Keeping in shape

Kiera rolled her eyes as she pushed back the hair Alex had plopped in her face. His words did not convince her. How could she help not thinking about it. "It was a nasty fall." she mumbled. At the time, Kiera hadn't thought it was that bad but after she saw the video image on the news, her opinion changed. Plus, it was embarrassing to fall on national television.
Alex sighed.
'It doesn't matter. At least you're brave enough to go back out there and show the world that nothing scares you off competing,' he replied, his words true. She was brave enough, after everyone seeing her fall on tv, or even just falling from a move, she was taking the step to go back and try and win. But if she was too stubborn to take his advice and not try and think about it, tough luck to her.
Kiera gritted her teeth. She knew he was right. She was brave. She could prove to all her critics that she could and would do it again. She wanted to go to the Olympics someday. She nodded her head at him. "You're right. I can do. I will try really hard not to think about it." Kiera said confidently. She looked back at Alex. "I am scared though. I am scared to death. I really don't want you to see me get hurt." she said. It was something that terrified her family.
Alex smiled as she agreed with him. 'Great,' he said kissing her forehead. He gave her a look though as she said she was scared. 'Well, if you do happen to go into the 0.01% of that actually happening, I could always cast a disillusionist charm on you if you want,' he replied, joking about it, though he had no objections to doing it if she wanted him to do it. 'Or I could always just cast the blindnees charm on the judges for you so you can get back up,' he added for her, before giving her another kiss.
Kiera smiled as Alex kissed her forehead. He was very comforting. She liked that he had so much faith in her. Kiera laughed at his plan. "If I fall you can cast the disillusionment charm on me. Or blind the judges...Better yet do we know how to turn off all the lights?" she asked, thinking. She didn't tell Alex that if she had a fall, it wasn't like she could get back up. If she fell, it would seriously injure her.
Alex nodded. 'Well, I do anyway. I don't know if you know the charm yet.' he replied laughing. 'But it wouldn't work the same because people can still see in the dark,' he added showing her why he hadn't suggested that reason yet. He knew they were only joking about this though. It was just a way to get Kiera's mind off the seriousness of it all, hopefully.
Kiera laughed as he teased her. She hoped that it wouldn't come to this but she liked to have a back up plan. "Well people cant see in the immediate darkness so then you can disillusion me and levitate me off the floor!" she said, thinking it was the best plan so far. Kiera let it slip that levitation would be required. No way could she be walking off the floor after a fall. Kiera grinned at her boyfriend. "You are brilliant." she told him, slightly dazzled.
Ginny was walking along the grounds. She really didn't nkow what she was doing but she saw a cat and it seemed to be looking out to the lake. Sitting beside it, she looked out as well and saw Alex and Kiera hvaing a very early morning swim. Of course Ginny wasn't going out for a swim. Just for a walk. Her clothes were still wet from having accidently slipped in last time. She stroked the cat slightly before waving at Alex and Kiera.

(Just to spoil the fun :p )

Actually on seconds thoughts, that's a bit mean. Just ignore the post. ^_^ Unless of course... you want an interuption. :erm:

