Keeping in shape

Kiera's heart melted at Alex's smile. It was a nice smile. Kiera frowned as Alex moved away from her, pointing at her head. She felt on top of her head as she looked up above her. She didn't find anything. She looked back for Alex, at the same time she felt something grab her ankles. She opened her mouth to scream as she was dragged under. She opened her eyes and saw it was just Alex. Kiera smirked as he mouthed the words, pay back. Kiera narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend. You are dead. she mouthed back.
Alex smiled as Kiera narrowed her brown eyes at him. It was all in good part obviously. it normally always was. His smile grew crooked towards his right side as she relayed the threat back to him.
Alex pretended to look scared before some bubbles escape from his mouth as he laughed slightly. He started to swim away from her, glad he had a big lung capacity from all his running training.
Kiera smiled back at Alex. She liked the grin he just gave her. It was her favorite one. Kiera laughed as Alex laughed. She saw him begin to swim away from her. She darted back up to the surface and took in a big lung full of air. Then she slipped back below the surface as she swam quickly towards Alex, trying to catch up since he had the lead.
Alex kept swimming before his lungs were burning with protest. He let himself swim towards the surface for some air. He swung his arms round like they did in the butterfly stroke and took a breath before diving back into the water. He turned round and waved to Kiera who was trying to catch him up. He had to admit she was doing quite a good job if he said so himself.
Kiera smiled and crinkled her nose at Alex as he waved to her. She began to swim harder. He wasn't so much farther ahead now. Kiera was a small girl but years of training had made her strong. Kiera caught up to Alex, slowly but surely. She tickled his foot as she reached it before having to resurface for air.
Alex smiled before feeling Kiera tickling his feet. Moving them away, he surfaced up, just in front of Kiera. 'You win this time,' he told her pouting slightly before the smile returned. He was rarely annoyed when he was with Kiera. 'Maybe, next year, you'll beat Micheal Phelps,' he joked with her, knowing she would know who he was. He was one of the most famous swimmers in the world after all.
Kiera grinned as Alex came back up right in front of her. She liked his pout, even if it was pretend. Kiera laughed as he teased her. "Maybe I will." she said shrugging her shoulders. "I don't think I'm quite fast enough. Gotta keep training." she joked.
'You and you're training. Jeesh,' Alex pretened to be fed up with her training issues and started swimming away before diving underneath again. A smirk appeared on his features again before he started treading the water underneath it, so he could see where Kiera was.
Kiera laughed. She knew Alex was just kidding. She could almost always tell when he was joking. Kiera laughed again as he dove underwater. She decided to wait on him to come back up. She flipped over on her back and stretched out, floating. Kiera grinned as she tried to prove she could just wait.
Alex noticed Kiera started to lay up so he came up for a breath. Grabbing a lungful of air, he dove back under and decided some nice seaweed would do nice. Going right down, he caught a glimpse of silver and frowned before lifting some seaweed off that was floating.

