Last Movie You Saw

This is the end.
I went to see, Under The Skin. Which is the new indie film starring Scarlett Johansson. Now, I knew nothing about this film going in, but as it turns out, it's set in Scotland and mostly filmed in Glasgow.
It was really odd seeing Glasgow on film. And not like a tiny two minute bit from World War Z. One of the opening shots is filmed right by where my friend lives, and also where I spent new years. It was incredibly odd seeing it on film, and I honestly half expected to see someone I knew in the background.

I didn't really enjoy the film. I just couldn't get into it. I'd suggest folks go see it, to see Glasgow, and a few nice shots of the highlands. And because Scarlett Johansson is in it.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Andrew Garfield is such a great Peter Parker. :wub:
Divergent :party:
I'm going to read the book also, it was that goooood :wub:
Like Cyndi, The Amazing Spider-man 2.
In the movies: Godzilla
At home: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
In the movies, with JESSE! X-Men: Days of Future Past.
At Home: The Emporer's New Groove
Exploding Sun
Possibly the worst movie I've seen in a very long time. xD
In the cinema: The Other Woman
At home: Sunshine on Leith (have not stopped listening to the songs - such a good movie)
In the cinema : The Maze Runner

I haven't read the book so I have little expectation on the movie. It was great! I liked it :r So now, I'm reading the book. Watched it last Friday, now I'm done with the second book :r on to the third one xD
'The Lord of The Rings'
The extended edition.
Enjoyed it ^_^
Mockingjay Part One

At home it was... Oh! The Lion King :wub:
At the cinema: Interstellar

At home: Paul
Annie!! :frantics:
Divergent. I really like it now. It's on my fave list. xD
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 (That was back in December)

I mainly watch tv shows and not movies. Haha.

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