer to be more organised with everything and sometimes I get frustrated when there's notifications everywhere xD

Hi Kaye,

Thanks for the suggestion. Nick will look into possibly making some changes to the notification system after sorting ends because we're getting into our busy time right now. When/If a change is implemented, you'll definitely hear from us, either here or in the BWU or, more likely, both. :p
You can now filter different kinds of notifications on the notification page.
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Hi Kaye,

Thanks for the suggestion. Nick will look into possibly making some changes to the notification system after sorting ends because we're getting into our busy time right now. When/If a change is implemented, you'll definitely hear from us, either here or in the BWU or, more likely, both. :p

Nicolas King said:
You can now filter different kinds of notifications on the notification page.

Ever the overachiever, Nick! :p

This is a great addition to the system though!
This is so nice! I did laugh when I clicked 'All Others' and

Amber Chou Wilson said:
This is so nice! I did laugh when I clicked 'All Others' and

Also included there would be if you've been added or removed from a quidditch team, and any other general notifications which might be sent for other reasons. Seasonal forums are just the most frequent.
Here's a sample of what I see through sorting that way:
Not all sorting types are equally useful to all accounts. For example, if I sort by lessons and grades, I see nothing. XD
Professor Justin Cliffeton said:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Hi Kaye,

Thanks for the suggestion. Nick will look into possibly making some changes to the notification system after sorting ends because we're getting into our busy time right now. When/If a change is implemented, you'll definitely hear from us, either here or in the BWU or, more likely, both. :p

Nicolas King said:
You can now filter different kinds of notifications on the notification page.

Ever the overachiever, Nick! :p
I told you guys, I cancelled sorting. So from my point of view, it's over. ;)
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