Swimming to Kiera, he surfaced silently and decided to not breathe just yet. He placed the seaweed on her face before breathing again. Swimming meters away from her again, he smiled, glad he had surfaced behind her head. This gave him the advantage of her not seeing him surface again.
Kiera squeeled as Alex dropped something on her face. It caught her off guard at first. She believed it to be a snake. Kiera was deathly afraid of snakes. They had scared her for as long as she could remember. Kiera's heart slowed down as she realized it was only seaweed. Kiera dropped it back in the water. She was now treading water and looking for Alex. Her face was very displeased. Kiera couldn't see where he disappeared to.
Alex sunk into the water as Kiera moved her body. Swimming underneath her, he surfaced back up behind her and let his arms wrap round her waist. 'Did you like my visitor?' he joked with her, before a smirk appeared on his features.
Kiera jumped a little as Alex wrapped his arms around her. She hadn't been expecting him behind her. She giggled as she twisted around to face him. She gave him a disapproving look, kidding. "Not nice." she told him sternly. "You scared me to death." she said shaking her head.
'So. You scare me to death all the time the minute you go over 100m high with that broom of yours,'Alex replied to her smiling. It was true though. He didn't like it when he saw his girlfriend away up that high in nothing more than a stick, no matter how reliable it was. It was a vicious sport. Ginny was also a quidditch player but he knew her more and how many injuries through a quiditch game that she could take before having to sub out.
'You know. Maybe I might meet you on the field one day.' He added giving her a kiss on the nose.He knew they were running short of players in the team so he had offered Rhyspa to take alternative position for her if she wanted and she had accepted.
Kiera grinned. "If I scare you in games then you definitely don't want to see me at a Gryffindor practice..or practicing on my own for that matter." Kiera told him. It was true that Kiera tended to take unnecessary risks. She liked to combine her gymnastics moves with her flying. That's why she was typically referred to as acrobatic. Alex didn't need to know that though. Kiera's eyes were surprised as he said he might join her on the field one day. "I didn't think that you liked flying." she told him amused. She would love to play against him. "I would love to meet you on the field." she teased him with a bit of edge. "You are so going down." she said as she kissed him on the cheek.
Alex immitated a bomb dropping. 'Just tell me the date and time and I'm studying,' he told her smiling. He laughed as Kiera stated the obvious. 'No. I hate it too bits but I cans till fly when it's necessary. And anyway, I'm only in on subs because Hufflepuff team is low on players. Anything for the team after all,' he replied smiling. It was true. He liked watching quidditch, though not as much as races but still, he preferred it much more when his girlfriend wasn't on the playing team. 'And yeah, I probably would be going down.' he replied, smiling to.
Kiera laughed. "You got it." she said. Alex would probably freak out if he saw her playing around on her broom like she liked to do. "You know, I've gotten hurt more from gymnastics than from Quidditch. I tore my ACL competing last summer." she said, not sure if he knew that or not. Kiera grinned. "I would like to see you in a game. Maybe you will get to play against me next year." she said with a smirk.
Alex laughed. 'Yeah, I know. You told me about that. Still, you can get hurt far more in Quidditch if you're not extremely careful. ' he told her before smiling. 'Eh, I really wouldn't want to play with you in a game. I'd be crushed in a second if it was against you.' he joked with her before giving her a splash.
Kiera blushed slightly as he reminded her that she had already told him about her ACL. She was often forgetting what she had and hadn't told a person. Kiera knew that Qudditch was dangerous and his request to take things carefully was reasonable but... "If you want me to be careful I probably should stop trying to combine gymnastics and a broom. It's a little risky but its so much fun." she said grinning widely. She really did love flying. "My coach has always said I like falling too much." she teased, though her coach really did tell her that. Kiera tended to try complex moves before she could nail them perfectly. That's always how her injuries came about but with no risk, she wouldn't have been so good.
Alex laughed at the comment about Kiera's coach. 'Say, you're coach seems to have quite a smart mind. I'm gonna have to make it my business to go and meet your coach,' he replied to her comment, smiling at her. She could only be known as a risk taker when it came to flying.
Kiera laughed as Alex complemented her coach. He was pretty bright. "You can meet him this summer if you like. Just don't let him know about magic. He might die from a heart attack if you told him I do anything that might hurt me. He is the only one allowed to torture me." she said rolling her eyes. Then her eyes flashed wickedly. "Better yet wait til you see him pitch a temper tantrum at me. Its so funny." she said laughing. Kiera often pushed her coach to his limits.
Alex laughed as Kiera said she made her coach throw temper tantrums. 'Kiera. You rebel,' Alex gasped, putting his hand son his cheeks, pretending to be uber shocked. 'How could you be so horrible?' he asked her, before laughing again. ''I guess I'll just have to wait for that. You know just sit in the spectators podium with camouflage over me so I can watch it,' he joked with her smiling.
Kiera grinned as Alex called her a rebel. She didn't think that, she just liked to take risks and that tended to make people nervous. "Its not rebelling. Its just having fun." she teased him. Kiera laughed at his joke. She had been a horrible kid but at the same time a sweet one. "I think if you were camouflage in the gym you will stick out." she told him with a playful splash. In truth, Alex probably wouldn't like it if she caused her coach a tantrum because that would mean she was doing something dangerous. It would probably make Alex nervous.
Alex laughed as Kiera said he would stick out with camouflage. 'You have no idea what the word means Kiera. Camouflage changes depending on what the place is like, silly,' he told her sending the splash back to her and wiping his eyes. He turned and started swimming to the other side of her, not wanting to be in the same spot for too long.
Kiera laughed as Alex splashed her. "Well back where I come from, camo usually refers to the kind of clothing that looks like the woods. All the guys wear it to go hunting in." she said with a shutter. Kiera had never been a fan of killing poor innocent creatures. Unless they were snakes or spiders. You could kill all of those, as long as she didn't see it, for all Kiera cared.

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