Alex laughed as Kiera came up with a much better idea than him. Wow, she's becoming more like me every time I see her. He gave her smile.
'Am I now?? I think the gryffindors do a better job at being brilliant than me,' he joked with her, before kissing her once more.
Kiera laughed with Alex. Then he kissed her again. She was beginning to think she should make kissing Alex her new hobby. It was definitely fun. She smiled as they broke apart. Kiera nodded her head at his question. "Very brilliant." she confirmed. Kiera laughed as he said Gryffindors were doing a better job at being brilliant. "I think the Ravenclaws have us all beat there." she teased. Kiera knew that despite what house you were in, everyone had their own brilliance in someway.
Alex smiled. He laughed as she said Ravenclaw had beaten them there. He gave her a thinking look before smiling.
'Obviously. how could I have forgotten that? Doh,' he joked back to her, a smirk on his face. He started swimming closer to the far away shore. They'd have to go soon. He himself was finding his feet now turning slightly numb from the coldness of the water.
Kiera laughed. "How could you be so daft?" she teased him. Kiera frowned as she caught a glimpse of her hands. She was sure that her hands were permanently wrinkles. She knew it was time to go inside but she didn't want to. It was just so nice being out her with Alex. Kiera sighed as he began to swim towards the shoreline. She was reluctant to get out of the cold water. It was numbing the pain of her sore muscles. Kiera caught up with Alex. "Time to go back to reality?" she joked with him.
Alex smiled at her. 'Why?? Reality so bad for a prefect??' he joked with her, sticking his tongue out. 'No, I just thought you might be getting cold. Not necessarily head back up to the school. You know, fires beside the lake are always nice,' he offered her. He was a pro at making fires, magically and non-magically. And if there was a sight of a professor they could always snub it out almost immediately.
Kiera smiled as Alex teased her. She was quite used to it by now. She had always enjoyed it, it was all in good fun. "Reality is not always fun. Its much better to be with you." she told him, meaning every word. Reality was complicated. Kiera was slightly touched as he said that was thinking she would be cold. Kiera grinned. "A fire sounds fun." she said thinking about it for a moment. She liked the idea. "I'll race you to the shore." she told him, giving him a wink before taking off for the shoreline.
He laughed as she said he was better than reality. 'Hate to burst your bubble but I am reality, fair maiden,' he replied, trying to do a jester's bow but ending up just somersaulting round. Smirking his head off, he watched her take off. 'Keep on swimming, dreamer,' he competitively called before swimming after her. he was catching up all too fast.
Kiera laughed as he said he was reality. If that was true then her reality just got ten times better. She heard him yell out to her but she just laughed. Kiera kept swimming but it was hard. Her muscles were sore from her workout this morning. She reached the shore and collapsed. She didn't know who won. "I feel out of shape." she told Alex as she laid on the ground.
Alex smiled as he kept his swim to her speed. He didn't want to overtake her, even though it was actually a race. He stood up and walked to Kiera who was on the floor. 'Who ever said that is an idiot,' he told her, before laughing. 'C'mon buster,' he added, holding his hands out to her. 'By the way, you won,' he added, lying on that bit but he didn't want to dishearten her anymore.
Kiera looked up at Alex who was standing over her. She grinned at him and rolled her eyes at his first words. "But I feel like it." she said, laughing. Kiera placed her hands in Alex's as she stood up. She let go of one of his hands but twined her fingers through his on his other hand. Kiera laughed as he told her she won. "Only because you let me." she teased. Her mood had improved as she forgot about her competition. All her focus was just on being with Alex.
Alex smiled as she entwined her fingers with him. 'I did no such thing. I'm just a lazy person, that's all,' he replied, glad he had swum. It had numbed his ankle so much he didn't feel the pain as much. 'This morning is just full of nonsense you know. First, it was the numpty who thought Gryffindors were brilliant and then, it was the idiot who said they were out of shape and now it's the winner who thinks that they only won because the person they were racing against let them.' he told her, in a matter-of-fact way. He swung their hands as he walked over to where they originally started from. Not too far, and not too near to the lake shore.
Kiera laughed as Alex talked about the nonsense of the morning. She shook her head, still grinning. "I return to my original statement. You took in too much water. Its making you loopy." she teased him. Kiera knew he had let her win but appreciated the gesture of pretending he didn't. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was quite wonderful to Kiera. Kiera slowly sank to the ground at the place they had been sitting before the swim. Kiera grinned at her boyfriend. "So how are you going to make this fire?" she inquired curiously.
Alex gasped playfully. 'Did not. I am so not loopy. Even Bob says I'm not. And I'm sure his Fred agrees,' he told her before letting their hands go so she could sit down. 'Me make the fire? I thought you were going to do that,' he joked with her before shaking his head. Taking his wand out, he thought of a pretty tiger lily he had seen before in a book and quickly built a 4-D picture of it in his mind. 'Orchideous,' he said, producing a flower. He handed it to her before holding one finger up meaning one minute. He sprinted off into the trees, scrambling up twigs out of the sight of her.
Kiera laughed as Alex talked about Bob and then Fred. She shook her head. "Definitely loopy." she reaffirmed, smiling fondly at him. Kiera knew he was joking when he said he thought she was going to build the fire. The fire had been his idea. Instead she just stuck her tongue out at him playfully. Kiera gasped as Alex created the most beautiful flower with his wand. She blushed as he handed it to her. Kiera took it carefully, looking at it with awe. It was so perfect. She looked up for Alex to speak and saw he was gone. Kiera waited patiently, with her flower. She admired it as she waited.
Alex sprinted back to her, his arms now filled with different bits of twigs and branches imaginable. Reaching her, he dumped the twigs before resting on his knees, pretending to be out of breath from the running. In actual fact, his ankle was killing him at this very moment. He knew it was twisted and he'd have to go to wing later about it but right now, he'd put a brave face on. 'That's how I will do it,' he replied, wiping his dusty hands before sitting next to her.
'Incendio,' he pointed at the twigs, making it seem so effortless to someone who had never casted that spell before. 'You ok?' he asked smiling.
Kiera grinned as Alex came back to her with his arms loaded down with twigs. She probably should have offered her help. Kiera smiled approvingly as Alex casted the charm perfectly. She held her hands up to the fire, letting them be warmed by the heat. Kiera nodded her head as he asked her if she was alright. "Yes, just a bit sore. I think I might have overdone it this morning." she told him with a smile. Kiera looked at his ankle suspiciously. It had been bothering him. "How's your ankle? I can try and heal it if you want...I know a few minor healing spells." she said thoughtfully.
Alex tutted. 'My ankle's fine, I don't care bout it. Maybe you shouldn't of tried so hard on trying to beat me then when I was miles away from you,' he added, smirking his usual smirk. He laughed, feeling the flames lick over the thin twigs quick. He always thought they were the best fire starters. He sighed. The heat was actually quite nice as well.
'I am so looking forward to the holidays. Driving cars finally,' he added, trying to start some conversation. He had been saving up for a car of his own. nothing fancy of course, just doable. But still, it was pretty exciting to him.

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